245639 Oeisinsl to City Clerk � . � ORDINANCE 2�563g COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO / a An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Sai.nt Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. Tha.t Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby furth.er amended by striking out of Section 6, where it appears in Grade 38 under the heading "Professional Group", the title t'Bacteriologist". Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amendec�by striking out of Section 6, where it appears L_. in Grade 41 under the heading "Professional Group", the title "Bacteriologist- Chemist II", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Bacteriologist- Chemist ITS". Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 38 lznder the heading "Professional Group", the title "Bacteriologist-Chemist II". Section 4. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: ivil Service ommissioner OCT 3I�69 Yeas Cauncilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� `�.� Carlson ` Dalglish �U n Favor ��'"� Meredith b T P�e�-- Sprafka Against Tedesco OCT 3 1969 Mr. President (B ) Ap ved: Att s e C' ler � ayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By - Pusus�t�� OCT 11 1969 �/z'G 5 DnylScate to Printer ORDINANCE �45�39 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ` "'�'G,I An ordina�ee azraendin.g f��dinance Na. �250, entitled: "An adm9.nistrative n�di���nc� relatin� tcs the Civi1 Service �ur��u of th� �ity of Saint Pa�.l, appro�in� �nd adnptisxg rule� a�nd regulatians therefor," approved August 2tf, 19��, �s a��ended. THE C�LTNGIL C)�' `T][�:� C�'"�Y f,�F S.H�IN'T �AU:L ]C�OES ��2�.r�: Section �.. T1ia.t C?rdinance IOTe�. 3250, approved A�ugu�t �Q, 19�.'�, as amend�d, be a�d the sars�e is h�x�by f�u.rt�.�r aanenc�ed by stri:ki�.g aut �f Sectir,n G, wi�.�rs it ap�ears in G�ad�: 3� v,azder the �ieariing "Prc�fe�sional Gxoupn, the titl� "Facteriola�i�t''. Se�ti�r� �. '�Chat said �rdinax�ce, �.s �mend�d, be anc� the san�e is hereby �urther axnend�d by strikirt� out �� aection 6, �,vheYe it a�pear� in Grade 41 unc�er the headang "I3rofea�io�a1 �`rx�up"� the ti�tl.e "Bacterio�.ogist- C�.�rri.st 72", an� by substituting in lfeu thereof th� title "Sacteriolog;i�t- Ghem�st IYI". S�ctian 3. "I'hat saisi o:�di.n�.�.ce, as a.mended, lae and the same is h�r�b�t furthe� ar�aended b�r in�ertir�� %rz Section b, :n �ratie 3�3 �ander tlie heading rrPrafess3onal f�rottpr', the title "aBactexiologist-�herz3.ist II". Sectio�. �:. This c�rdi��.nce sha11 tarice effect and be in faree on the firat day of the fir�tt payrall pexiad following thirty days aft�r its pa�sage� app�o�ral� ass�. pul�licatic��z. A�apr�aved: �Civi2�ervice �orrs�-rz$�ioner � �cT � lss� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Meredith - -, ,-�+p.�°n U Against Sprafka Tedesco <<,� Mr. President (Bvrne) ._______�. fl'"�-�� � ����� Sep�. 18s 1969 Mr. John Haider, Director of Personnel, City Civil Service Buresu. �.--� ---. De�,r Sir: �� The City Council today gave F r t Re Ag to the followin� ordinances: < C, F. 245639 - Amending Orc� o. by striking f`rom Sec. 6, in Grade 3$, un ' of. Groug", the title "Ba.cteriologis ", o st ng from Sec. 6, in Grade �l, Pr Grou ' , the title "Ba.cterio- logist-Che t TI", an by su ituting in lieu thereoP " teriologist hemist ZII"; Also by i�sert- ing in Sec 6, in Grade 8, under "Prof. Group", the title "Bac iologist- mist gI" � C. F - Ame d. 7607 - by strik�.ng out the j itle and specifications for "Bacteriolo�ist"; Also by striki ut the title and min3.mum qua.lificatians fc�r "Bac�e i logist-Chemist II" and by sub�tituting in u th�reof e title "Ba.cteriologiet-Chemist III", the owing minimc�m q�e,lifications: "College � n in natural science a�d thre� years' ex- peri�nce as a Bacteriologist-Chemist II or equivalent. (1Vo eubstitution for education.)"; Also by inserting in proper alphabetical order the title and specifi- cationa far "Bacteriologist-Chemist II". Third Reading on these ordin,ancea will be September 26th. Very truly yours, City Clerk hp � � WILLIAM E. CAftL30N CITY OF SAINT PAUL B. J. MEARS, M. D. Commiasioner �pl� °f ���0� Health Officer $OGSB M.CONWAY //• �,�m�.io� �e a�t�ceHt a r�blcc a et � � �uzEau o f d�EaL�h Health Cettter-555 Cedar Street St. Paul. Minneeota 55101 Septe�er 11, 1969 William E. Carlson Commissioner of Public Safety Department of Public Safety 101 East lOth Street Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota 55101 Dear Comanissioner Carlson: Enclosed are copies of two ordinances relating to Bacteriologist- Chemist II and Bacteriologist-Chemist III. We proposed these changes to the Civil Service Bureau to correct what we felt was a very unsatisfactory condition regarding possib ilities for advancement of a Bacteriologist-Chemist I. We are requesting that you introduce these ordinances. Sincerely, E. R. Eberhardt Deputy Health Officer ERE:bb Enclosures O � � S�tem�er �, `1�}b� � �, LL ������ �. , � � �Thie ordiaance stri�ces out the titl� of Bacteriologist where it �ppear� ia Grad� 38 under the heading ��professiana� Group'�. �t also strikes, out the �itle of Bacteriologist-Chemis�'II whc�r� �tt ap�eare ia ' Grade 41 and substitn.tge in lieu.thereaf t�e title of Ba,cterimlogia�-Clzem�s.t III, It also ineerts a nevv title of Bacteriologist-Chemist II ia 4rade 38. - �;,. � _ s , _ `.� F� , �� � ��� .s� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,;s, . . �. . - . .. � � . '... . � . �� . . .. . -��.,:� I st � �� ' - ' 2nd / Laid over to C�' n 3rd and app �'��4dopted � `� � Yeas Nays eas Nays Carlson ��arl on s Dalglish �alglish Meredith 245 �eredith 6 Peterson `' �Refers6Pf' Sprafka �prafka Tedesco �edesco � \� Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne . O _ . . .