245599 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 2�55�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM {� � PRESENTED BY \ COM M I551 O N E DATF � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed properties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at the meeting of August 27 , 1969, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference : 340 Hazelwood - (Midwest Construction Co. ) McColl Building - 366 Jackson St. (McColl Inc. ) 1988 Upper Afton Road - (Arthur and LaVanche Freichels) FORIW APP �� � Ass��a �� SEP 16 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Nays ��� 1 b 19G� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— � Meredith _ Tn Favor Peterson � � Sprafk2 Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne rU6i�ISHE� $Ep 2 0 19�� . � � � 8/27/6J . � Me�.ting IVo . 15 ; ��s e.�C�, MINUiES OF T�iE MEE1'ING `` :� ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPFALS Wednesday, August 27 , 1969 Bureau af I�ealth Library, 555 Cedar St. - 2 :3U p.rn. Members present : Lawrence Cohen, Chaiz•man Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf Axthur Z'ieso James Vc�igt Others present : Dr. Paul Cox Sam B3.ue Glenn Erickson Jahn ialbot Gerald Okoneski Ja.ck L. Hanson David McGough A. C. Kavli Ru.sse3.1 Hallenbach Raymond J. Plumbo La.Vanche Freichels 1 . The Minutes of the Meeting - St. Paul Board of Appeals - August 13 , 1969 wez•e approved as read. 837 YORK AVENUE (Irma Busdicker) The matter af the appeal for 837 York Avenue was carried over until September 1G , 1969 at the request of Loretta Moss . 1098 WAKEFIELD (Gerald Okoneski) The matter of the appeal ta waive the side yard requirer��nt for 1098 Wakefield, presented by Gerald Okoneski , was di.smirseci by the Board for �ack af jurisdicti.on. The Board recomn��ndcd that the matter b� appealed to the Zoning Board. 231-239 i�. ST. AL��+NS (Edith G. Hanson) Jack L . Hanson, on behalf of Edith G. Hanson, appealed t•� continue the occupancy of the third floor and basement a�art- ments at 231-239 N. St . Albans . Mrs . Peake moved that t�ie - 1 - � 8/27/G�► , , Me��ting No . LS appeal bc: denied. Aye� : Coheii, PQal:e, Sommerdor:c, 'I'iE�so y 'Joigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Mc�tion carried 5 to C• . 340 HAZELWOOD AVENUE (Midwest Constrtiction Co. ) The appeal to waiv� the side lot clearance requirNmc_^.t in order to construct a garage �.t 340 Hazelwoc�d Avenue was conti.nued. Mrs . Sommerdorf m���ved thas: section 40. 00-1- i o£ the 5t . I'aul Legislative Code stating : "Any �arage which is to the rear of tlie re�iden��e shall not ne closex than two (2) feet to t:he side 1��t line" be waived fr�r 340 :�iazelwoad Avenue to allow the c��nstructio:� of a garage at suc.h address . Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voig� . Nay°s : none. Abste:nt:�ons : none. Mcati.�ri car�ried 5 to 0. 117 2-118'l ARCADE (.4. C. K�.vl i lteal ty Co. ) A. C. Kavli appealed a no�tice issued by the Building Degart:nent dated March 25 , 1969 and a notice issued by the P;zalen Area Neighborhood Improvement l�rogram dated April 9 , 1'.�69 re�uesting that certain repairs b�e dc�ne to 1172�-1182 Arcade. Mr. Cohen moved that the matter �e carried over to the September 10 , 1969 meeting. He asked that the Bu:ilding Department inspect those parts of the building not previously inspected and be p�•e- pared to report its findings at the September 10 , 1969 hearing. He also asked that Harold Yannarelly of the Phalen Area Neigh- borhood Improvement Program be presen.t at the hearing. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tiesc� , Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried S to 0 . McCOLL BUILDING - 366 JACKSON 5T. (M�:Co11 Inc. ) The appeal to allow th.a i�istal'lation of tenant entrance cloors to be used as fire doaxs from the public corridor to the £ixc escape, was continued by David McGough for the McCo11 B} dg. , 366 Jackson Street . Based on the recommendation of Johr� Talbot , Chief Fire Pr�vention Inspec�or, it was m�ved t�� Mr . Voigt that Section 5-1201 of the Life Safety Code, adopt.ed by reference by the Council of the Ci.ty of St . Pa�.�l , whi.ch states "Exits shall be so located and exit access shall be so arranged that exits are readily accessible at all times . Where exits are not immediately accessible from an open floc�r area, safe and continuous passageways , aislE:s , - 2 - ' 8/27/6h � - Meeting No . 15 or corridors leading directly to every exit and so arranged as to provide convenient access for each occupant to at :.east 2 exits by separate �ways of travel , except as a sirgle exit or limited dead end� are permitted r.;✓ other provisions of this Code, shall be main- tained" be waived for the McColl Building, 366 Jackson Street under the following conditions : 1 . That the windows within ten (10) feet af the fire exits be equipped with w:ire �lass ; 2 . That the fire escape be extended �;o the groand; 3 . That the window exiti.ng to the fire escap.e an the foiirth floc�r be converted to a door ; 4 . That illuminated fire exit signs , connected to thP exit circuir. be provided; 5. That f�_re undeY•writer approved esc:ape latchR�s b •r., prc�•vidFd on all te�nant doors leadiiig imnedi�tely to the fire escape exi.ts . Ayes : Cuherx, Neakc:, �ommErdorf, T�eso , Voigt. N�tyes : none. Abstentions : none. Mot:ior. carr•ied S to 0. 623 E. IOWA ST1tEE1' (Russell Hallenbach) Mr. Hallenbach ap�:�eal�;d to waive Section 33. 04-3 cf tiie St . Paul Legislative pertainin� to side yard requirements . Mr. ��oher.. moved that the ma�:.t:er be carried over to the Septrmtei• i0 , 1969 meeting pending an i�spection of the site. Ayes : Cohen, Pc�ake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstenti�ns : n��ze. Motion ca.rried S t.c► 0, 1835 GRAhD A.VEPIUE (Ray�nond J. Plumtro) Raymond J. Flumbo �ppealed. for the continued occu�ancy ��f tl�.ree basement apartments at 1835 Grand Rvenue. Mr. Cohen movLd �o continue the mattcr to the September 10 , 1969 meeting pe:ldi��.g an inspection af 1:t�e t»:ilding and report to the Bcarci by th�; Building Department: . .�.yes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf, 1'iesa , Voigt . Nayes : r►one. E��stentions : none. Motion carried 5 to 0. _ 3 _ - . 8/27/6�) + - Me?tin� No. 15 1988 UPPER AFTON ROAD (Arthur and La��anche Freich�:ls) LaVanche Freichels appealed to continue the use o� an uver aeight fence installed at 1988 Upper Afton koad. Mr. Vo:i�t moved �:liat Section 33 . 04 . 6 paragraph (b) of tk�e St. Paul Legis�a.�tive C��de ' which states in paxt "In A, B, and C residence districts , as sper_i.fied in the Zoning �Ordinance, no fence shall be erected in excess of three (3) feei: six (6) inches hi.gh from the front building line to the front l��t line" be waived for said fence located at 1988 Upper Afton Road. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : iione. Absi:entioris : none. Motion carried 5 to 0. There being no fur:.her business the meeting was adjourn�d at 5 : 20 p.m. � -� a,,..s�.�»�.--.-_- Thomas H'. Anderson Recordin.g Secretary - 4 - DUPLICA7E TO PRINTER ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 1tESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the aczion of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the fallowing listed properties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at the meeting of August 27� 1969 , a copy of which is att�ched hereto and made a part �i�reof by reference: 340 Hazelwood - (Midwest Construction Co.) i�IcColl liuilcling - 366 Jackson St. (IITcColl Ync. ) 1988 Upper Afton Road - (Art�iur and LaVanche Freichels) �:�E,Y.� a �a � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19� Yeas Nays Carlson ,�,�;�` �' � `'r+ Dalglish �r� Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka !� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne . �