245579 Orf�lnal to City Clerk �� .e . . ` � � ORDINANCE 5��9 COUNCIL FILE NO �� � PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO. / � � � ��� As ordinance establi�hing c�rtain �oxx�ditions for the �;ranting, transfer or �ene�ral of li�enses and permits issu�d pursuant to tY�e Saint Paul Le�islative Code. THE COUATCIL OF �HE CI�'Y OF �AIN'P PAUL DOES 08DAINs Sec�ion l. Notwithstandin� a�.y provisions 0i' any o�her ordinance, any person, fir�m, or corpo�ation �ho is gramted a license; a renewal of a licesse or a transfer of' � li�enae, pur�nant to the 5aint Paul Legislative Code or, anq pers0�., firm, or corpora�ion who i� granted a building perr�it pur��,ant to a�ty provision of the Saint Paul Legislative �ode fmr �ork to be performed on anp commercial or business premises, el�ll be dee�ed to have agreed, as a eondition of ��ch lieense or �permi�, to keep and maintain r�asonably free of sno�r an.ci ie� any �ide�alk� or o�her pedest�°ian way immediately ad�acent o� contigtt��� to the premises for which any permit has be�n issued or which is us�d by the licensee or hi� agents, or employees in �h� operation of any business far Khieh anq license ha� been is�ued. Failure to keep such side►�alk or oth�:r pede�trian �a� free of �now a�. ice shall be grounds for denial or revocation of �ueh license or lic�ns��. Secti�n 2. This ordinance shall be dee�ed a par� o�' �he Sa1nt Paul L�gi�la�ive �od� am�l ��all be incorpc�rated tMe�ein and �iTea an app�opriat� �hap�Ger ar�d/o� aecti�n number a� �he time of the ne=t revis�.an of tl�e said Legisiative Cod�. � ..: Seetion 3. :�h1� ordina�.ce shall ta�e �:ffe�� _:�1.,-be�_. � - - �- -- _ . __ f'orce thirtT--�ap� _�.�=�?° its passage,� �apPrAral, a�.d- publicatimn. 4 Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council �T 7 1969 Carlson � Dalglish In Favor �� Meredith � Against Peterson Tedesco ' / �T � �969 . resident ( rn , App ed: A est: . , City 1 •- Mayor �� �� ���� orm approved Co�poration Counael By^ . Pu��is��o ' OCT 1119�9 �: � � _ � I st — � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � � �—Adopted � �I � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson ' Carlson -'�� . ,,�.� Dalglish . Dalglish _.. � } �..�•� � Meredith � �'°Meredith t .�� � l, Peterson �45��7�/ ��.�eterson '� i�� v � � � Sprafka �.Sprafka J \ Tedesco \ ��.Tedesco \ Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O