245578 ORIGINAL TO GTY CLERK 245�`�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco September 11� 1969 COMMISSIONE RESOLVr,D, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that that certain Cooperation tigreement respectin� Summit-University Urban Renewal Project, MINNBTT.-A-1-1 be�ween the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the City of Saint Paul and th.e Hallie �. Brown Community Center, Incorporated hereby is approved, and the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to execute the same in behalf of the City; that a copy of said proposed Cooperation Agreement approved by the Corporation Counsel is incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof, all vrith the same intent, purpose, and effect as if set forth herein verbatim. SEp � 2 1q�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays 21969 Carlson SEP 1 Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafku J � Mayor _s�.Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �S�� ��r �a � O , . ��5��8 CQUPERATI(3i� AGREEMLNT RESPECTING MARTIN LUTH�� KI,'3G CBi�iTEx SUt�4QT-t1NIVERSITY UR23AN REN�IAL PxIDJ�CT. MINN. A-1-1 THZS ACBtE�:MisNT, by anci between F�Olf5ING ANU REDEVELOPI�NT AUTHORIII OF TT'H� CITY OF SAINT ,PAUL. MINNESOTA, harein called tha "Authority"t iFi� CITY 4P 5AIIdT �'Atii.� HIDiNESOTA, acting Chroagh its Despartment of $arks, t:ecreatioa and I'ublic �uildings, herein called ths "City"t and HALLIE Q. BR04�iN CO?lMUI�1IT'Y CBNTES, INC., a �iinn�sota nan-profit corporation� herein ca11�d the "Agenep". WTTYFSSLTH! i�iBREAS. tbe Authority ie s public body corporate xnd politic, duly created and fuactioning und@r the laws of thm Stata of Minnesota, the City is a municipal corporatiou duly organise�d and sxistinR un8er the laws of the State of t�icuaesoC�, and the �►gancy is a Miant�sota non-profiL corpnra- tion; and WHERxAS, tho Authority has undertaken gn urben renewal project ae �► part of Che tiei$hbor+iood Development Pro�ram, euch project kuawa as Che 3u�it-lJniversity Urbau lteneWal Area Pro�ect� Minu. A-1-1 (herein called the !'Prn�sct"), locatad in the grea (harein called th� "Pra�oct Axea") dsocribad in Exhibit "A" hereto attact�ad and made a part hareof; sud t+k�BEAS� Che City �iae ma�le application to tha F�deral government for a Nsighborhood FaciliCq Grant to consttuct neighborhood fucilitiee to be deaigaated as the Dr. Martin Y.uther Iting� Jr.� Neighborhood S�rvicn Cen- ter, Pro�ect No. Aiinn. Pi-�, which grant ie to be made upon a shared aost of the development cost (exclusiwc of land acquiaitionj on tha basis of a two-thirdd 8ederal ehare aad one-third local ehare; and F�IBREAS� the S�it-University Urbau Renewal Ar�a Project T41na. A-1-1 includea, amoi►g othrr things� the ecquisition by th� Authority and clQarance .,, ` that part of the Pro'ect Area txerein desi�aated as the "Site". 3.ocat�d ,,;....�. . in ths City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, StaCe of 2�.ina�sota. end des- cribsd iu Exhibit "B" hereta attached �nd made a part her�of, for th� sale to tha City of Saint Paul for conetruction of ths a£oresaid community fac- ility building in that part of the Sits desigaated aa Parcel 1, and for dedication to the City of SainC Peul foz park and rESCr�ational purpos�s that part of the Slt�: de8l�natcd as P�rcel 2 for open-apace racreetioaal purpoees; aad WHBRLAS, ia order to permiC the City to carry out the fin�rncial r�o- ponaibility for underteikin� tha cou�truction acrd imprc�wm�nt of tha I3r. Martin Luther f:ing, Jr., Neighborhood Service Cent�r� th� Agency is �aill- ing to coop�rat� with th• Authority snd the City for thie purpoae and for the furthes� purpose of carrping out tha proviaions of the Redevelopm�nt PlaA for the Pro�ect Areat NOW. THBRBPOR�, ia considera►tiou of the mutu�l beuefite and tha ed� vantagea hereiaafter psovided foz aad the n�utual cov�enanta and promi�ss hereiaaftar rst forth, th� paxties do herebq agrae ae followes 1. 1'ho Authority asrees that it wi7.1 acquire and clear tha �ite as e► part of the Summit-Univer$ity Urben Re�naWal Pro�ect undertakiuge, and vill ull Paresl 1 of eaid Site to the City at its fair market valuation for uooe in accordance with the it�de�velopmsnt Plan end aub,�ect to tha rQa�- trictiona thareof, at a price to be determiaad by the Authority after r�- ceipt of two iadepandent r�al estate eppraieals, and will donate the Parcel 2 of the Sits to the City for park and �recreational purpaees for the beae- fit of tha x+eaideate in the Pro�ect Araa. 2. 1be City agra�s to contract for and undextake the constructiou of ttie Dr. �',artia Luther Y.:.ag� Jr., :ieighborhood Servicc: Ccziter in accorci- auce with ths c:oustructiou plana aad specificatioae therefoz prepared by th@ architect dasignated by the Agency. The obligatioa of the City to ua- d�rtaka tha aforeoaid coastruction ia conditioned upon the racsipt of a Neighborhood Pacilitis4 Graat from the Unitad States af America in the amouat of Nine Iiundred :�iaety-sevea Thousand Three Hundred Thisty-Four Dollara ($997,334.00)� aad upott the £urther conditioa that the Citq and Authoritq ahall Uava received and revie�,rr�d tl�ea cou�truction plar�.s and _2- �\ - � enecifications and �iven their approval thereto. In the event the City or Authority do not approve said coustructioa plsns gnd specificatione aa aubmiCted, the As�ency a�grees to revige ths afo�resa�id canatruction plaas �d epecifications to meat aaq rsasonahle objmcCions advanc�ci by the City. Chc� huthority nr tt3e Unitsd States of �nnerica, and to reaut�mit Lhe �►ame for City, Authority, �nd Federal approval. 3. 'i'he Agency agre�$ that it Will donate to elie �ity a sum of T'our Hundred Ninaty-Light Thousand 3ix Hundred Sixty-51,.x tlollar� (3498,66b.00) for Che local share for the con�struction of the t3r. .�artin Luther �tiag� Jr., Neighborhaod 5srvica Ce�tar. The Agency furtliez agr�es Lo enter into srlth the City an Uptrating Agreemeut providircg fox tlie 1eas� by tha City to th� Agency of ths facility at aomiuel Ynnt and �overing further terme o£ opa� ation of euch facility and provision of eocia]. eud recr8stional services bp said Agsncy in cha facility. 4. The parties heraby agrse to perform such functione and to take all nscessary action� to eecure the Federal fivancial assiataaa� toward the oonstruction of the faci�ity that eaid facility and the recreatioaal area abutting th�areto ehall be held a�nd uaed to provid�s neigi�borbaod aerviaea to the rasiclents of the community, and that aaid facility shall be open to a1i psrsons without regard to raae, coior� ar national origia. IN WITN83S WHE�t'i0F`, the City� Authoritq� and A��eucy have resp�ctiv�ly caussd thie Agseamant to ba duly ex�cuted ia quadruplicata, tt►ia � ctay of � .I969. HOUSING AM3 REDEVELOPMENT AVCHOBITY (SEAI.) OF THE CI OF SAII�T PAtA.� MTNNE30TA B ta B Ita ..3_ � ._.. . -. ..--.-___�__ . � `R.. .. _- _� . _ . -� .t'S:�itw Cl2Y OF SAINT PAUL� I�iINNESOTA B_��. ttaqor (SLAL) $Y Cornmissioner of Parke, Recr�ation and Yublic Buildings Bp City Clark Couuter�igned bqs Comptroller �iALLZE n. BRptJN COPgiiJ"�VZTY CI.NTER, ZNC. �S�) W � ` $ Its B o� . It .�.s'J� � �/fc� - .z / Appro`red se to �ormt orat on ouaoel �` /` � Caunsal , ouaing aad Redevelopment Authority ot the Citq of SainC Paul� Ninnesota atto or Iiall Bxowa mmunity Center, Inc. -4- - �-,:. � . � � _ EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the point of intersection of the eastern right- of-way line of Western Avenue with the projected northern right-of-way line of the alley between Sherburne Avenue and University Avenue, then westerly along said projected line of the alley to the point of intersection with the western right- of-way line of Lexington Parkway, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of- way line of the alley between Portland Avenue and Summit Avenue, then easterly alon� said line to the point of intersection . with the eastern right-of-way line of Milton Street, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Portland Avenue, then east- erly along said line to the point of intersection with the western right-of-way line of Victoria Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Portland Avenue, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the western right-of-way line of St. Albans Street, then southerly along said line to the southern right-of-way line of the alley between Summit Avenue and Grand Avenue, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-w�y Iine of ' Oakland Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the projected line of the southern right-of- way line of the alley between Summit Avenue and Grand Avenue, then easterly along said projected line to the point of inter- section with the eastern right-of-way line of Summit Court, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Summit Avenue, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right- of-way line of Ramsey Street, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Western Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Irvine Avenue, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northeasterly right-of-way line of vacated Walnut SCreet, then northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southeasterly right-of-way line of Summit Avenue, then northeasterly along said line to the point af intersection with the projected northern right-of-way line of Dayton Avenue, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of vacated Cathedral Place, then north- erly along said line to the point of intersection with the north- ern right-of-way line of Marshall Avenue, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Western Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Mar- shall Avenue, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the easterly right-of-way line of Arundel Street, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with southern right-of-way line of Concordia Avenue, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right- of-way line of Western Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of the alley between Sherburne Avenue and University Avenue which is the point of beginning. � _- _ � .�1� s. EXHIBIT "B" Par ce l 1 Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly line af Marshall Avenue with the Easterly line of Kent Street and thence Northerly along said last mentioned line 468.98 feet to the point of beginning; thence East- erly on a line parallel to said Northerly line of Marshall Avenue 127.0 feet to a point; thence Southerly on a line parallel to the Easterly line of Kent Street 7.0 feet to a point; thence Easterly on a line paral- lel to the Northerly line of Marshall Avenue 258.0 feet to a point; thence Southerly on a line parallel to the Easterly line of Kent Street 155.0 feet to a point; thence Westerly on a line parallel to the No�th- erly line of rfarshall Avenue 138.0 feet to a point; thence Southerly on a line parallel to the Easterly line of Kent Street 187.0 feet to a point; thence Westerly on a line parallel to the Northerly line of Mar- shall Avenue 247.0 feet to a point on the Easterly line of Kent Street; and thence Northerly along said last mentioned line 349.0 feet to the point of beginning, according to the plats now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County. Par cel 2 Beginning at a point at the intersection of the Northerly line of Mar- shall Avenue with the Easterly line of Kent Street, thence Easterly along said Northerly line of Marshall Avenue 594.0 feet to its intersection with the Westerly line of Mackubin Street; thence Northerly along said last mentioned line 450.36 feet to a point; thence Westerly along a line parallel to the Northerly line of Marshall Avenue 120.0 feet to a point; thence Northerly on a line parallel to the Westerly line of Mackubin Street 12.5 feet to a point; thence Westerly on a line parallel to the Northerly line of Marshall Avenue to a point 385.0 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of Kent Street; thence Southerly on a line parallel to the Easterly line of Kent Street 155.0 feet to a point; thence West- erly on a line parallel to the Northerly �ine of Marshall Avenue 138.0 feet to a point; thence Southerly on a line parallel to the Easterly line of Kent Street 187.0 feet to a point; thence Westerly on a line parallel to the Northerly line of Marshall Avenue 247.0 feet to a point ' on the Easterly line o.f Kent Street; thence Southerly along said last mentioned line to the point of beginning, according to the plats now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County. The above being subject to final survey. (See also attached map) r � s�. �:. . . _, _ � _^,. ` .,,:. �... � ;��