245547 � �� , �" . 24554'7 � - INTERMEDIARY �RDER. �OUNCIL FILE Na BY-- Fiile No 17418 � In the Matter of coadeamia� and tatiag f�r the Aoosevelt Ho�aes tecreatioa Site, by tk�e Bepartaent of 2arks, 8ecreatioa and Pablic �tildin�s, the t�llerwing described lot�s I�c►ts 5 and 7, a�d except the Horthwesterly 67 feet; Lc►t 6, all ia H�zel Fark Yillas, St. Paal, Minttesota . - � under Preliminary Order 2�4751 approved Jul� 3, 1969 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of t�ie Commissioner of Finance upon the above imprt�vement, and having eonsidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and� the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvernent i� hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whieh the �uncil recommends is te coadeaa asd tatd for the �,�eeoelt Saees �reati0n Site, by t�e Departse�t of Parts, Aecreaatioa asd l�blic =�il�iags, the follo�ria� de�scribed lots: Lots 5 ani 7, sad excapt the lTorth�eat�rly 67 feet�; Lot 6, all i8 Haze1 Park Vill.as, St. raal, _ _ Miagesota, - _ _ with no alternativea, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_14,51�8..;1�� Reaolved Further, Z`hat a pnblic hearing be had on said improvement on the �t� da.y of Oc tober�, 1969 , a.t the hour of 10 o'clock;A.M., in the Council G`hamber af the Caurt - House and City Hall Building in the City af St. Pa.ul. That the Commissioner of� Finance give notice of sa.id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by th� G"harter, stating the time and place af hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' 10 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �P Yeas�rt� �vays � SEP 10 1969 Approve Meredith Peterso� r:;�rafka --.—In Favor + TedeSOO - Mayor ` Byfl11 � A gainst �.s8 z� 8� �:� rU�1.is�� �EP 13 196� ,��.��.: :�. � .