245546 . _.
�Y. � I
� , y' . COUNCIL FILE NO �"'"���
R�esoi�`titio� Ratifying Asae�sment By—
In the matter of the assessment of 1r+Nt�lililt�, l+�it #� �+Mk �! �'�'M�f+M a#t
re�errst�rllet#�wt i! s1�i�11�1Ms iM �rs�r#t i�rti+i�Mptt ti�rMt�rt f�ar1�R N�t'+�iY�,
�rj► 1f�. i„ �tes#�st �. 1,
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; F•0� #2?���3:- L*s�ao�,(tan Pl�+y., east aide from Marshall Ave. to I�lehart Ave.
��1�� �.�-.-snd oa tht aeat side of L�xiugtoa Pkvy. frco Mar�thall Ave. north
� �`. aPProxitiatt�y� 620 ft.
P.0. f23853 S - Narshall Ave., bo th �ides fram Ha�li�ae Ave. to Syadica te S t.
F.0. #238492 - I�,arohall Ave., both s ides frco pisrce S t. t o Aldine S t.
F.O. �23663�i - Hendrnn Ave. , �cr�rE� side�. frcm Como Ave. to Fulhaa� �t.
F.O. #237030 - Ig1�E�art Ave., both sides fros Ai. prior Ave. to I�. Howell St.
�'.0. �i236977 - Cleveland Ave., ves t a ide �ra�a Scuddsr 3 t. to lCnagp S t.
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F.O. #238535 - Marahall Av�. , both sides fro� Haoalins Ave. eo Syndicate St.
°i*�.,. F:tfia�35b36 :'•-:•H�ttneY-9lvat:'�'�Lo?t�th'�cidit'...,�,.�„� ,�,,��..._�l�a,�i�it=i�`t.. .... ,,...:_,y . . ,,.
P.O. #236977 - Cl�v�land Ave., west sida fra� 3cudter St. to �tnapp St.
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, ,, _ . . .
: ,�::�: . . :� , .�:,- . ::: _ .�.�;
ment having been further considered by the Couneil, and having been considered finally satisfactory,
be it therefore
RESOLVED, That tlie sa.id assesament be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be aubmitted to the 1}iatriet Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER R�4LVE�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in �equal installments.
COUNCILMEN SEp �, 0 1969
Yeas Nays
��� Adopted by the Coun�,it
Mer�� SEP 10 1969
Peterson p�o�
Sprafka �
Byfitle. Tn Favor
/ Mayor
� A gf11118t
Farm x-z za� io-ss g� Pl1etISHE� SEP 13196�
�}A ' f
; � CITY OF ST. PA�, 24554� 24�
Report of Completion of Ass�essment �
In the matter of the asseasment of ����;�� p�� ,� �,� � ���� �►
x�Mr� +s� �1i�wr�'�Irr a�ri rr� l��a� dya+�Nrr1 #�tl�rtt M�M-1�#.
iw�►�r MNr. �1� :�tq�! i►. t.
?.�. 22Q47S � L�ncie�taa liay., taat �ide troa �ushall �ve. to I=1�hart Ain�.
and oa tbs v�at �ide •t L�cinsto� �. fra� lfanhall Ave. mnth
spproacf.a�ti���°620 ft. �
l.0. �Z3SS3S - lt�arshall Avs., both aidu froa Ha�lius A�re. to Syadicat� �4t.
�.0. #238492 • M�arsh�ll Avs., Loth •idss tra� titrc� S t. t o Aldi�w S C.
F.O. #236634 - A�� Ave.,5�+,�, side� fraa Co�o Avt. to Fullu� 8t.
t.t�►. �237030 - I�latutrt Aw.. bod� aidlss ir�mu �t. Prior A�s. to it. He��11 St.
F.O. f236977 - Clevalaad Av�.. vsat aide fre�a Scuddsr St. to ip�app St.
..�: ..��: �,.an� 4.'•�A!.�:-�Y,,;y. _..� :.., r.. . _... . , . . . 1.tnet
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1►.0. ��36b34 - H�adea A��.� ��rt�► side:>, frov Cc�c► Av�. to 1FUllt�a �t.
..: .. , . �
..,*�.�rc;�i .�9�t •_{�iYlr'llid�' �'!.� 1fN�.' !'��� �YI�' Ctt���tY`,��..,tO �p���. • »..:•.��,. ss
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The Commissioner of F`inance herebq repo�rts to the Council the following as a atatement of the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in conuection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total construction costs .. ... . . . .. .. ....... . .. . $ 10,43 5 3 9
Engineering . .. .. .. .. . .... . . .� . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .... . $
Inspection . ...... .. ...... . ...�. . . ... .. . . .. .. . ... . $ 1�252 �
Postalcarcls . . ... .... . . .. . . .. .. ... .... .. . . . . . .. . . $ 6
Publications .... ..... .. .. .. .. .... .. ... .. . . .. . .. . . $ 6t+ ��
Gollectioncost� . .. . . .. ... . .. . ... . ..... .. .. .. . . .. . $ 129
Court costs for canfirm.ation . .. .... ........ . . .. .. . $ 6
Camptroller's Costs 64 50
TO'TAL EXPE`NDITUAE� . .. ... . .. ... ..... ... .... $ 11�958 `�
Charge ta . ... Q920-�01. .. .. .... . .... . ... . . . $ 672
. ........ .. , ..Kon-�ssessab�e.. . ..... .. .. . .. . . . $ 444
NetAssessment . .... . . . .. . .. . . .. ........ . . .. ... $ 10
Said Commiasioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the aum of $ 10,841.46 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said imprnvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asaessment h�as been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Co�mmissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assesament as
com;p�leted by him, and which is herewith submitted to t Cou for such ac ' th n as may be
considered proper. �
Dated August 12, 1969 ' si of 'nance.
Form R.2 Effi 10-68 S�