245543 : -.., , . �." , �' -°'�i'.t< <'`'��. . -. . __. �-�—- ";- . i _ ;Tµ=r . , �. �- , . � y . . . a � � �. i ' � r � � '.' i ..�.,, k� :- .,, Y . —, �i � „» . _ �yy�:, , �.,� _ , � ,.e �. � � . „ . ✓�`- .�w z, ?a r�., � �i1����� �._�''.: �_ � ,r ' ..r:''`l�r"�` .'rs'`1 .':"�" . . � . .. �- " _ CIT�' QF �'. PAUL , COUNCIL FILE N�. . . f. � "� V - ' � Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By -- � ...;,� _ : � �� Condemnatian and Awards of Damages File No. �7f'� and Assessment Therefor In the matter of ,I � •_,en, �tden and extend ARUNDEL STRF.ET creating a cul-de-sac Eor street �uXposes north of Hovt Avenue by conr�emnin� and taking that part of ; : uts 13, 14 and 15, Iilock 1., Idaho A�ldition, lyfng within the arc of a , circle having a 50 foot radius , tt,e cen[er of saici circle being on the , centerline of Arundel Street anc 1�3 .�2 feet north of the north property line of Hoyt Avenue. ALSO, open, widen �nd extend COFi:'�t�SEY S`TRFET crr�ating a cul-de-sac for street purposes north c�f Hoyt AvFanue by condemning and taking that part of Lot 5, Block 5, an<j Lot 5, T�lacic b a:il i.n Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 1, lyi.ng wi.khin t:he arc of a circle having a 50 foot radius, the center of said circl� 1.yin�� on th� c�nterline of Cohansey Street and un 155 feeC north of the norrh nr�nertv line o£ Hoyt Avenue. In� ALSO, change the grade of TDAHO AVFNLIE from Mackubin Street to Cumberland Street to confarm to the gr.ade as shcn.,m �n the profile on file in the Fi� Department of public Work� . � ALSO, cond�mn and t�ke. ease�r�enrs �n trae l.anci necessary for the slopes, cuts and £ills, inc3udinF ri.ght: t�f �crne�v.^1. �f lateral �upport from subject th� land or remai.nder therEao�, ncc���a.o��� by pxeavations thereof or construction of of slopes i.n the grading and suriacing of. ARiJI�Ti)EL STREET from the prnposed cul-dP-sac north b£ Hoyt to Id�aho f�v€�nue, (.r,-Z885) ; of Cohansey Street from the proposed cui-de-��.c raorth of Einyt �venu� to I�3��}�o Avenue, (G-1883); idE a�� °f. Id�ho Avenue £rom Mackubin Sr.reet to Cumberlr�nd Street (G-18$2) . da _ ____. _. _ . roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ,., ,.+..n.... ��� +,. .,�. � ef�_ana a„ ;�.,.a �i.,. COUNCILMEN Yeas �rlson Nays —�atgt�--- ' SEP 10 1969 Meredith Adopted by the Council. __ _ Peterson roved SEP 10 1969 Spraf ka / Tedesca b �� In Favor � Mayor �__Against Form R-3 `��5 rue�is�� �EP 13 196� � . , ,,t ' t . . . , �,� .,,...- .. � .- ,,. . ,. w ,.. , � , . _, � � _ ; - _ .r �,. , , ,� , •_ � ' , .� _ . ,�45 245�45 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �`A� . 3 Report of Commiasianer of Finance on Condemnation of Lands File No._ Y�'� In the matter of Open, widen and extend ARUNDEL STRF:FT creating a cul-de-sac for street � pur.poses north of Hoyt Avenue by condemni.ng and taking that part of � Lots 13, 14 and 15, Black 1, Idaho Addition, lying within the arc of a � circle having a 50 foot radius , [he center of said circle being on the centerline of Arundel Streer and 161.82 feet north of the north property line of Hoyt Avenue. ALSO, open, widen �nd extend COFiANSF,Y S'TREET creating a cul-de-sac for street purposes north of Hoyt Aventie by condemning and taking that part of Lot S, Block 5, and I�ot 5, Bl�ck b al.l in Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 1, lying wi�hin th� arc of a circZe having a 50 foot radius, the center of said circle l.ying on th� centerline of Cohansey Street and ,, 155 feet north of the north properr.y �ine of Hoyt Avenue. ALSO, change the �;rade of 1DAHQ AVF,NiJE from Mackubin Street to Cumberland � Street to conform to the gradQ as shcn,rr. c�n the profile on file in the Department of Public Works . �� ALSO, condemn and Cake easemenrs ?n the iand necessary for the slopes, cuts and £ills, including r�.Rht �� removal of lateral support from subject land or rer�ainder thereof, accasio�ned t�y excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the gradin� and surfacirzg of ARUNDFL STREF..T from the proposed �- cul-de-sac n4rth af Hoyt to Idaho Avenue, (G-t8E35); of Cohansey Street from the proposed cul-de-sa.c north of �ic�yt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, (G-1883); a�d of Idaho Avenue from Macktik�in Srreet to Cumberland Street (G-1882) . � t thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified wi�h the signa t�re of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findin� on said matters. � Commis er of r7Y(-ance .. . _, . . .�.�F� ' ' • �� ' � . .. � , ,J. WIL�IAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Voluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � a55�t Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS �t����� 286 City Hell $aint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Septmber 9, 1969 I�c. B�,rry 1�ar sha,7.7. City Clerk City of Saint Pavl BUILt�I�'r Heax �ir: Attached is a eapy of a letter t'ro� I�r. Erail Alb�rt pertaining to slopes on Coha�sey and Idaho Street 7�aprovea�ent. Yery trnly 3►ot�rs, �a- � 1�.��u�t�-�'� . 80, �. Bredahl, J'r. Ass't. �alro�ation Engineer REB:�g Enc. cc: I�r. Grege Beckett ', 1r'• . �_` ,....=____� . , , K � � = � p � .� C� �� v , .,., , � , �/&/ ` ��� ' ! � ; �9 , `� � ` �j���,� �`t--, L � � . ' �� ��� � r ; � � )� � � . ��; .�.�- , i � �,��.i-J."�J�,..� ��'`G-� �i'�-I�i G�`.�4L� _�������t;�� ��(. � ' 4���:�� ,„� ,f� ��,i,�� �� ' .�c,�,�-- �e .�-�' r"�-`^' i r7 p .I� /, �/ `—o-�C,t.- C,L�-c.�' C�,��;<t: 'C�' , �, &�--�Qo--�- ,�� ` � / � �,�,�c..l�I�, � �� � ' � /"� �d. 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