245542. _ , � . 2455�2
. .f
Resolution Ratif ying and Confirming By --
Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No._.��'_ .
and Assesament Therefor
Iri the matter of
-_..�......._...,... ..�...._ _ --- _ , �---
-- — — ,_
- - - -- - - � -
opening, �idaaing aad extending �IACOUTA STREET (City Profect P-4508a by condeaniag
aad takiag the follvwing described lots and parcels, all in the Citq cf St. pauls •
T'hose parts of Lota 9 aad 10, Block 3, in Whitney 6 Sniths Addition to St. paul
(Aotnt includes Blocks 1-12) which lie Westerly �f the follaring deacribed liaes
Beginaing at a point on the southweat line of said Lot 9, 18.85 i`eet northerly
fro� the southwest corner of said Lot 9; thence along a straight line to a �oint on
the northwest line of said Lot 10, 11 feet easterly fran the northaest coraer of
said Lot 10 and there terminating. ,
Also that part of Lot 3, Block 2, of Hoyts Addition to St. Paul, bounded by '
the follawing described line:
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, �0.65 feet north-
westerly from the most southerly comer thereof; thence northeasterly at a right
angle to said southwest line of Lot 3 a distance of 0.33 feet; thence north�resterly
aloag a straight line to a point on the hereinafter described line designated as
Line "A"; said point being 13 feet fro�a the poiat of intersection of Ltine "A" with
the southwest line of said Lot 3; themce southerly along Line "A" to the southwest
line of said Lot 3; theace southeaster.ly along the said southt+est lit�e of Lot 3 to
the point of beginning and there terminating.
, +� LINE r�An
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, 55 feet northwesterly
from the most southerly corner thereof; thence along a straight liae to a point on
a line run parallel with and distaat 11 feet southea�terly of the northaest line of
said Lot 3, and 25 feet sonthwesterly from the northeast line of said Lot 3 neasured
along aaid parallel line. �+��,,,.
--u --- _�__ .,.._,...�-��.,r�., ��rnnaci�n.---
__ ___-_
Yeas Nays SEP 1 0 1969
'� M� Adopted by the Cou — —_
Peterson S�P 9
gpraf ka /� Appr d �
Tedesco, b In Favor
Byrne O Mayor
Against .�
Form R-3 `�°�5 :� ,:. 4y�.:,: . � _;�.
� � M�� � �P 1���969 � �1� i� �
�.. � . . e _...�.:. . _ �
, _ � ,
,. J 245542
� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��4954
� �
Report of Commissioner of Finance � �
on Condemnation of Lands File No. ���
In the matter of
_ - -
--- -- ---- - - -- - - - - — - - — - - - ,
_ _---- - - , , _ _ ,
opening, Mideaing and extending WACOUTA STREET (City Project P-4508) by conde�aniag ;
and taking the follawing described lots and parcels, all in the City of St. Pauls
These parta of Lots 9 aad 10, Block 3, in Whitneq � Smitbs Additioa to 3t. Paul
(�tote: includes Blocks 1-12j which lie westerly of the following described linee:
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 9, 18.85 feet northerly
fram th� southvest corner of said Lot 9; thence along a straight line to a point on
the north`rest line of said Lot lU, 11 feet egsterly froa the north�est cerner of
said Lot 10 and there terminating.
Also that part of Lot 3, Block 2, of Hoyts Addition to St. Paul, bounded bq
the follaving described line:
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, 40.65 fe�t north-
westerly from the aost southerly corner thersof; thence northeasterlq at a right
angle to Eaid southwest line of Lot 3 a clistance of 0.33 feet; thence northpesterly --�-
along a straight line to a poi�t on the hereinafter described line designated as
Line "A", said point being 13 feet from the point of intergection of Line "A'" with _
the southwest line of said Lot 3; thence southerl�+ along Line "A" to the southwest
line of said Lot 3; thence sosatheasterly along the said southwest line of Lot 3 to
' the poiat of beginning and there teaminati.ag.
LINE reA�e
Beginning at a point on the southwe�st line of said Lot 3, 55 feet north�esterly
from the most southerly co�ner thereof; thence along a atraight line to a poiat on
a line run parallel with and distammt 11 f�et soethea�terly of the norChwest line of
said Lot 3� and 25 £eet svuthwes��rly fram the northeast liae o£ said Lot 3 neasured
along aaid parallel line.
Commiss' er of �ce
,�:Y ,;�' �'
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(�,il��,;;;;.�t ?►.f��__ ., .. ,. . , � ,� ; .,
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•� . _. �
� A�. 27, 196g
"rlon. .Robert F. Peterson,
(,��issioner of Public Works. �,_J
Dea.r �ir:
The City Council today laid o to tember lOth.
the Resolution Rati�'yir� Assessment i • e matt r of openin�,
*.�ridening and extPndin.� Wacouta Stre City Fr j et P-�+50R},
tr yryours,
�zty C.lerk
� ''��
:�ug. 27, 1969
i��:.�r. J. tidm. D�novan, L
'�'41ua.tion <; Assessment En,�ineer.
DeAr Sir;
�'he City Caur.cil tpd�. 1 "��
y af�d over to�tember lOth.
the Resolution Ratifyia� Assessment i he
:.�idenin�, and ex-�endir±; S�lacouta Street i e� �� �p�n�'�'
------� `
,�.�rca��ct �—�+5�I��.
� Ve �
� � � r�Y Ypurs,
� � I
hp ,� .�� City Clerk
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