245539 ial to City Clerk v
�� `� � RDINANCE
, �.., / / ;
An ordinance providing for the regulation and
control of air pollution, adopting by reference
^ regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency and amending the Saint Paul Legislative
Code by adding a chapter.
Section 1. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended
by adding a chapter to be designated as 445A, as follows:
"445A.01. Air Pollution Control Regulations. Pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 471.62, Air Pollution
Control Regulations and Ambient Air Quality Standards 1-15
inclusive of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as
adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 116.07,
as �i�led with the Commissioner of Adniinistratic�n o� the State
of Minnesota on July 7, 1969, are hereby adopted by reference. �Jy
"445A.02. Clerk to Keep on File. The City Clerk shall
mark and keep on file in the office of the City Clerk three
copies of said regulations for use and examination by the
public and shall furnish a copy of this ordinance and said
regulations at cost to any person upon request."
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
SEP 2 4 1969
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Carlson l,'
� Dalglish
Meredith In Favor
Peterson C/ � •- -• - 'Ag'ain t
,Sprafka ����
Tedesco SEP 2 �+
. President (B rne) App ed• ��" ` � '"'�'
Atte t• �
Cit lerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
° PUBlISHEO SEP 2 7 1969
__..____.__ ___. _-- __ ____ . _ __ �: �
OdBinal to Cit7 Clerk
� RDI1� .FiNCE
„ COUNCIL FILE NO � 1"�" "
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PRESENTED BY �� �l `�•'�� ,���L!1�) ��` ORDINANCE NO- �%' �1
-� .,�
An ordinance providing for the regulation and
_ control of air pollution, adopting by reference
regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency and amending the Saint Paul Legislative
Code by adding a chapter.
Section 1. That the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code be amended
by adding a chapter . to be designated as 445A, as follows:
"445A.01. Air Pol.lution Control Regulations. Pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 471.62, Air Pollution
Control Regulations and Ambient Air Quality Standards 1-15
inclusive of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as
adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 116.Q7,
as �iled with the Commissioner of Administration of the State
of Minnesota on July 7, 1969, are hereby adopted by reference.
"445A.02. Clerk to Keep on File. The City Clerk shall
mark and keep on file in the office of the City Clerk three
copies of said regulations for use and examination by the
public and shall furnish a copy of this ordinance and said
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Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
S�,P 2 � 1969
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Carlson l'
� Dalglish Tn Favor
Meredith (;
Peterson � � •- -• 'A�a"in�'t
,Sprafka r. �r.
Tedesco SEP � � 1��
. President (B ,rne), , ..�- � - ..�--
���,,� App ed:
Atte t• '
�, -, .�� !.����'/' �._ .
Cit Glerk - Mayor �
�rJ '
Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,
_ . _ . � • Pu��;ts+��:. S��`2 7 196�
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OriQin�l to C(ty Clerk
�URDI �1' ANCE �
�. COUNCIL FILE NO � j��""
II ,r
PRESENTED BY ��,1} "J ` � �� l�) L ORDINANCE NO ` y �%����
� • � _ --�
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An ordinance providing for the regulation and
. control of air pollution, adopting by reference
regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency and amending the Saint Paul Legislative
Code by adding a chapter.
Section l. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended
by adding a chapter to be designated as 445A, as followss
"445A.01. Air Pollution Control Regulations. Pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 471.62, Air Pollution
Control Regulations and Ambient Air Quality Standards 1-15
inclusive of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as
adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 116.07,
as �iled with the Commissioner of Aciministration of the State
of Minnesota on July 7, 1969, are hereby adopted by reference. �
"445A.02. Clerk to Keep on File. The City Clerk shall
mark and keep on file in the office of the City Clerk three
copies of said regulations for use and examination by the
public and shall furnish a copy of this ordinance and said
�:.y:.1 ��-< �..i. M1- ...-.n�- i-.. �r+.� r�i.v��.�.r� it+-.vr rnr'riie�r} 1� . .. .
« ..r.C�.., .. .......... �.. ... .s ,c..... .,.r _. .....�,_.,....—.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
SEP 2 � 1969
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Carlson l'
� Dalglish In Favor
� Meredith �
Peterson � . .- � �•"`�
'Again t
�Tedesco SEP L � ����
. President (B rne), ' App ed: ��� � - '��`�
Atte t• ��� �
-- .�l'
� �
Cit lerk , <<.,�Mayor ' �
�� Form approved Corp atio� Co�nsel By>� R� `' `�� � �?�
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. SEP ? 7 1y�„ �
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The followi.n� air qua].ity standards and emission regulations apply to any
� souroe or emission located partially or wholly within the state of Minnesota.
-� Regulations axe of general application throughout the state unless specifically
3ndicated otherwise by their context. The official policy and purpose of the
state of Minnesota in regard to air quality control is set forth in Minnesota
Statutes 1967�
Section 116.07, Subd. 2. The pollu�ion control agency
, shall adopt standards of aa.r qua.lit;r, including maximwn
allowable standards of emi.ssion of air contaminants
from motor vehicles, recognizing that due to variable
factors, no single standard of purity of air is applicable
to all areas of the state. In adopting standards, the
pollution control agency shall give due recoonition to
the fact that the quantity or charactpristics of air
contamir.ants or the duration of their presence in the
atmosphere, which may cause air pollut�on in one area
oY the state, may cause less or not cause any air
pollution in another area of the state, and it shall
take into consideration in this connection such
factors, including others which it may deea� proper,
as existing physical conditions, zoning classifications,
topography, prevailing wind direction ar.d velocities,
and the fact that a standard of air quality which may
be proper as to an essentially residential area of the
state, may not be proper as to a highZy developed
industrial erea of the state. Such standards of air
quality shall be premised upon scientific knowledge of
causesas we11 as effects based on technical],y sub-
stantiated criteria and commonly accepted practices.
Subd. !�. Pursuant and sub�ect to the provisions of
chapter 15, and the provisions hereof, the pollution
control agency may adopt, amend, and rescind regulations
and standards having the force of law relating to
ar�y purpose within the provisions of this act for the
prevention, abatement, or control of air pollution. Ar�r
such regulation or standard may be of general application
throughout the state or may be lim.ited as to tiraes, .
places, circumstances, or conditions in order to make
due allowance for variations therein. irlithout limitation,
regulations or standards may relate to sources of
emissions of air contamination or air pollution, to the
quality or composition of such emissions, or to the
quality of or composition of the ambient air or outdoor
atmosphere or to any other matter relevant to the preven-
tion, abatement, or control of air pollution.
MPCA #?_L,2-1
Subd. 5• The pollution control agency may
grant variances from the requirements of regulations
or standards upon such procedure and conditions as
it m�r by regulation prescribe in order to avoid
undue hardship and promote the effective and reasonable
application and enforcement of the laws, regulations,
and standards for prevention, abatement, and
control of air pollution.
Subd. 6. In exercising all its powers the pollu-
tion control agency shall give due consideration
to the establishment ., maintenance, operation and
expansion of business commerce, trade, industry, traffic,
and other economic factors and other material matters
affecting the feasibility and practicabil�f-�r of any
proposed action, including, but not limj.ted tio, the
burden on a municipality of any tax which �ay result
therefrom, and shall take or provide for such action
a,s may be reasonable, feasible, and practical under the
Consistent with these ob3ectives, it shall be the policy of the Pollution
Control Agency that new equipment capable of becoming a e�urce of a.ir pollu-
tion be provided with the maximum control capability which is technically
practicable and economically reasonable. The Pollution Control Agency shall
encourage the development and e.r_pansion of aix' pollution control programs in
cities, counties and other political subdiviQi-ons o.f the state and provide
planning, technical and enforcement assi4tance.
The followin� aix qual:ity stan�?ards are desirable levels of aix quaLity which
on the basis of present l�owledga axe not expected to produce health hazards or
i�npairment, injury to agricultural crops and Zivestock, damage to or deterioration
of property, and hazards to air and ground transportation. Health hazards include
not only production, aggravation or possible production of disease, but also
interference with function. Heal�h impairmant includes sensory irritation and
impairmer�t of well being b;� such phenomena as odor. The standards are based on
review and interpre�a�ion of data on air pollution exposures and associated
effects and appro�riate Federal air quality criteriae 5tandards of air quality
are not, however, �Z���nded to provide a sharp dividing li�-�e beti,�een air of
satisfactory quali�y and air of unsatisfactorf quality.
Pollutant Concentration Re��="''S
I. Su?fur o�..des
Sulfation 0.25 mg S03/100 c�/day ma:.ci�'am annual averaga
0.50 mg SG3/100 cm/day malc'.r�ur� month value
Su?�ur dioxideb 0.02 ppm m�_..n=�� anr'ua1 average
(2!�-h��ur sa*npling tima j
0.10 ppm ?.la.-ho��r ave-rage not to
be exc�eded over 1 da.y
� �,y 3-raonth period
Suspended sulfate 4 micrograms�m allo�able m.aximum
ann��.al average
(analysis of high- not to be exceeded ove�
vo'1L.�e filters) 1.2 micrograzns�m3 1 Pcj�cent of the time
Sulfuric acid 1� micrograzns�� allowable ma;�imum
mist annu�l average
12 micrograms�� not to be exc:eeded
over 1 percent of the
ffiPCA#� 21�2-3 1.:1
Pollutant (#oncentration Remarks
��� ��M�+�����������ww���������������r��N���������������� ����� ����
Sulfuric acid mist 30 micrograms/m hourl,y average not
to be exceeded over
, • 1 percent of the t�me
2. Hv_"dro�en Sulfide 0.45 ppm � hour average not to
be exceeded over 2
times per year
0.03 ppm � hour average not to
be exceeded over 2
times in any 5 consecu-
tive days
3. Oxidant (total) 0.15 ppm max�.mum allowable
1-hour va].ue
4. Dustfall 10 tons/sq/mi/mo 3 month average above
background in all areas
except those zoned
heavy i.ndustrial axeas
25 tons/sqfmi/mo 3 month average abo�re
background in zoned
heavy industrial axeas
5. Sus,pended particulates 75 micrograms/m 3 annual geomztric mean
(high volume sampler 200 micrograms/m annual 99th percen-
b� Soiling index O.k Coh per 1,000
lineal feet axulual geometric mean
aAll standards, unless othexwise indicated, refer to places where people live or
an undesirable effect could result from levels above the standard.
F3� West-Gaeke, conductometric, or other methods approved by vhe Director.
V Fc�tassium iodide colorimetr�c method of inea�urement.
U3e background value of 5.0 tons/sq�mi/mo in all areas.
Total dustfall including water soluble and water insolubale and all other corapo-
,/s/ .,,, Tnhn ,p_ Ra r�a 1 i r•h /s/ Robert C. Tuves on
John P. Badalich, P.E. Rober�„ C. Tuve3on, £hairman
Executive Secretary and Attorr:ey at Law
Chief bcecutive Officer
/s/ Home►^ C �.ii.�k
MPCA # �4 Ftb#��"G.-S�i�x, �ii�a=�r--
- APC 2 Definiticns, Provision for Re�rea*..ional_Fires,
Access to Premises. Variances, Circ_u.�vention
and Severabilitv.
a. Definitions. As used in these regulations, except as other�wise s�ecifical-
ly provided or where the context indicates otherwise, the followin� works shall have
the meanings ascribed to them in this regulation: '
(1) "Criteria": Means Technical information to be utilized as de-
cisional guidelines in considering air quality goals, air quality standards and
determining air quality alert levals.
(2) �'Director": Means The Director of the I�.innesota Pollution Control
(3) '�Existing" : A modifier for equipment, machines, devices, arti-
cles, contrivances or installations which are in being at the time these regula-
tions become effeetive; except that any existing equipment, machine, device,
article, contrivance or installation which is altered, repaired or rebui.lt at an
aggregate cost of 30 percent or more of its replacement cost at the time of such
alteration, repair or rebuilding, shall be reclassi.fied as "new", but only if such
alteration or repair constitutes an additional or greater source of air pol3.ution.
(4) "Garbage" : �nimal and vegetable matter such as that originating
in homes, restaurants, and food servi.ce and processing establishments.
(5) �'Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area"= The geographical axea
comprised of the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepi.n, Ramsey, Scott and
1�lashington including all municipalities located partially or wholly within such
(6) "i�iultiple Chamber Incinerator": Any axticle, machine, equip-
ment, contrivance, structure or part of a structure, used to dispose of combustible
refuse by burning, and consisting of three or more refractor� lined combustion
furnaces in series, physically separated by refractory walls, interconnected by
gas passage ports or ducts and employing adequ•ate design parazaeters necessary
for maximum combustion of the material to be burned.
�f 24z-5 - 2.1
� (7) "Neta��: A modifier for equip*n.snt, machines, devices, articles
contriva;.lces or installations buitt or installed on or after the effective date
of these regu7.ations, and iiistalla.tions existisig at said stated time which are
later altered, repai�ed or rebui7,�; at a cost of 30 percent or more of replacement
cost at �he tLae of such alteration, repair or rebuiiding, and constitute an
additional or greater source of a�r pollution.
(�) �'Opacity��: A sta�e which renders ma.terial partially or wholly
impervious to rays of light and causes obstruction of an observei•�s view.
(9) "Open Burr�ing": Burn:�ng any matter whereby the resultant
combustion products are emitted directly to the open atmosphere without passing
through an adequate stack, duct, or chir:�ney.
(10) ��Pa.rticulate Ma�ter": Material, �r..cept vncombined water, which
exists at standard cor.ditions in a finely divided form as a 1ic��a_d or so'lid.
(11) ��Residual Fuel Oil��: Flzel oi1 kna'rn as E1^i.CI' C, PS l�00 ar.d
Number 6 as defined in American Society for Testing and Ms.�eiials D 396 4g7
(12) "Process h�eight��: The total weight of a11 materials excluding
• air, ga.s and oil used solel,y as fuel, but incl��ding solid fuel used in a poten-
tial dust producir.g process, �rhich is con.:ec�ed direc�:,y or indirectly to a dust
collecti.ng or dust aba�ing equipmenL or sfste�. The Fillowab'_e emiesion �:ate of
particulate matter by weight (Table I of Regulat,ion APC 5) or dust concentration
(Table 2 of ftegulaticn A P� 5) is calculaLed fron the iaaterial weioht (waight
rate) intraduced into trs dust col;.Lc��in� or d�zst a�a��ing eq�:ipmezt or s�stem.
(13} ��Refuse": Any co�bustible was�e material, trade waste, or
garbage containing carbon in a free or combined state.
(].1,.) ��S�.:_vage Operat;on": Ar�y b�:sines�, trade, indu��ry, or other
activity conducted in whole or in part for the purpose of salvaging or reclaiming
metals or chemicals or other products or materials.
(15) ��Smoke": Small gas-borne particles restilting from'incomplete
combustion, consisting predominantZy, but not exclusively, of carbon, ash and
#21+2-b -2.2-
ot:�er combustible material, that f.orm a ��.sibl� plum? in the air.
(16) "Standard Cor�d��ions": A dry gas temperature of 60 degrees
Fah.rentiei'c and a ga� p-res�v.:��e ef "�F.7 p��u=as i?i s4u.�� i�'l�r abso?ute.
(1'T) "Trade �'J<��te": Solid, liqu�3 or g�.seou� material re�ulting
from any busineas, tra.de or �ndi.i:+,ry act�vity, cons�ructio� acti�vity, or ar�y
demolition operation including, but not limited to , plastics, cardboaxd cartons,
grease, oil, chemicals and cinders.
(1.8) ��Wa9te Classification": Six class�fications of waste as
defined by the Incinerator Institute of America and the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.
(19) "Source Gas Volume": The volume of gas emanating from a
process or other source.
a. Recreational Fires Permitted. These regulations shall not apply to wood
burning fireplaces, nor to fires used solely far the preparation of food by
b. Access to Premises. Whenever it shall be necessary for the purposes
of these regulations, the Agency or any member, empl�yee, or agent thereof,
when authorized by it, may enter upon any property, public or private, for the
purpose of obtaining information or conducting surveys or investigations.
c. Vaxiance. Where upon written application of the responsible person or
persons the Agency firads that by reason of exceptional circumstances strict
conformity with ar�y provisions of the emission standaxds contained herein would
cause undue hardship, would be unreasonable, impractical or not feasible under
'the cirewnstances, the Agency may permi.t a variance from these emission standaxds
upon such conditions and within such time limitations as it raay prescribe for
prevention, control or abatement of air pollution in harmony with the intent
of the State and any applicable Federal laws.
d. �, Circumvention. No person shall cause or permit the installation or
use of a�y device of ar�y means which, without resulting in reduction in the total
- 2.3
� amount of air contaminant emitted, conceals or dilutes an emi.ssion of air contami.-
nant which would otherwise violate an air pollution control regulation.
e. Severabilit;r. If any provision of any regulation or the application
thereof to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, such invalidity
shall not affect other provisions or application of any other part of 3uch regu-
lation or any other regulation which can �be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and to this end the provisions of all regulations
and the various applications thereof are declared to be severable.
/s� John P. Badalich �sf�?.����rt C_ T�,v��o�.
John P. i�adalich, P.�. Rober� C. Tuveson, Chairman
Executiive Secretary ar.d J�ttori�ey at Law
Chief Fxecutive Officer
/s/ Yomer C. Luick
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chairman
- 2.4 -
APC 3 Plan App�oval and Permit Issuance, Measurement
of �nissions of Air Contaminants, Submission
of Emission Information Authoritv and Time
Schedule for Complainace.
A. Approval of Planned Installations and Permit Issuance
(�) Review of Plans and Approval
A person planning to construct, install, reconstruct or alter any process,
fuel-burning or control equipment therefor which may be a aource of air pollution
shall submit plans and specifications of the process, fuel-burning, refu3e burning
or control equipment and structures or buildings used in connection therewith
for approval and issuance of a permit prior to the initiation of any construc-
tion, ir:stallation or a,]_teration.
(2) Information Raquired
Plans and specifications shall 3.nclude the followr�g information:
(a) E;cpected coito�ition of the effl�:ent �trea,m, both before and
after the inst�llatio-� of a.� air cleani.ng de�rice, ir_.;ludir..b emi�sion rate,
concentra.tion, volu�� and t�:r�perature�
(b) Expected physical characteristics of particulates;
(c) Type of clean�.ng device, if any;
(d) Location and Elevat�.on of the em�i.�sion point az:d oth�r factors
rela,ting to dispersion and d�ffusion of the con�a�mir.ant in �che ouier a.i_r, and
the relation of the e�.ssion point to nearby sturctures, window openings, and
other ir..format�on nec���sa_�►�y to a��raise �he pos�ib�.e effPcts of t'r_� effluent.
(e) t►ny other reasor.ab�e and pe:tinen� iniorntat�on that mGy be required
by the Director.
(3) Approval of Plar.s and Specifications.
P�ans and specif:.catio.s :hall be approvPd and a permit issued within
30 days when the Director b�l.ieves that they are in accorc3a.nce wi�cl-. tr.e require-
ments as set forth in these regulations.
(k) Denial of Permit.
When a permit i4 denied, applicant shall ba notified in writing of the reasons
� therefor. A denial shal]. be without pre�j.u�ice to the applicantts right to a
hearing before the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or for filing a further
application after revisions are made to meet objections specified as reasons
for the denial.
(5) F�ceptions.
When plans, specifications, and permits are required by an established air
pollution control division or program of any city, county, or other political
subdivision of the state of I�finnesota, such permit ma,y be issued by such political
subdivision provided the installation meets the provisions of these regulations
' and copies of the plans and specifications furnished to the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency.
(6) Fxemptions.
The following installations are exeutpted from the req-airements of subparagraph
(1), (2), and (3) of this re�ulat:ion:
(a) All fue7. �urni.ng installations of less than 1,C00,000 BTU per
hour input;
(b) All fuel burning installations burn.i.txg only natural gas, ]3qui-
fied petrolewn gas, No.I:.. or No. 2 fuel oil;
(c) Comfort air conditioning or comfort ventilating sfstems not
desi.gned to remove air contaminants generated by or released from specific units
of equipmer�t;
(d) Inc�nerators of less ttian 100 pounds per hour burning capacity.
B. Measurernent of E�zissions of �►ir Co�tam?n�ts.
(1) Responsible Persons. To Have Tests I�.ade.
The Director ma�y require ar�y person responsible for emission of air contauu.-
nants to make or have made tests to �etermine the chaxacteristics and araount of
emi.ssion, of air contaminants from ar�,y source, whenever the Director has reason
to b�lieve that an emission in excess of that allowed by an air pollution regula-
t�.on is occurring. The Director r�a,y specify testir.g methods to be used in accord-
ance with good professi.onal practice and may observe the te�ting. All tests shall
#2k2--10 _ .. 3.2 . .
be conduc�ed by rep�table, qualified personnel. The Director shall be given tw�
copies of the test methodology and results in writing aiid signed by the person
responsible for the tests.
(2) The Director Ma,y Ma,ke Tests.
Upon request of the Director the persons responsible for an air contaminant
source shall provide necessary holes in stacks or ducts and such safe and proper
sampling and testing facilities, exclusive of instrum�nts and sensing devices as
may be necessazy for proper determination of emission of air conta,minants,
and the Director or his agents may conduct tests of er,�issior�s �from such source.
C. Submi.:�ion of �mission Irforma,tion Authority.
(1) ihe Director r�av reKuire the submissicn of air pollu;;ant inform�,tion
from any or all poten+ial sources for purposes of maar.tainir.g an a,ir pollutant
emission inventorv.
{2) Any records or other information furnished to or obtained by the Minne-
sota Pollution Control Agenc.y concerning or�e or �ore conta,mi.,�ant sources, which
records or infozmation, as certified by the owr_er or opera�or relate to production
or sales figures or to processes or production unique to the owner or operator
or which would tend to affect �dver�ely the co��etitivs posi�ion of such owner or
operator, 3ha11 be only for coi:fiden�;ial u�e in tne �,dr�nistr�tion of these
regulations, unless such owner or operator shall expressly agree to their publica-
tion or availability to the general public. Nothi.ng here�n shall be construed to
prevent the use of 'sucY: records or i.n_fornat�on by the A�en�y in compiling or ,
publishing analyses or �umma,r�es relating to th� generG,l condition of the outdoor
atmosphere; prov�ded that such analyses or swnir.ari�:s do not �denti�'y �y owner
or operator or reveal ary info.rmat.ion uthei�se cor_fiden�ial under this section.
D. Tirne Schedule for Compliance
bccept as otherwise spec�f:ied, cor�pliance with the proviGions of these regulations
shall be according to the following time schedule:
(1) All new instal].at.i.on Rhall comply as of going into operation.
�242-�1 3.3 .
(2) All existing installations not in compliance as of the effective date
shall be in compliance within six months of the effective date unless the owner
or person responsible for the operation of the installatio�^ shall have submitted
to the Dixector in a form and manner satisfactory to him, a program and schedule
for achieving compliance, such program and schedule to contain a date no la,ter
than three years from adoption of these regulations by which full compliance
will be attainod, and such other information as the Director may require. If
approved by tha Director, such date will be t:1e date on which the person shall
comply. �
The Director may require persons subrritting such progr�.m to submit subsequent
periodic reports on progress in achieving compliance.
/s/ Jo'.�n P. Badalich /s/ Robert C. ��eson
John P. Badalich, P.E. Rob•,rt C. 'l��•reson, Chairman
Fxecutive Secretary a�.d Attorney at Law
Cnief F�ecutive Officer
/s/ Horaer C. Luick
Homer C. �ui�k, V�:�.ce-Chs,irman ,
APC !+ *?�xinitnn; A1i o;aab]_e�E�nission of Darticulate
tfatter from Fuel Burnin�;EQUipment Used
For Indirect Heatin�.
a. General Provisions.
(I) This regulation applies to fuel burning installations utilized for the
primary purpose of producing steam, hot water, hot air or other indirect heating
of liquids, gases, or solids where the products of combustion do not have direct
contact with process materials. Fuel includes coal, coke, lignite, coke breeze,
fusl oiZ, and wood, but does not i.nclude refuse. When any products or by-products
of a manuEacturing process are burned for the same purpose or in conjunction with
any fuel, the same max�.mwm emission limitations shall apply.
(2) Heat content of coal sha11 be determined according to American Society
for Testing and Materials method D-271-bk Laboratory Sampling and Analysis of
Coal and Coke or method D-2015-62T Gross Calorific Value of SoLid Fuel by the
Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter, which publications are incorparated herein by reference.
(3) As used herein "heat input" shall be the aggregate heat content of all
fuels whose combustion products pass through a stack or stacks. T2ie heat input
value used shall be the equipment manufacturer�s or desi.gnerls guaxanteed
m�����m input, whichever is greater. The total heat input of all fuel burning
units at an installation or on a premises shall deterciine the maximum allowable
amount of particula+e matter emission.
(!�) Particulate matter emission shall be measured according to the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Test Code - PTC - 27 dated 1957 and
entitled Determining Dust Concentration in a Gas S�ream, which publication is
incorporated herein by reference, or other approved method conducted in accordance
with good professional practice.
B. Provision for Minneapolis--St. Paul Metropolitan Area and All New Installations.
bnissions of particulate matter from the combustion of fuel for indirect
heating shall be limited by the provisions of the American Society of Mechanical
Engi.neers Standard No. APS-1 dated June 15, 1966, "Recommended Guide for the
Control of Dust Emi�sion-Combustion for Indirect Heat E�cchangers."
�242-13 1�.1
Figure 2 in such standard shall be used to estimate allowable emissions from a
plant with a si�zgle stack. The appropriate correction factor shall be applied
to multiple stack plants or instalJ_ations. Re�ardless of stack number or
height, the maxi.mum allowable emi�sion for any stack, plant or installation
shall be 0.6 pounds of particulates per million BTU input.
C. Provision for �i�ting Plants or Tnstallations Outside the Minneapolis-St.
Paul Metro�;olita.-� Area.
Particulate matter emissions fror� the combustion of fuel for indirect heating
shall be limited as in B above, except, regard?ess of stack number or htight,
the maximum allowable em.iss_,'.on for any stack, plant or installation sha11 be
0.8 pounds of particu'.ates per million ETU input.
D. Smoke Indicators.
It is recommended plants or installations burning solid fuel or Liquid fuels
of Grades 5 or 6 (PS No. 300 or PS No. 1�00) and having more than 1,000,000 BTU
input capacity be equipped with smoke indicators, mirrors, or similar approved
devices to enable the fireman to observe the breaching or the top of the stack or
stacks from the boiler room at all times, unless the top of the s�ack is readily
visible to the fire�� from the boiler room without the use of such devices. In
plants where a fireman is not in constant atterdance in the boiler room, and when
the boilers fired at cne ti.rse aggregate more than 1,000 squaxe feet of heating
surface the smoke indicators should be capable of sounding an alarm or flashing
a signal to attract the atten�ion of the fireman. Any existing plant or installa-
tion which emits smoke of a dznsity greater than permitted by appropriate re-
gulation sha11 install such indicating devices.
/s� John P. Badalich /s� Robert C. Tt;veson
John P. Badalich,P.E. Robert C. Tuveson, Chairman •
�ecutive Secretary and Attorney at Law
Chief Executive Gfficer
�242_� /s/ Homer C. Luick
Hom.er C. Luick, Vice-Chairman
. . r r
. . . . . . . . .
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• APC 5 R�3striction of �ni.ssion of Particulate Matter
fz��n Ind�?.,strial Processes.
A. General Frovisions
(1) This regulation applies to any operation, process, or activity except
the bur�i:ng of fuel for indirect heating where the products of combustion do not
� directly contact process materials, except refuse burning and procesa burning
of salvageable material.
(2) "Process weight" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in regulation
APC 2. �
Proceas weight rate for continuous or long-run steady-state sources shall
be the total process weight for the entire period of continuous operation or a
typic al portion thereof, divided by the number of hours or such period or portion
thereof. Process weight rate for cyclical or batch source sha11 be the total
process weight for a period which covers a complete operation or an integral
number of cycles, divided by the hours of actual process operation during such
Where the nature of any prpcess or operation or the design of any equipment
admits more than one interpretation of this section, the interpretation resulting
in the mini.mum allowable emission value sha11 apply.
(3) bni.ssion tests for determination of com�liance with this regulation
shall follow the standards in American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power
Test Code - PTC - 27 dated 1957 and entitled "Determining D'ust Concentration in a
Gas Stream" or other approved method.
B. Emission Limitations.
(1) Except as provided in Section B (2) below, no person shall cause, suPfer,
allow, or permit the emission of particulate ma,tter in ar�y one hour from any �- -
source in excess of the amount shown in Table I for the allocated process weight.
(2) The limitations established by Section B (I) shall not require the
reduction of paxticulate matter concentration, based on the source gas volume,
below the concentration specified in Table 2 for such volume. The bu.rden of
showing the source gas volume, 3ncluding all factors and methods determining
such volume, shall be on the person seeking to come w.Lthin the provisions of
this section.
(3)•�� No person shall cause, suffer, a11ow, or permit the emission of particu-
� late matter from ax�y source in a concentration in excess of 0.30 grain per
standard cubic foot of exhaust gases. Provisions of this subsection shall not
apply to existing grey iron 3obbing cupolas. For purposes of this regulation,
a �obbing cupola is defined as a cupola, which has a single melting cycle no
more than ten hours in any consecutive 24 hours and no more than 5� hours in any
consecutive seven days.
(a) All existing grey iron jobbing cupolas shall be eq�iipped •�rith gas
cleaning devices and so operated as to remove 85 percent by weigh�t of all the
particulate matter in the cupola discharge gases, or release not more #,'lu.� 0.4
grain of particulate matter per standard cubic foot of disc::arge gas, h::ichever
is more stringent.
(b) All gases, vapors, and gas entrained effluents �rom such cupolas
shall be incinerated at a temperature not less than 1200° r^=hrer.heit for a period
of not less t2-.an 0.3 seconds.
(c) �c��t-�.•�ns. k te�porary operational breakd��an or cleax:ing or ayr
pollution eau'.�,_1E'r1L f�r ar�y process are permitted as exce;�t�_ons to the �rovisions
of Regulat�.:n AI'C 5 previded the owner or operator incnedi�±::ly a��Jises the
Director of the ci,rcv.��:,tar�c�:s and outlinas an accap��w'clp corr�c�i•re program.
In any event, no opera,'.ion �?�at mw'v cause an iirr==d�aLe pL,blyc health hazard can
be deemed an e:�:c�ption from this regulation.
(d) Any ex_sting emission seui•ce wh�.ch has pai•t�culat� collaction
equipment with a collection efficiency of 99 percer.t b9 �•���;�t or any new emis-
sion source which is installed with particulate co7l�ction couipn�>nt of 99•7
percent eff�S_ciency by we3_gl�t shall be considered as raeet�.nb the pr�vis�ons of
this reg�alation.
. A� emission source located outside of the A�Iinneapolis�t. Paul
Metropolitan Area wiii.ch has particul�.te collec�cion equipment with a collection
efficiency of not less than 85 percent by weight, and is located not less
than one-fourth mile from any residence or puhlic roadway and the operation
thereof dcss not create a suspended particulate concentration in the ambient
air beyer_d tha property lir..es of the source of emissi�n which is above the
ambient air puality standards shall be considered as :neei;?.ng the provisions
of this re�u.lation.
Process Weight Rate of Process Weight Rate of
__ Rate Emission Rate Emission
Lb Hr. Tons/Hr. Lb/Hr. Lb/Hr. Tons/Hr. Lb/Hr.
i i i � �
'100 � 0.05 � 0.551 � 15,000 f 8.00 � 16.5
200 � 0.10 � 0,877 � 18,000 � 9.00 � 17.9
1�00 � 0,20 � 1,40 � 20,000 � 10.oo � 19.2
600 � 0.30 � 1.83 � 30,000 � 15.00 � 25•z
800 � 0.4� ; 2.22 � 40,000 � 20.00 � 30.5
1,000 = 0.50 � 2.58 � 50 000 = 25.00 � 35.4
� i � ' � i
1,500 j 0.75 ; 3.3� j 60,000 � 30.00 ; 1�0.0
� i 1 �
2,000 � l.00 � 1�.10 � 70,000 � 3 5.00 � la..3
� � � � i
2,500 � 1.25 S 4.7 b � 80,000 = �+o.00 � �+2.5
3,000 � 1.50 ' 5.38 � 90,000 ; l�5.00 ; 1�3.b
3,500 � 1.75 � 5.96 ; 100,000 ; 50.00 ; ,�.�,..6
1�,000 � 2,00 ; 6.52 �! 120,000 ; 60.00 � 1�6.3
i i i i i
6,o00 � 2.5� ; 7.58 = 1�,.0,000 ; 70.00 ; 47.8
� 3.00 ` 8.56 � 160,000 ; 80.00 ; 49.0
7,000 � 3.50 = 9.49 j zo0,000 � l00.00 � 51.2
s,000 ; 4.00 � io.k ; l,000,000 f 5oo.eo ; 6g.o
9,0� ; 4.5� � 11.2 � 2,000,000 ; 1,000.00 ; 77.6
lo,000 ; 5.00 ; 12,0 � 6,CCO,0o0 ; 3,000.00 ; 92.7
i i i i
12,000 � b.00 � 13.6 � _ _
-- � _ �_� �
Intergolation of the data in this table for process weight rates up to 60,000 lb/hr
shall be accomplished by use of the equation ��..10 P�.67, and interpolation and
extrapolation of the data for process weight rates in excess of b0,000 lb�hr
#242-17 5.3
shall be accomplished by use of the equation:
E � 55.0P� '� - 4��
where E = rate of emission in lb/hr and P = process weight rate in tons/hr.
, ,
_--._-----_____.��---...___�.�..M__�_�_._��_�..�_------,._�.��----- -
Source Gas Cancentration Source Gas Concentra,bion
Volume. SCFMa' GR/SCFb Volume. SCFMa GR/SCF
� y7,d� 0.1V V 1.�.��W� 0��3�
or l.ess
g,000 0.096 160,000 0.036
9,000 0.092 180,000 0.035
'l�a�,c�o o.oa9 zoo,000 o.c34
ao,000 0.071 300,000 0.030
30,000 0.062 400,C00 0.027
t�0,000 0.057 500,000 0.025
_ 50,� O.o53 600,00o O.oz4
60,ao0 �.050 800,000 o.ozi
80,000 0.045 2,OOO,C�00 0.020
or more
100,000 0.042
120,000 0.�'40
�'Standard cubic feet per minute
b Gxains per standard cubic foot
1�/ Joh.-+ .p. B�d�.,,;�. Ls�P.e'�ert.C. �i��Fson
John P. L�.,�c.a,lY�.;a, P.E. t2obr.��t C. 7'u�f;son, Chai.��an
Executive :�e:Y�,�i�7 and •.Attorney at Law
Chief Exe:utive Officer
/s/ Homer C. Lu?ck
HomEr C. i.aa��k, �ii:;e-Ctia�.rman
� APC 6 Pre�,rentin�_Particulate Matter_from Becomin�_
A. No person shall cause or permit the handling, use, transporting, or
storage of any material in a manner which may allow avoidable amounts of paxticu-
late matter tt� becnme air-borne.
B. No person shall cause or permit a building or its appurtenances or
a road, or a driveway, or an open axea to be constri..eted, used, repaired or
demolished without applying all such reasonable raeasures as may be required to
prevent particulate matter from becomi.ng air-borne. The Director may require
3uch reasonable measures as m�y be necessary to prevent particulate n.atter
from becoming aa.r-borne including, but not limited to, paving or frequent
cleaz ing of roads, driveways and pa rking lots; apFl�cation of dust-free surfaces;
application of water; and the planting and maintenance of vegetative ground
/s/ John P. Badalich /s/ Robert C. Tuveson
John P. Badalich, P.E. Robert C. Tuveson, Chairma.n
�cecutive Secretary and Attorney at La,��r
Chief Executive Officer
/s% Homer C. Luick
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chairman
APC 7 Incinerators
A. General Provisions
(1) This regulation applies to any incinerator used to dispose of refuse
by burning or the processing of salvageable material by burning. Notwithstanding
definif.ions i.n other regulations, as used in this regulation the word refuse
includes gaxbage, rubbish, trade wastes, leaves, salvageable ma,terial and
agricultural wastes. The word incinerator, as used in this regulation, includes
incinerators and other devices, structures, or contrivances used to burn refuse
or to process refuse b;� burning. �
(2) The burning capacity of an incinerator shall be the manufacturer�s
or designer�s guaxanteed m�ximum rate or such acceptable cther rate as is considere�
good-engineering practice.
�3) The a�nount of paxticulate matter emitted from any incinerator shall be
determined according to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Test
Code - PTC - 27 dated 1957 and entitled "Determining Dust Concentration in a Gas
Stream" or any other method which is consistent with good professional practice.
The above publication is hereby made a part of this regulation by reference. In
calculating the amount of particulate matter i.n stack gas, the loading shall be
ad3usted to 12 pereent caxbon dioxide in the stack gas. The carbon dioxide
produced by burning of an;� liqui.d or gaseous fua� in the incinerator shall be
excluded from the calculation to 12 percent carbon dioxide. Emissions shall be
measured under maximum operation capacity or at any other burning rate wherein
emission of paz�:.cu�ate ��ttQr is greater.
B. Restri:ction of �ni.ssions of Par�ticulate I�iatter from
(1.) No person shall cause or permit the emission of paxticulate matter from
the stack or chimney of any incinerator in excess of the following:
(a) Incinerators with a maximwn refuse burning capacity of less than
200 pounds per hour, 0.3 grains of particulate natter per standard dry cubic foot
of exhaust gas.
�2t�2-20 � 7.1
(b) Incinerators with a ma�ti.mum refuse burning capacit9 of 200 to
2000 pounds per hour, 0.2 grains of particulate matter per standard dry cubic
foot of exhaust gas. }
� (c) Incinerators with a maximum refuse busr�ing aapacitSr'3n e�ceas of
2,000 pounds per hour, 0.1 grains of particulate matter per standard dry cubic
foot exhaust gas.
(2) All new incinerators and all existing inci.nerators to be modified to
meet the requ3.rements of this regulation and which axe to burn type 11, 111,1 V,V,
Vl waste as cla,ssified by the Tncinerator Institut�e of America must be equipped
with auxiliary fuel burners of such capacity and design as to assure a tempera-
ture in the secondary combustion chamber of at least 1200°F. for a sufficient tirse
to prevent objectionable odor eniission.
(3) No incinerator shall be used for the buring of refuse unless such in-
cinerator is a multiple chamber incinerator. Exi.sti.r_g incinerai�brs which are
not multiple cha��nber incinerators may be altered, modified or rebuilt as may be
:�ecessary to meet this requirement. 7.`he Director may ap;r�1� �'�y �ther altera--
tion or modification to an existing incinerator if such be fou�ld by him to be
equally effective for the prupose of air pollution control as a modification
or alteration which would result in a �ultiple chamber incinerator. �11 new
incinerators shall be multiple chamber incinerators, provided that the Director
may approve any other kind of 3ncinerator if he finds in advance of construction
or installation tl:at such other kind of i�cinerator is equally effective for
purposes of a�r pollution control as an approved multiple chamber ir.cinerator.
�cisting incinerators buring class II and class III waste which axe not
multiple chamber incinerators and do not otherwise meet the requirements of
Section B(I) of this regulation shall be modified or rebuilt in compliance witn
• this section in accordance with the schedule b�low. bci.sting incinerators
burning class IV, V, or VI waste require the specific approval of the DirA^tor.
Incineratcrs handling any garbage and orgaaic waste must have auxiliary f1z�.1
burners that maintain a mi.nimum temperature of 1200°F for a mini.mum of.3 secon�
#2uz-zl 7.z
\ retention time, or until odor emissions are eliminated.
Ra,ted Cavacitv La.test Date for Compliance
2000 lbs/hr. or above 12 months from effective
date of regulation
1000 - 1999 lbs�hr 18 months from effective
date of regulation
5� - 999 lbs/hr 2Li. months from effective
date of regulation
all others 30 months from effective
date of regulation
(4) No person shall burn or cause or perrnit the burning of refuse in ar�y
installation which was designed for the sole purpose of burning fuel.
/s/ John P. Bad�lich /s/ Robert C. Tuveson
John P. Badalich, P.E. Robert C. Tuveson, Chairman
bcecutive Secretaxy and Attorney at Law
Chief �cecutive Officer
�s/ Homer C. Luick
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chaixman
� APC g Open Burnin�, Restrictions.
A. ftefuse burning restrictions.
(T) No person shall dispose of refuse b�r open burning, or cause, suffer,
allow or permit open burning of refuse. In areas where no public or comtnercial
refuse collection service is availa,ble on the effective date of this regulation,
open burning of refuse on residential premises, or refuse originating from
dwelling units on premises shall not be in violation of this section until such
refuse collection service becomes available but no later than three yeaxs from
the effective date of this regu].ation. �
B. Prohibition of salvage operations by opea burning.
No person shall conduct, cause or permit the conduct of a salvage operation
by open burning.
C. Restriction on open burning of tree leaves.
The open burning of leaves is prohibited effective two months after a general
solid waste pick-up system is developed by a municipality that is part of a
comprehensive plan for solid waste disposal. Until such time, burning of leaves
only in containers meeting fire safety standaxds is permitted.
D. Exceptions.
Exceptions herefrom may be allowed upon application and approval by the
Director provided that the burning is not prohibited by or is conducted in compli-
ance with other appLicable 1aws, ordinances and regulations. Exemption to conduct
open burning under the provision of this regulation does not excuse a person from
the consequences, dama,ges, or in�uries which may result therefrom. The followin;
are exceptions for which application may be made:
(I) Fires purposely set for the instruction and training of public
and industrial fire-fighting personnel.
(2) Fires set for the elim%nation of a fire hazard which cannot be
abated by any other practicable means.
(3) Fires purpose�� set for forest or game management in accordance
with practices recommended by the Ma.nnesota Department of Conservation, the
#z4z-z3 8.1
Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the United States Forest Service.
(k) The burning of hydrocaxbons which must be wasted through the use
of atmospheric flaxes.
(5) The burning of trees, brush, grass and other vegetable matter in
" the cleaxing of land, right of way maintenance operations and agricultural crop
burning is permitted under the followin� conditions :
(a) The prevailing winds at the time of burn1ng must be �:*a�r from
any city or town.
(b) The location of burning must not be within 1,C00 feet of an
occu��d residence other than those located on the property on which the burnir�
is conducted.
(c) Oils, rubber or other similar materials which produce unreason-
able amount of air contaminants may not be burned.
(d) The burning must not be conducted within 1,000 feet of any
highw�r or public road and in atxy event must be controlled so that a traffic
hazard is not created.
(e) The burning must not be conduc�ed within one mile of any mi.li-
tary, commercial, county, municipal, or private airport or landing strip.
/s/ John P. Ba.dalich ls/ Robert C. Tuveson
John P. Badalich, P.E. Robert C. �veson, Chair�an
Executive 5ecretary and Attorney at Law
Chief Executive Officer
/s/ Homer C. Luick
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chairman
A�C 9 Control of Odors in the Ambient Air.
A. No person shall emit odorous ma.tter such as to cause an objectionable odor:
(I) In areas zoned residential, recreational, institutional, retail salss,
hobel or educational;
(2) In axeas zoned light industrial when air containing such odorous matter
is diluted with 2 volumes of odor-free air.
(3) In areas other than those in subparagraphs (I) and (2) when air conta:i.n-
ing such odorous matter is diluted with four volumes of odor-free air.
B. The above requirements sha11 apply only to objectionable odors. An odor will
be deemed ob�ectionable when 30 percent or more of a sample of tY:e people elcposPd
to it believe it to be objectionable in usual places of occupancy. The test for
objectionable odors and odor dilutions shall be conducted with an independent
panel of not less than five persons and according to the best accepted procedures,
such as American Society for Testing Materials Method D-1359-57•
C. The odor of growing vegetation, domestic fertilizers, insecticides and other
natural odors shall not be considered objectionable within the meaning of this
s Johr P. B���a�,j�h /s/ Rnbert C. Tuvesen
Joh.n P. Badal���h, P.E. Ro�ert C. Tuveson, Chairmaxi
Executive Secr�:tary Atzorney at La.w
Chief Executive Officer
s Ho^�er C. Luick
' Ho��er C. Luick, Vice-Chuirr:an
APC 10 Control of Odors fro� Processi of Ar.imal
A. General
(I) For purposes of this regulation the word "reduction" is defined as any
heated process, including rendering, cooking, drying, dehydrati.ng, digesting,
evaporating, and protein concentrating. Ani.mal ma,tter is defined as any product
or derivative of animal. life.
(2) The provisions of this regulation sha11 not apply to any device, machine,
equipment, or other contrivance used exclusively for the processing of food for
human consuraption in food service establishments.
A food service establishment shall include: Any fixed or mobile restaurant;
coffee shop; cafeteria; short order cafe; luncheonet�e; grill; tea.room; sandwic:�
shop; soda fountain; tavern; bar; cocktail lounge; night club; roadside stand;
industrial feeding establishment; private, public or nonprofit organization or
institution routinely serving food; catering kitchen, commissary, or si.milax
place in which food or drink is placed for sale or for service on the premises or
elsewhere; and any other eating or drink�xig establishment or operation where food
is served or provided for the public with or without charge.
B. Odor control equipment required on reduction processes.
No person shall operate or use any device, machine, equipment or other con-
trivance: for the reduction of a.nimal matter unless a).l gases, vapors, and gas-
� entrained effluents from such faci.lity are incinerated at a ter�perature of not
less than 1500°F for a period of not less than 0.3 second, or processed in such
manner as determined by the Director to be equall�r or more ef�ective for the
purpose of air pollution control.
A person incinerating or processing gases, vapors or gas-entrained effluents
pursuant to this rule shall provide, properly install and maintain, in good
working order and in operation, devices as specified b;� the Director for indica-
ting temperature, pressure, or other operating conditions.
#�kz-26 10.1
C. Other odor contrcl neasures required.
(1) Effective devices and measures shall 3�e installed; ,,rid operated such
that no vent, exhaust pipe, blow-off pipe or opening of any kind shall discharge
into the outdoor air ar.�y odorous ma,tter, vapors, gases, dusts, or any corabination
thereof which create odors or other nuisances in the neighborhood of the plant.
(2) Odor producing materials shall be stored and handled in such a manner
that odors praduces Prom such materials axe confined. Accumulation of odor pro-
ducing materials resulting from spillage or other escape is prohibited.
(3) Odor bearing gases, vapors, fwnes or dusts arising Prom ma,terials in
process shall be confined at the point of origin so as to prevent liberation of
odorous matter. Confined gases, vapors, fwnes or dusts shall be treated befored
discharge to the atmosphere, as required in subsection C l).
D. Enclosure of building may be required.
Whenever dust, fumes, gases, mist, odorous matter, v �ors, or any combination
thereof escape from a building used for processing of ani�nai matter in such manner
and amount as to cause a violation of Regulation APC 9, the Director may instruct
that the building or buildings utiL_zed for processing, handling and storage be
t3:ghtly closed and ve:�tilated so that all air, and gases and air or gas-borne
material are treated bs incineration or other effective m�ans before discharge
into the open air.
John P. Ba.dalich, P.E. � Rcbart C. 'I'uveson, Chairman
Executive Secretary and Attorney at Iaw
Chief �ecutive Officer
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chaa.rman
#�21�2-27 10.2
pp� 7„1, � � i on q,�' Emisgion„of Visible Aia�
A. Smoke restr3.ctions applicable to eacisting installations
except e:{isting incineration.
No person shall cause, or permit the emission of smoke or any other air con-
taminant which has a shade or densi+.y:
('� Darker than No. 3 on the Ringelmarm Smoke Chart or of such opacity as
to obscure an obscrver�s view to a degree equal to or greater than smoke of
No. 3 Ringelmann density.
(2) Darker than No. 2 on the Ringelmann Smoke Chart but less than No. 3 on
said chart, if such emission continues for longer than four minutes in the
aggregate in any 60-minute period or of such oFaca�y as to obscure an observerts
view to a degree equal to or greater than smoke of No. 2 but less than No. 3
Ringe].mann density during such period.
(3) Daxker than No. I on the Ringe7mann Smoke Chart, but lsss than TJo. 2 on
said chart, if such emission continues for longer tnan four m-i.nutes in the aggre-
gate in ar�y 30-mi.nute period or of such opacity to obscure an observer�s view to
a degree equal to or greater than smoke of No. 1 but less than No. 2 Ringelmann
density during such period.
The density of smoke or other air conta�inant shall be measured at the point
of its emission, except when the point of emission cannot be readil� observed,
measurement shall be made at the nearest observable point on the plume frc� the
point of emission origination.
The provisions of this section shal' not apply �o an equipment breakdo�m
making compliance not reasonably possible.
B. Smoke restrictions applicable to new installations and
all incinerators.
No person sha11 discharge into the atmosphere from any single source of
emission whatsoever any air contaxninant which has a shade or density:
(x� DarYer than that desi.gnated as No. I on the Ringelmann Chart, or
(2) Of such opacity as to obscure an observer�s view to a degree grea+er
#242-28 11.1
, than amoke described i.n subsection B(�) of this re�ula.tion.
C. �cceptions.
A person :aa,y discrarge into the atmosphere from ar�p s:�ngle source of emission
for a period or periods aggregat3ng not more than four minutes in ar�y 60 minutes
air contaminants of a shade or density; �
(1) not daxi.er than No. 2 on the R3xigelmann Chart,
(2) of such opacity as to obscure an observerts view to a degree not greater
than does smoke described in subsection C (I) of this regulation,
Where the presence of uncombined water is the on7� reason for failure of an
emission to meet the requixements of Section A or B of this regulation, such
Sections shall not apply. The provisions of Section A of this regulation shall
not apply to:
(a) Transfer of molten metals;
(b) �nissions from transfer ladles;
(c) Coke ovens when pushing coke from oven;
(d) Water quenching of coke on discharge from ovens;
(�) Existing grey iron �obbing cupolas as defined in Regula.tion APC 5;
{f) Blast furnaces during sLi�s.
D. RingeZmarin Smoke Chart
The Ringelmann Smoke Chart shall mean and include ar�r of the following:
(I) The F�.ingelmann Smoke Chart with instructions for use (Information
Circular 8333, M�►Y, �907, Rev. of IC 7718) as published by the U.S. Bureau of
(2) The Ringela�ann Smoke Chart, photograph,ically reduced to 1/19th in size
and known as Power's Micror3ngelmann Chart, copyright 1954 by NicGraw-Hill
Publishing Company;
(3) The P,.ingelmann Smoke Chart as utilized as a reference standard in the
Smokescope Manufactured by Mine Safety AppLiances Company.
John P. Badalich, P.E. Robert C. Tuveson, Chairman
E�ecutive Secretary and Attorney at Law
Chief E�ecutive Officer
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chairman
AF'C 12 r'�n.i'ssion of Visible Air Contar.iinants From
Vehicles and Other Internal Combustion
A. No person shall cause or permit the emission of visible air contazninants
' from any internal combustion engine for more than 10 seconds in any five minute
B. Where the presence of uncombined water is the only reason for failure of
an emission to meet the requirements of this regulation, -ihe proviaions
of this regulation shall not apply. .
C. No person shall intentionally remove, alter or otherwise render inopera-
tive, exhaust emission control, crankcase ventilation or any other air pollution
control device which has been installed as a requirement of Federal law or
D. No person shall operate a motor vehicle originally equipped with air
pollution control devices as required by Federal law or regulation unless such
devices axe in place and in operating condition.
John P. Badalich, P.E. Robert C. �ZVeson, Chairman
Executive Secretary and Attorney at La.w
Chief Executive Officer
Homer C, Luick, Vice-Cnairman
' . APC 13 Reguirenents for Construction of New Gasoline
:tora�e Facilities
A. General
For purposes of this regulation, the term "gasoline" is defined as
peteolewn distillage ha.ving a Reid vapor pressure of four paunds or greater. The
term "submerged fill pipe" is defined as at�y fill pipe the discharge opening of
which is entirely submerged when the liquid level is six inches above the bottom
of the tank. "Submerged fill pipe" when applied to a tank which is loaded from
the side is defined as any fill pipe the discharge opening of which is entirely
submerged when the liquid level is 18 inches above the bottom of the tank.
B. Petroleum Storage Tanks.
.�fter the effective date of this regulation, no person shall build or in-
stall or pezmit the building or installation of any stationary tank, reservoir or
other container of more than 65,000 gallons capacity which wi.11 or might be
used for storage of any petroleum distilZa�e having a vapor pressure of 2.5
pounds per square it�h absolute or greater under actual storage conditions, unle3s
such tank, reservc:�r or other container is to be a pressure tank capable of
maintaining working pressure sufficient at all times to prevent hydrocarbon vapor
or gas loss to the at.mosphere or is designed, and will be built, and equipped
with one of the followi.ng vapor loss con�rol devices:
(1) A floating roof which may be either pontoon or double deck type that
will rest on the surface of the liquid contents and is equipped with a closure
seal, or seals, closing any space between the roof edge and the tank wall or an
anternal floating cover or other device equally effective. The control equipment
required by this subsection B(I) is not permitted if the gasoline or petroleu.�n
distillate to be stored will have a vapor pressure of 12.5 pounds per square inch
absolute or greater under actual storage conditions. All tank gauging and samp-
ling devices sha11 be gas-tight except while gauging or sampling.
(2) A vapor recovery system ;�hich includes a vapor-gathering system
capable of collecting the hydrocaxbon vapors and gases discharged and a vapor
�2kz-3z 13.1
disposal system capable of processing such hydrocarbon vapors and gases that
will prevent their emission to the atnosphere. All tank gauging and sampling
devices shall be gas-ti.ght except whi.le gauging or sampling.
(3) Other equipment or maans of equal efficiency for purposes of air
pollution control.
C. Submerged Fill Pipes Required.
After the effective date di this regulation, no person shall build or
install or permit the building or installation of a stationary gasoline stor-
age tank with a capacity of 250 gallons or more unless such tank is equipped
with a permanent submerged fill pipe or is a pressure tank as described in
subsection B(1) of this regulation, or is fitted with a vapor recovery sys-
tera as described in subsection B(1) of this regulation.
s John P, Eadalich s Robert C. Tuveson
John P. Badalich, PE Robert C. Tuveson, Chairman
Executive Secretary and Attorney at Ia,w
Chief Executive Officer
1s/ Homer C. L�a. .�
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chairman
APC lt�,. Emission of Certain Settleable Acids and
Alkaline Substances Restricted.
A. General :'rovisions.
This regulation shall apply to all emissions from any sources or premises.
B. Method of Measurement.
(1) In determining compliance with this regulation, fallout sampling
devices shall consist of circular glass dishes 1� centimeters in diamenter which
shall be supported on a nearly horizontal surface not larger than the dish. The
dish bottom shall be at least three feet above the earth or other surface on
which its support is resting and the dish shall be coated with a solution of
thymol blue, ammonia water solution and gelatin dried to a yellow color in
a vacuum oven at room temperature: Prepared dishes shall be stored in a
desiccator at I�0 percent relative humidity, or in plastic bagsv
(2) Fallout sa�npling devises shall be placed at one or more locations be-
yond the pre*nises on which a source or sources are located, up-w:i.nd and down-
wind of such premises. The sampling devices shall be exposed to substa.�ces
settling out of the ambient air for a period of one hour. The presence of re3-
colored spots on the gelatin indicates that acidic substances have settled out
of the air while the presence of blue-colored spots on the gelatin indicates
that alkaline substances have settled out of the air. The number of spots visi-
ble on samplers exposed up-wind of premises to be subt,racted from the number
of spots visible on samplers.exposed down-wind of the same preraises. The differ�
ence in the number of spots, if any, shall be construed to be attributable to
emis:;ions occurriiig on the premises under inves�igation.
(3) In lie�u of the �est methods specified in b (1) and (2), any other
method approved by the Director may be used.
C. Emissions Restricted.
No person shall cause or permi.t the emission from any source or premises of
#24z-34 u+.l
. � '
� avb�tances having aci.dic or alkaline properties in 4uch amoLmta that the do�+m-
wind rall out rate of ac�dic or alkaline substances at any place wh�re an
adverse o�ffect could occur, exc�ed� the up-wind fallout rate by five or �ore
spots per hour, measweed in the manner prescribed in Section b of this regulation.
John P. Badalich, P.E. Robert C. Tuveson, Chairman
Executive Secretary and Attorney at Law
Chief Executive Officer
Homer C. Luick, Vice-Chairman
#z4z-35 �,2
� . APC 15 Restriction of Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide
fro� Use of Fuel in the �iinneapolis-St.
Paul P�:etro,politan Area.
A. General Provisions
(1) This regul��tion shall apply only during a period declared by the Direc-
tor to be an air pollution aler�:period. An air pollutian alert will be declared
at ar�y time in the 24-hour average concentration of sulfur.d�.o�.de in the ambient
air based upon uniform sampling exceeds the value of 0.1 parts per million as
specified i.n APC l.
(2) Notification of an air pollution warning will be issued at any time
the average concentration of sulfur dioxide in the ambient air exceeds 0.1 parts
per million for a 12-hour period and the meteorological forecast indicates a
cc�tinuation of conditions unfavorable for dispersion of air pollutants for an
additional period of 12 hours or more. This warning period is to provide time
for users of fuel with a sulfur content in excess of that given in Sections B and
C of this regulation to prepare to change to a fuel which will meet the require-
ments of this regula�ion for use during an air pollu+ion alert.
(3) Notification of an air pollution alert will be made by the most �xaedi-
tious means to users of fuel containing a higher sulfur content t3�an tnat given
in this regulation. Upon such notification all fuel burned must comply with the
provisions of :ections B and C of this regulat�on. i�d:ien meteorological conditions
have cha.nged sufficiently to assure +hat the ambient air quality standard for sul-
fur dioxide wi.11 no longer be exceeded such fuel users will be advised that the
alert period is term�n�ted and ma.y then revert to the fuel of their choice.
(4) This regulation shall apply to any installation in which fuel is burned
and in which the sulfur dioxS.de emission is substa.ntially due to the content of
the fuel burr�ed, and in which the fuel is burned primarily to produce heat.
(5) For purposes of this regulation, a fuel burr.ing ir_stallation is any
single fuel burning furnace or boiler or other unit, device, or contrivan_ce in
which fuel is burned or any grouping of two or more such furn3ces or boilers or
other units, devices, or contrivances on the same premises or otnerwise located
#242-36 15.1
� '
� in close pro�.mit�r to each other and under control of the same person. The
capacity of such installations shall be the manufacturer's or designer's
guaranteed maximum heat input rate.
' (6) The method for determ.ining the percent of sulfur in coal shall be
that described in ASTM D-271-bk Laboratory Samp7.ing and Analysis of Coa1 and
� _
Coke or equivalent method approved by the Supervisor, Air Pollution Control. The
method for determining the heat content of coal shall be as described in A,STM
D-271-6k Laboratory Sampling and Analys3.s of Coa1 and Coke or D-2415-62T Grosa
Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter. Sulfur content
of coal as atated in this regulation shall be as analyzed on a dry basis, but
calculated to include normal moisture.
The method for determining the sulfur content of fuel oil shall be that
described in ASTM D-129-61� Standard Method of Test for Sulfur in Petroleum
P�oducts and Lubricants by the Bomb Method.
The method for determining the heat content of fuel oil shall be that
des.cribed in ASTM D-240-61� Standard Method of Test for Heat of Ccmbustion of
I,iquid Hydrocarbons by Bomb Calorimeter or other method giving comparable results.
The testing methods specified in this subsection are hereby made a part
of this regulation by reference.
(7) The Director is authorized to take or cause to have taken samples of
any fuel by ar�y appropriate means, in at�y quantity which he finds necessary, at
any reasonable time or place, for purposes of determining compliance with this
regulation. Where applicable, the followi.ng methods will be used:
For coal: ASTM D-l�92-2$ �195g) sampling Coal
Classified According to Ash Content
ASTt�2 D-2013-65T Preparing Coa1 5ample
for Analysis
ASTM D-2234-b5T P�echa.nical Sampling of
For Oil: ASTM D-27�-65� SamPling Petroleum and
Petroleum Pr�ducts
#z42-37 i5.z
. �
� �
� The methcds specified in this subsection axe hereby made a part of this regula-
tion by reference.
B. Restrictions Applicable to Fuel Burning Installations With a Capacity of
2,000 Million or More British Therm�.l Units Per Hour.
(1) After April 1, 1972, no person sha11 cause or permit the emission of
sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere during an air pollution alert from any �iel
burning installation with a capacity of 2,000 million or mote British Thermal
Units per hour in an amount greater than 2.3 pounds of sulfur dioxide per
million British Thermal Ilnits o� heat 3nput to the installa.tion.
(2) During an air pollution alert and until the requirements of subsection
B(1) of this regulation axe in effect, no fuel burning installation with a
capacity of 2,000 millior� or more British Thermal Units per hour shall burn a
fuel or fuels having a sulfur content in excess of two percent.
C. Restriction Applicable to Fuel Burning Installations With a Capacity of Less
than 2,000 I�311ion British Thermal Units Per Hour.
� (1) During an air pollution alert no person shall burn or permit the
buring of any coal containing mcre than two persent sulfur or of any fuel oil
containing more than two percent sulfur, in ar�,y fuel burning installation having
a capacity of less than 2,000 mi.11ion British Thermal Units per hour.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to an;r fuel burr,ir,g
installations if it can be shown that emissions of sulfur dioxide from such
installation into the atmosphere will not exceed 2.3 pounds per million British
Thermal Units of heat input to the installation.
/s/ John P. Badalich /s/ Robert C. �.ive�on
John P. Badalich, P.E. Robert C. Tuveson, ChairMa.n
bcecutive Secretary and Attcrney at Law
Chief Executive Officer
,�,gf ,�ioMer C Luick
Homer C. Lu�ck, Vice--Chairmar:
�z4z-?8 15•3
Sept. 25, 1969
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
State Board of Health
University of Minnesota Campus
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Gentl�men: � �
Th� City of Saint Paul, on SepSt ber 24 1969, adopted an ordinance
providing for the regulation an ont of air pollution, adopting
by reference regulations oP the 1�, ta Pollution Contral Agency,
a copy of which ordina _ ttact3� Por your inPormation.
In the ordinance, t City Cler '�s or ed to ke�p on file three
copies of these reg ations Pcr s�e and examination by the public.
We would appreciate if you � send us 3 certified copies of
these regula�fo�s�. �
/�--_.� ��_�.__..--
/� ,-
j Very truly yours,
�� i/
,`���j City Clerk
AO/ng __ _.,,_�...,-/
i�+ � - � '
� � � � �
�.' , 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app � dopted �
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Carison Carlson
Dalglish n Dalglish
Meredi+h 2[�553 Meredith v
Peterson Peterson
Sprafka Sprafka
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne