245513 " CO�JNCI FIL NU. � • BY - . 2�5513 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter oi condemn i ng and tak i ng an easement i n the 1 and necessa ry for tfie s 1 opes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by eaccavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surf�cing with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on PROSPERITY ROAD (City Project P-485-8) from East Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue as shown on Drawing No. 2056, Slope Drawer 2, on file in the Department of Public Works. under Preliminary Order 2�91 , approved June 27, 1969 , i Intermediary Order 245197 , approve� Auqust 13, 19b9 , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the eame; therefore, be it ' RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- pmvement to be mnde by the eaid Citq ie C,�ndemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fi11s, including r'ight of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavstions thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material and construct concrete cu�b and gutter on PROSPERITY ROAD (City Project P-485-B) from East Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue as shown on Drawing No. 2056, Slope Drawer 2 on file in the D��:rtment nf�rk�l�c Is[arks_.._ _ Also condemning and taking a permanent easement for construction and maintenance of a public sewer on, under, across and through that part of Lot l , Block 9, Tilsen's Sixth Addition, as shown on Drawing No. ?_056, Slope Drawer 2 on file in the Department of .f Public Works. � T�t, Aiso, a temporary easement for construction purposes on Tract G, � . _ '' Registered Land Survey Mo. 186, as shown on Drawing No. 2056, Slope Drawer 2, on file in the Department of Public Works, said easement to remain in effect for a period of one year commencing , on the date of ratification of this condemnation order. I, Also condemnin �— _ _ _._ _ _ _ Y ----_ "�L�k the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and ia hereb inatructed and and ma i ntenance o fd tak i ng a permanent �����' and the proper oity officiale are hereby ,:, that part a publ ic esSement for ""'�°a�-L�erewith. of Lot 1, 61ock Sewer on, under �onstruction - Drawing No. 2056 9� Tilsen's Sixth ' across and through Public Works, ' SioPe Drawer 2 on Addition, as shown on . f� �e �� the Department of Also, a temporar Reg i steCed y easement for CO'T�5!ruct i017 Slo e �ara Survey No. 186, as shown Purposes on P Drawer 2, on file i� on Drawin Tract �, easement to rema i n i n effect hfoDeaartment of Pub 1 i 9 Works�56, _ o� the date of ratification Period ► said __ of this pf one year commencing Councilmen: -�---- - - --___ condemnat ion order. Carlson 15 _—/ . 14�d(Ot�dXX Sprafka �_ � � /j Meredith V ruetistt�� SEP 13 1969 Mr. ,.;f,.�,`y�".,;� t �t a7 2� ice resident�(�e��r��h) j � ^ •, ' . � . . . . . I , , ' , ' ' �' � ,..� � y�/ �. � 2� S � : s.�� ! - OFFICE OF THE CONII�[ISSICA�IER OF PUBLIC WORKS 24519`7 � ' REPORT TO CONIl�2ISSIOTTER OF F�IANCT • , . ' � " July. 8, 19 69 � . , - ._._ .- �, • � �� � � �-�;� � . � , To the ,�onIInissioner of FYnance of the City of Saint Pau1: The. Con�nissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- - ' liminary order of the Cowncil� known as Council File No. 244691 approved J� �7s 1969 19 relative to Conde�aning and taking slope �_ eaeeae�te on PROSPERI'PY ROAD frc� E. Idaho Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. (City Pro�eet ` P-485B) as sho�rn on Draj►iag Ro. 2056, Slope Dr. 2 on Pile in the Depart�ent cf ; Public Worke. ; ; and hav3ng iriveatigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: � � . ' � 1. The estimated cost thereof 3s � Unkn°�''n dt this tiae. ,, . V J:. f � � j 2. A plan� profile or sketch oY said improvement is hereto attached and made ' a part hereof. � 3. Initisted by the Commi.ssioner of Public Works X � l�. Improvement is asked Yor upon petition � � . � : . : Commiesioner of Publ' r �` � ' v u a / W i J Q V N � ,Y � LC� ��' ,80 �� . S8'+ .��- �� � Q��/ �,P� ,90 .f`2�- 80 ,��►Sc�'r ,�b'O- �0 � .�''0 •/8* Z'0- `�� Q � t M _.y_____ _.-.- I I � .Q� `^ � � � � . . � L�f .��- V J � � � L 9 � G � � f � -' . " 7+Qr i . C +>• O �� �1 � II� � .G�� iD :� . �� �� ;� ±� � . �� .��� ` �� i`I � � u 4 1 � O � j � C ,� � � -� 7 � J ; � .,�-', � � , , � _, ,° I.i'Lt ,� � 1 .' � �� .') . l .J ] .'1 . . � D n � _ � �. : � ;� o " �� .o.�, � I -_ _��-___---! _ - , ��{ 0 w I - � +,':r.� . �,/� � . i0�� ..�� � /' . � . Y' � . . � � Q � ,2's+ , ` O ` _ � � O (� L1J z ' `�."` � H � � Z � a O/ � � ,6£+ Q , J } � F.�.. W � � > W `� � W ~ � � � � 'z8 Cn � .67+ z � � � W - Ll. Q � �i 2 p a ,Z6 � , z I.L �O ,�'£i , � LLI a J � W ,9 9 Y N ,S0/ . � .6�Z+ C� ' .00 � w '�� •�'` .06 O . � , l+ .Dy'�, t� � � / � � �- .a� �' �� .t�,� .s�t . ...� , � ;:�. �� .,.. . . F- w I > W i � � � `� � W rr� ,z'8 � � � ,bZ+ Z 0 � � W — a. Q �� o ., = o a zb , °— z � 'o ,8��+ � w Q � J � W ,g g Y N .S'0/ � ,6•r+ � .00 � W Ot� .O�f .06 �O , � r .0y'r► N . C� . � J ` � 6� � '� ,L�'� ,S�t • . :'.;, ' Gt� � , 9'?;- � , i � � 0%/ , / .6y- .6�1f D'O : .On -,.. ���,... ,�9:�.r i .�►~i- ,s� 99 6� ` :p' : . _ �►4 G�v Q : , Qv �� ,° �, ���' ' -. . v � , p�_�, : _ � � � � •� �� . -- � . \ , _ �"s, 6 . �o . ,��`� o °o W ?,� a � v�c', p � � bti . a � Z � �. � N � F- ao W� pZ O a- � J c!) OW � � aN � � O . _ _ � • , Q � � J W Cn