245501 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERKI 2i��o�� j �, • CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. �� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON E DATF WHEREAS, this Council of the City of St. Paul stated in its declaration of policy for an ordinance creating a De�artment of Human Rights , as f ollows : "The Council finds that racial and religious discrimination in employment, education, housing, public accommodations , and public services adversely affects the health, welfare, peace and safety of the community. Persons subject to such di,scrimznation suffer depressed living conditions , poverty, and lack of hope, injuring the public welf are, placing a burden upon the public treasury to ameliorate the conditions thus produced, and creating conditions which endanger the public peace and order"; and WHEREAS, this City Council of the City of St . Paul, in the following declaration, expressed tFie public policy of St. Paul, "To be to foster equal opportunity for a11 to obtain employment, education, housing, public accommodations, and public services without regard to their race, creed, color, nationa� origi,n, ox ancestxy and strictly in accord with their individual merzts as human beings"; and • WHEREAS, the impl.ementation of the public policy as stated above resulted in the creation of a Department of Human Rights under an ordinance authorizing the formation of that Department and prohibiting discrimination COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco � Mr. President, Byrne �O . Page 2 tpR'�GINAL TO CITY CLBRK� � 245�a1 , • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF in employment , housing, education, and public accommodations on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, or ancestry and providing penalties f or violations of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Department of Human Rights has never lieen funded or £inancially establ�,shed from the public treasury in a manner equal to other departments of city government; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , that the City Council recommends to the Comptroller of the City of St . Paul that the Department of Human Rights proposed budget receive first priority and be approved in full for the fiscal year 1970 . $�p 5 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays $EP � 196� Carlson Dalglish pprove 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafku ayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne Rl1dLlSF�f� SEP 1� 1g�� � , . . � �� , .J � � 4 AfQG COC�B b�Z ��,4'C'TT OA ' r 223-4288,Y23-4289 � x c " . �A.. _�'1�•^cb DONALD LEWIS CIIARLES H. WILLIAMS, JR. Deputy•Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chairman MRS. ELOiSE ADAMS JAMES 5. GRIFFIN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS BRADFORD GCBENNERLANGER Human Development MRS. LOUIS F, CASON Specialist 1731 Cifi� Hall. St. Paul, Mtanasota 55102 ERNEST A. GREENE KENNETH P. GRISWOLD LOUIS H. ERYIN GEORGE F. JANISCH Director Au�ust 28, 1969 FRANK J. RODRIGUEZ RABBI FREDERIC C. SCHWARTZ REV. ARTHUR L. WHITAKER h�1r. A1 bert B. 41 son Cit,� Council Recording Secretary 386 City Hall St. Paul , �ali nnesota 55102 Dear "�ir. O1 son: The Human and Civil Rights Commission requests a special meeting with the City Council at its regular session on Friday, Se�tember 5, 1969, at 10:00 A.�1. , for the purpose of discussinq the proposed budget for thp Department of Human 1?ights. 4Je resnectfully request an ir�nediate acknowledc�ement and confirmation of the date and time as set forth above. Sincerely, , ������������ Charles H. 1ti'illiams, Jr. Chairman CHy!/b j , � i. / O CENTRAL MANOR 26 EAST EXCHANGE STREET � LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55,0, 222-3178 August �5, 1969 To: Comptroller Joseph Mitchell Members of the Comptroller's Budget Committee From: Mrs. Alvin Weber, President Re: The budget of the Department of Human Rights In October of 1968 the St. Paul League oP Women Voters appeared beYore the City Council to express its concern about the fuxidi.ng of the Department of Human Rights. We appeax again today to reiterate our conviction that to f'ully implement the Human Rights Ordinance passed by the Council in 1969, the department must be more adequately flinded and, consequent�jr, more adequately ste.ffed than it has been up to now. The ordinance charges the depaxtment not only to be a receiver of complaints of discrimination in housing, financing of housing, in public accommodations, in employment and in education but also "to foster, through education, concilistion and persuasion, the prepaxation of legislation and policies Por action by �overnmental and private units, and throu�h such other methods as he shall deem fit, the maximum possible degree of equsl opportunities and equal rights for all persons, regard� less of race, color, creed, or national origin or anceatry." Achievement of this goal, that is "the maximum possible degree of equal opportunities and equal rights Por all persons" is imperative to the welfare of all citizens of St. Paul. We urge that the Department of Human Rights be better f�nded in 197o so that it can realistically work toward this goe1. Saint Paul B+anch � NATIONAL ASSOCIATION POR THE ADVAN�EMENT OP COLORED PEOPLE 334 North Milton Street St. Paul, Minn. 55104 Phones: 227-5354 2273553 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: PRESIDENT — Mrs. Anthony V. Mazinqo SECRETARY: Mr.Clarencre Harris �e Miss M�y Galvin SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: �,.���J�eB Mre.Arlene Palaggi THIRD VICE PRESIDENT: TREASURER: �,�� �� Mra.John Banka, Jr. September 5, 1969 Honorable Thomas R. Byrne pqa.yor of the City of St. paul and Members of the City Council Dea.r Sirs : The Executive Committee of the St . pa.ul Bra.nch -NAACP at its regula.r meeting on Thusday, September 4, iq69 thor- oughly reviewed the St. Paul Depa.rtment of Human Rights proposed 197o budget , as submitted to Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptroller. And, after full discussion concerning the much needed services of the Department of Huma.n Rights , the Executive Committee concluded by resol_ ution that the proposed 19'70 budget requested is the bare minimum that this Depa.rtment can efficiently operate on to help keep St. Paul one of` the lea.ding cities of our great nation. Therefore, the St. Paul Branch - NAACP urgently request you and the members of the City Council to support and vote in fa.vor of this budget a.s submitted. Sincerely yours , The Executive Committee St. Paul Bra.nch - NAA.CP �, �`� (Mrs� An ony . Mazingo President cc : Cha.rles H. Williams , Jr. Chairman Dept. of Huuan Rights City of Saint Paul . ' ,� :Y �,� �� �� � � y ,� ,R= _ , . � '.;� ��f� � Y � . .. � _. �. . - '��.�e 2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � GITY OF ST. PAUL ��EN��� NO. 245��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CL'ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER DATF in emnloyment, housinp, education, and puhl3.c �.cedanmod�.taons on. the �rounc�.� of xacF , cx���., colar, �Zat3onal origin, or Anc���Cry and p�rovic�in� �enalties for viol�ti.o�s of ti�iis ��r��.nance; an�. V�i�:P.Er^S, the '�e��r�m��rit af Human Ri�;hts h�.s n.ev�r l.ie�±a� �undect or -�i.na.ncia�ly established frc�m tl:�e publ3,c tr�asury in � m�.nner ec�ual �o other ���partmer��� of ci�y �av�rnment; naw, ther�fore , he a.t TI;S(1LVL'.D , thai tk�e �ity Counci.l r�r.ommends t� th� CortzPtroll��' �� th� City Q-!' "t . Pau1 �that tl�e Department of I-tuman. �ip�hts nroposec�. hucl�*�t r�c�a.v� f.irst pri.c�rity �.n_� 1�e a�Provecl. in fu11 .�or the f_iscal year 1970 . . SEP � 1��� COUNCILMEI�T Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� .-� i . Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith _ '_In Favor Peterson f, Mayor Sprafku � Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � DUPLICATE TO PRINTEPt �C���({� CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE NC�L N . - v�-'`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE �t'F�I�P.EAS, �his Council o:E th� City af St. ��.uY statr�d in i.ts cic�clar�.ti.an of policy for an ordin�nc� creating a D�partment o� I��tzman Rigl�ts , as follows ; '�T�ie �'c�unca.l f.�.nds that raci.al �.nd reli�3.otx� discriminat�.an in employm�nt, e��ucation, hausinn, �aub].ic accommodations, and puhla.c sexv3.c�s aclversely z_f.f��ts tl�� hPal.th, iael£are, neace �.nd sa�Cety o�C tne community. P�rsons subject to suc�� discxi.mina�ian su.f�er depressed livin� candi.ti.ons , poverty, and lac� crf 'zope, injurin� th� public wel��ar�, �lacin� a burden u�on th� �tzblic treasury ta am�lic�xate the conditions thus praduc�d, �nd crea��.n� can.di.ti�ns �,rIxich endan�€;r the pu�ilic ��;�.ce �.nc� ord.er", and. i�HE^�AS, �his City Cauncil o� the City o� St. Paul , in th� folloYain� d�cla.r�.ti.on, expressecl the �uh13.c �olicy c�f St . Paul, "To l�e t� foster e�ual op�ortunity £or all to ol�t�.in emPloyment, educatian, hc�usin,�, �uhli.c acconirnoc��.tions, and puhlic services wi�h.out re�ard to their race, cree�., color, national ari�3n, or ancestry and s�rictly a.n accoxd wa.th their in��ivi_�.ual meri.ts as human bein�s"; a.�d Tt�HET�FAS, the implement��ion of the puhlic p�licy �.s st�.l-ec,l above result�l in trze creatian of a Departm�n� of Htrman Piahts under a.n c�xdi.n�.nce �.uth�rizing the foxmati.on o�' that Departm�nt and prvhihitin� di.scri?�ina.t3c�n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafk� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O I c „ I I I p . � � o � � � � I I �+ -� D r C �, cn — R � �- � � cn -� � -� o -� � -< Z r„r, .9 Z T-a � Z � °: o � � �T' y � � � 0 �• o i- � m ° � � (n. C "'1 /� � � m O " --I � � tn N � � C � `^ �• � � � � _ m T � ,� T O -v � m o, �/+ 'i _ � � O < -�. 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