245499 Orialnal to City Clerk � , ' O� RDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 245499 PRESENTED BY �v ���"��� ORDINANCE NO ry � An. ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain proper— ties in the City of Saint Paul, as amen.ded. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amen.ded so as to rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to—wit: Lot 32, "Sarah' s Out Lots to Saint Paul" , except the South 30 feet thereof and except the West 30 feet thereof; situate on property l�cated in the block bounded by Galtier Street, Hoyt Avenue, Matilda Street and Nebraska Avenue in the City of Saint Paul. � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. SEP 2 3 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish � Meredith b In Favor ��' �% A gainst Sprafka Tedesco ��� � 3 19� + ` ::�: �� "" Approved• _ A __ st. .�Vic �ai� eterson; � ._ City �l � �� � For`fn approveil Cc�a�tioneCoun�el � � ; ',�- ���s�� ���7 9� .� �� . , . . �L r� Duplicate to Printer O RDINANCE �45��� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO r���-�� t�n ardinance amending th� Zoning Code, C1�apters 6� to 64, incluaive, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, gertaining to Use Districts, Iieight Distriets and Fte2oning of certain proper— ties in the City of Saint Paul, as amemd�d. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN`P PAUL DOES ORI}AIN: Seetion 1. That the �oning Cade, Ch�uters 60 ta 64, inelueive, of the Sa3nt Faul Legialative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Di�tricts and �.ezoning of certain proPerties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be a�d the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the Yollowing descri�ed property fram "�°t �cesidence Distriet to "C" l�esidene� District, to—wits Lot 32, "Sa�ah' s Out Lot� tQ �aint Paul" , eYOept the South 3� :Pe�t thereoY and except the �erest 3G feet thereof; situate on property loaatecl in the bloek baunded b� Galtier StreEt, �oyt Avenue, M�tilda Street and Nebraska Avenue in the City o� Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall ta�ce �fYect and be in force thirty (30} d�ys fram and after its passage, approval and publication. S�� 2 � ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish " In Favor Meredith � .Eetersarr— Againat Sprafka Tedesco �..,,� wr...n__,__����_,.i�_......,� ..„ i i :� . .,_ . . � . � � , ' BQiARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL , 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151' August 27, 1969 2�5�<`�J Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the petition of Allied Enterprises, Inc. to rezone from "A" to "C" Residence property consisting of the block bounded by Galtier Street, Hoyt Avenue, Matilda Street, and Nebraska Avenue. This property is further described as: Lot 32, Sarah's Out Lots, except the South 30 feet thereof and except the West 30 feet thereof. This matter was considered at the July 17, 1969, and August 7, 1969, Board of Zoning meetings. The staff reported that this block, consisting of nearly 177,000 square feet or over four acres, is south and west of several other properties that have been rezoned to "C" Residence in the recent past. The site is presently vacant and is wooded and rolling. Platted streets adjoining the site are unimproved. Through a misunderstanding of the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan, the matter was laid over and at the A.ugust 7, 1969, meeting the staff noted that the Comprehensive Plan calls for single-family use of this site and for land in the block to the east to be acquired for park space. Mr. Donald C. Lentsch, president of Allied Enterprises, Inc. said the petition for rezoning is to permit erection of a 176-unit apartment development. Sewers are not in on some of the streets around there. He would like to rezone this to multiple-dwellings. He also noted that construction would begin within a year if the rezoning is granted. Mrs. Mary Hubert, 1505 Matilda Street, spoke in opposition noting that none of the neighbors have city sewers in that area, and that there are many one-family residences in the vicinity. It was the finding of the Board of Zoning that apartments would be a proper use for this site and, therefore, recommends by a 5-0 vote approval of this petition to rezone from '�A" to "C" Residence. Very try�ly yours, � j� � ,y,��;�� ,��' � �'�� ��' �'� '-.�'z %":"�- ' il -l�� �1 PETEI� . ETTA � Secretar , Board of Zoning , PJM:gap CLS �' 80 Z.F. ��6775 � � Ma�ry E. Marshall �,��T'' �F� Alberfi 6.Olsoe City Clerk and �` � 2 Council Recorder .Commissioner o}'Reqiatration � ; � �s �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 186 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� Ma.y 20, 1969 Zoning Boaxd, Commerce Bldg. Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you for recommendation the attached petition of Allied Eriterprises, Inc. for rezoning Lot 32, Sarah's Out I,ots to St. Paul, except the South 30 feet thereof, and except the West 30 feet thereof, located in the block bounded by West Nebraska Avenue, Matilda Street, West Hoyt Aveuue and Galtier Street, to "C" Residence District. Very truly your� � � it lerk � hp ��}�'�� ��LE � = 0 �__.� � ` _ . � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA 113 CourF Hou:s,66102 JAMES J. DAL6LISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Dspufy Commiaionsr Phons:223-4646 May 20, 1969 To the Comncil City of S�int Panl Gentleaen: I have checked the attached petition of Allied Enterprises, Iac. filed in the matter of rezoniag, LAt 32, Sarah's Out Lot� to St. Paul, except the South 30 feet thereaf aad except the West 30 feet thereof. The property is located ia the block b0gnded by West l�ebraska Avenue, Matilda Street, West Aogt Avenne a�d t�al#ier Street, fron a Class "A" flesidence District to a Class "C" Residence His- trict, and fiad that said petition is sufficient. . rs very tr , , JaaQes J. H lis � Co�iasi0 r of inaace lte: R-718 c.c. l�ir. A�se s I1. R. �eiden Frontage: 100Z Parcels L►ligible - 34 Parcels Signed - 24 or 70.5� i�eeded - 23 or 66-2/3;G ���NtN � �1 L� �`��......W--=--�--- � i ' � � � /� / 1 � '� , � ✓ � l rt - CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTq • PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CO� ,�/.���J� Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- / fieation before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) / Date; �`-7/G� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�iD CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Purs,uant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%a or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) Lot 32, Sarah�s Out Lots, except the South 30 feet thereof and exaept , � the West 30 feet thereof. i3�.oc ✓ r3o��•�,_� �f/T�•�� j✓,�s, �� yT, �s,cT,� �.�� Cic.ri,=..� from "A" Residenee District to "C" Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; ' ��'?,� � ��izii�:';s� That rt Sly c� Wheelock arlcWay of � Anna Zandermanor . Lot 1 in Sa !,s 0ut lots to St. Pau�, . a. ' � Peter I,inder ��'� Peter J. Linder and $� �Lilliam D. Linder-'oint - 1? 5 8ice Street Qillas. tenancy clause. 3.�, S' RAh' O s 7"o S�?�aul /��z � r.,�•s n,,af w� Lots 1 � 1.7� �� 19r �0� 21� 22� 23, and �____�.p 'ed Ente risea, �nc �.� ` Q 2 B1 ck 12 Rice Street Yillas. - -- ---- --_�_--- -_. �_ __�- n:- c-���-.�-�r�e;Villas. V ✓ � � - : � - , . , _ � . �-� =-_ - ___. _____.__.�. �-- , _�.___ r ��, T n � O • N . �/ `. . � C U i , - . � ! - `--- -� O � �- _ _"_:"_ �� - _ �._..- - - -O- i�/ l..' � __-- -- � , - - � `� E, - -- - - • Q • i `'" ` - 0 l. ty�• :Y- �...� � AV E. r� ,..,' _��' j� . , ; , �._ ;r �:� -- t � --O � __ .� < �, i" 4:, i , MINUTES OF Tfl$ PUBLIC ABARING BEFORE THS HQARD OF ZONING on Thursday, July 17, 19G9, at 2:00 P,Me PRESENT: Messrs. Danna, Gadler, Gsuger, Maietta, and Manaur of the Board and Mr. Sorenson and Miss Poechmann of the ataff. Mr. McPartlin arrived at 3:00 P,Ma but did not vote. After some diacussion concerning the note in the July 3, 1969, minutes about Mr. Roy J. Piechowski calling the Zonin� Staff to have his appeal withdrawn, Mr. Ma3.etta moved for approval of the m�nutes fran the meeCing, and Mr. Gadler seconded the motion, which carried unan:i.mously. ALLIED BNTSRPRISES. INC, : An applicati.�n to rezone from "A" to "C" Residence property located on the black bounded by Galtier Street, Hoyt Avenue, Matilda Street, and Nebreska Avenue. Mr. Sorenaon summar;tzed the staff repor�, stating the area south, west, amd north of the property is zoned "A" Resicleace, and the eoath half of the block to the east is zoned "Ct1 Residence, as a.s a, two-block area further east. The Comprehensive Plan reco�mends public opo�n space for the area. Commissiouer Tedesco, in a letter dated 6/27/69, ind�cated that the acquisition of this property is not included in their S-yeax CIB requests but will be included in their 1975 requests. Mr. Sorenson s�id none of the streeta in the asea have been improved. He gave the following concluaions: 1) �he petition did not state a definite proposal; 2) the requested rezoning app�ars speculative; 3) the Parks and Recreation DeparCment has an interest ir. the property and hopes to acQuire iC fn 1975; 4} deveZopment of adjacent xecently rezoned "C" Residence properties to the east has been slow; 5;� aingle-family development in the area appe�rs feasible; and 6� Galtier SCreet and Nebraska Avenue can be natural diatrict boundsries, with a par��. and proposed school developments. Mr. Sorenson said the area to the north �nd east has changed with multi-family developmene becoming the Crend. Mr. Donald C, Lentsch, president of Alli.ed �nterprisea, Inc., said the petiCion for rezoning is to permit ereci�ion of a 176-unit apartment development. Sewers are not in on amne of the streets around there. He would like to rezone thia to multiple-dwelZings. Mr. Gadler wanted to lanow if the sewers would be able td take care of that large an apartment development. Mr. Lenrsch said he had been told that they would. It was stated that half the amount that is in the petition is nut being conaidered for canatruction at this time. Air. Leatsch would like to get the over-all plan and be able to ktiow what Co expect in the future--his company is willing to spend a good deal of money to develop an apartment complex. Ae etated that there was nothing iaclud�d for a park area when they inquired fram the Zoning Staff about purclu�aing t�iis property. He feels this development will be a credit ta the ci�y�, and that the area does not lend itaelf to one and two-family resident3.a1 use. -1- . • � Mr. Gadler wanted to lmow why �hey cauld�a't let the Parks Department have it and was told it would not be un�il a� le;aat 1975. The applicant felt that thia land shou2d ba put to use be€orf such a span af Ci�e goes by. I�ir. Maietta said construction couldn't g� on until sewers were in. Mr. Gauger atated that i�he Parks Depsrtm�nt usually does not indicate an interesC in a property unless they have a� firm intent to acquixe it. Mr. Soreneon explained Che city budget r�lat�ng to how they have a 5-year plan for spending. Mr. Gauger said thE �:.i�y is seC up on a 2�year budget plsn, but has an over-all plan €or S y�ea�-s. �Ire Mansur fnquired wh�t wo�ld be done ur�cler the presen� "A" Residence zoniug; he said a land owner migh� want ;:.o mak� one or two-�amily dwellinga. Mr. Gad�.er said tbere wasn'e enough infox°ro��ion to substan�t�ate a vot�. He sugges�ed laying it over to th� nexti mee�:in�;. Mary Hubert, 1505 Matilcla, s�id n�ne U€ #:he neighbors hava sewera along �hat area, and that there are many on�-fami.ly a�sideaices in the vicinity. Mr. Gadler moved tA lay over the m�tter, �i2d Y�r. l+iansuz neconded the motion, �iaich carried unanfmousl�y. New naeices �ri�.l be sene out Co property owners, notifying them of the new meeting. Submitted by: Colonel Le Sor�nson Rabert La �ues, Chairmsa -2- � , v . s � MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HBliRING BEFORE THE BOARU OF ZONING on Thursday, August 7, 1969, aC 2:00 PoM, PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, Danna, Gauger, MePartlin, and Maietta of the Board and Messrs. Brown and Sorenson and Miss Poechmann of the staff. Mr„ McPartlin moved for approval of the minutes of the July 17, 1969, Board of Zoning meeCing. The motion was seconded by Mr. I�iaietta, and cerried unanimonaly. ALLIED ENTERPRISES,� IIJC,: A perition to rezone from "A" to "C" Residence property Zocated on the block bouaded by Galtier Street. Hoyt Avenue, Matilda 8treet, and Nebrasks Avenue, This matter was laid over from the J'uly 17, 1969, Board of Zoaing meeting. Ia a letter dated July 31, 1969, from the CaartQisaioner of Parks it was learned that the Parks Department is not planning to acqnire the sub3ect property because there won't be funds availeble, This letter supersedea the one stating their interest in the aite. Mr, Sorenson sua�ooerized the staff report atating tteat the area has been changing to multiple-family. The sub�ect property h�s an area of spprmcimately 176,484 aquare feet, and is praposed to have 176-unit apartmenC development erected there. Mr. Maietta said that parking in the area is atill a problem--in Che winter there is hardly room for one cer to drive paet (let alone a snow plow) when cars are psrked lining Che streets. Mr, McPartlin said thae is a general proble�n in all apartment areas. Mr. Amea noted that a parking lot application should be received in the Plenning Office to take care of off-street parlcing for any apartment complex that would be built ou the site. Mr, Donald C, Lentsch, president of Allied Enterprises, Inc., said that coa- struction would begin within another year (preferab2y not thet long) for the proposed apartment development if the rezoning goes through; the time elapeing would depend upon the streets being completed, etco Parking will be provided at a two-to-one ratio. Mra Geuger moved for approval of the application, which was seconded by Mr. McPartlin, and carried unanimously. Submitted by: Colonel Lo Sorenson Robert Lo Ames. Chairman � -1- Citq Clerk • . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 August 15, 1969 .,��/, File X-718, Page You are hereby notffied that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at L0:00 a.m., on August 28, 1969, on the petition of Allied Enterprisea, Inc. to rezone from a Clasa "A" Residence Dis- trict to a Class "C" Residence District on the follawing property: Lot 32, Sarah's Outlots to St. Paul, except the South 30 feet thereof and except the West 30 feet thereof. The block is bounded by West Nebraska Ave., Matflda St. , West Hoyt Ave. and Galtier St. For further information contact the Planning Board, xoom 1010 Ca�erce Buildfng or telephoae 223•4151. JAME3 J. DAI�GLISH Coamniesioner of Finance O / '�.�� • J • � //�/ 1 st 2nd �/ Laid over to 3rd and app / �" _Adopted Yeas Nays eas Nays Ca�lson Carison Dalglish �Dalglish Meredi+h �leredith 24549 Peterson n Sprafka � �srafka Tedesco �edesco � Mr. Presiden+ Byrne :' r: ` � ` � �, 9; OIvlr. Vics Preaidei1� (i'eierson)�