245493 ORIGIPlAL TO CITY CLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. `,, , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � UNCIL RESO UTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DAT WHEREAS, In the ma,tter of Comptroller's Contract I, 7019, for �he con- structioa of the Lafayette Road Bridge l�o. 625�g over the tracks and right- of-ways oP the Soo Line Railroad Cc�paa�, the Northern Paeific Ra31�ay Compan,q an�d the Great 1Qorthern RailWay Company, Johnsom �other� High�ay & Heavy Constructors, Contractor, the apeeified date oP co�pletion r�aae September 1, 19693 and WHEREAS, The Contractor hes prosecuted the �ork diligently, but due to delay in shipment of equipm�nt P�r plaeing the eoncre�e deck it �ras nc�t possible -tu com�plete all the field paintiag and cleanup of the si�e by said date of eompletion; naw� therePore, be i� RESOLVED, That the proper City oPPicials be and they are hereby author- iud and directed to exeeute an ar�eadment to said Contract extending the tim�e oP completion to Septe�ber 30, �969, for a11 �ork, provided, however, that �his resol�ztion shall ha�e no force or ePfect ualess the sureties on the Contractor'e bond consent thereto and file such consent ia �rriting irith th� City Comptroller; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City oP St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated c�ms�ges for the period a� extended, but that Engineering a,nd In- spection cost� �'or that period between S�ptember l, 1969, and Septe�bdr 30, 1969, shall be eha�rged to the Contractor; and 1� it FURTf�R �ESOLVED, That the ef�ectiveness oP this resolution sha11 'be conditioned upon the Contraetor filing its written aceeptance to the ter�ss hereoP with the Coffiptroller wi�hin 15 da�►s af'ter the passage a thie r�solution. ���,`,. � .fr.ORM Go SEP 4 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP 41969 carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson � Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEO SEP 6 ���� � 245��3 DUPIIC�TE TO PRINTER C CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER n�+TF WHI:REAS, In the znatt.�r of Comptraller's Contract L 7019, Por the con- struction of the I,afayette Road Bridge No. 62515 over the tracks and ri,ght- of waya of the 30o L3ne Rai3.a^o�c'i. Compe�y, the North�rn Pe�.c3Pic Railway Company and the Great Northern Railwey Compa�y, Johnson Brothers Highway & Heavy Constructors, Contractor, the apecif'3.ed date of completion was Septem'ber 1, 1969; and WHEREAS, The Contractar ha.s prosecuted the work diligently, but due to d,elsy in ship�ent oP equipnyent for placing the concrete deck it Was not possible to complete a11 �he Y3eld pa3nting and cleanup of the eite bg said date of completion; x�otir, therefor�� be it RESOI,VED, That the proper City oPf3cials be and. they are hereby author- ized and d3rected to ex�cute an ameaadn�nt to �aid Contract ext�ending the time of completion to Septeznber 30, 1969, for al.l work, prav�.ded, however, that th3s resolution aha11 have no force or ePfect unless the eureties on the Contractor's bon8 consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller; and. be it F'UF�.PHER �SOLVFD, That the City oP St. Pa�ul hereby waives all cl.aim fbr 13quidated darnages �'or the period as extended, but that Engine�r3ng and In- spection costs far that period between September l, 1969, and September 30, 1969, shall be chaxged �o the Contractor; and be it FURTF�R RESOLVED, That the ef'f'ectiveness oP this r�eolution shall be conditioned upon the Contractor filing its written acceptanc� to th� terms hereof with the Comptroller within 1� days after the passag� o� this resolution. Y��� � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��,'�:� ,ia ,�,c����:� Carlson 1 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafku A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O