245488 ORIGINA}TO CITY CL6RK 24548� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL TION—G L FORM PRESENTED BY obert Peterson v COMMISSIONE � F• WHF.RTAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Iu�provement described as Removal, Coating and Storage of FLOODWALL ERTENSIONS, Comptroller's Contract L-7137-5, Hurley Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, It hss been found necessary to make the following Addition because of the necessity of relocating a power pole described as follows: Remove and replace existing power pole serving the existing pu�ping station which is located north of the center line of Shepard Road, Station 81+78.94. The power pole shall be relocated to a point on line with the existing power line and 10'0" west of the C���'� west Wall of the pump station and existing electrical � � service restored to the pumping station. Relocate Power Pole - Lump Sum - $900.00 and WHEREAS, The total addition is $900.00, and the Comnnissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $900.00 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing addition made in accordance with the Speci- fications in the sum of $900.00, said amoun� to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7137-5, and which amount is to be financed from the Flood Emergency Fund 327G. - SEP 41969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��P 4 1969 Dalgliah pproved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne R�1�L����� �JEp 6 }�� O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 245�8� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONER Robert F. Fetereon DATF WHEREAS, Additians which might prove to be necessary in the Improve�ent de�cribed as Removal, Coating and Stornge of FLOODWALL EXTENSIONS, Comptroller'B Contract L-7137-5, Hurley Construction Company, Contractor, have b�en provided for in the Specif icationa, and WHEREAS, It has been found neceseery Co make the following Addition because of the necessity of relocating a power pole described as follows: Remove and replece eaisting power pol� serving the existing pumping atdtion which is locnted north of the center line of Shepard Road� Station 81+78.94. The power pole ahall be relocated to a point on line with the existin� powar line and 10'0" weat of the west wall of the pump station and exiating eAectrical service restored to the pumping station. Relocate Power Pole - Lump Sum - $900.00 anti i�1HER�r�S, The total addition is $900.00, and the Cos�missioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the emount of $900.00 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it RE50LVED, Thet the City of St. Paul through ita City Council approvea the for�going eddition made in accordance with the Speci- fications in the sum of $900.00, said a�unt to be added to the lump aum consideretion named in the contract. known as Comptroller's Contract L-7137-5, and which amount is to ba financed fram the Flood Emergency �und 3274. �� �� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . ,. , ,i e�,� Carlson `,' , Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith n Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafku A gainst Tedesco 1VIr. President, Byrne O