245469 �,.- 245459'� c��� xo........�.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1'henndereignedhereby propoeeef,hemal�ingof thefollowingpubliaianprovement by the City of 8aint Psul,vis.: ; � onstruct_,pwbl,ic storm,sewer__in,�„yE �E'��_��,-H hl nd Pkwy,t„to Ford_Pkr�t.;,,in CLEVELAND AVE.- ; -- -. . e nor.j�,ye�,.,�o„Fo�d .Pl�ry,;,.,,�r!„F,)j�(,_�-�c,�ieffe���e,�,�o_Ford„Pl��x„in, CRETI�I AVE�-Eleanor ; ' i A�re. to Ford Pbwx.� in MT. CURVE BLVD.�Pinehurst Ave. to Ford Pkw�.� and in FORD PlQ�IY.- � ........................ .............. .......................... .....................�............................ .. ........ ..................... , Hoa�el l St. to Mt. C��ve Blvd. and there outlettin�in the existin�sand rxk, tur�nel. Al l to be knowri�as the FORD�PICtiJY,� RELIEF�SEWER�SYSTEM, S-1 lj B�. ��� �� �������� ' Dated t�hie.�........._.........dsy og.............:.:............................ . .. _, 1 � .............. ................___.� ... ..... . .............. � Counoilman. i I � PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vu.: Construct,_pubt ic stor� sewEr in KENNETH ST.-lli.ghland.,Pkwy�,to_Ford Pkwx,J_.,in._CLEVELAND AVE.- ...... ..... .... .......... ...____..... ..--•---- Eleanor.Ave.�to.Ford_.Plcw��.,�___i�,.FiNN_ST.-Scheffe�.Ave.__to..Ford..PkwY.�._.in.CRETIN_AVE.-Eleanor ........................ ................ .. .. ... ___ . .---............_ ..... ..... .......-- -.. .... ...._.............._. .. Ave....to.Ford_Pkwy..�.._in_MT.,_CURVE_BlVD.-Pi�ehurst„Aye.,_to,.Ford.,Pkw�!.x..and_.in..FORD PIqJY .............. .. .... ..... ...... ... __ .. ... _. ..- -- --. .. .. ..... ..... ... .- Nowei_i_.St.,_.to Mt. Curve Blvd, and fihere cwtietting, in the_existin�,..sand.rock tunnel. All to ....... .. .. ............ ..•----........ .. .. _ ... .. .. -•- - - - --- - ------ be known as the FOR� PKWY. RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, S-1176B. having been preeeated to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...........................•-----............._..................._....».�..._.... t6erefore, be it R,E80LVED, That the Commissioner of Publiu Worke be and ie hereby ordered aad direoted: 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furniah a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. • 4. To etste whether or not esid improvement ie a�eked gor oa�he petition of three or more ownere.� 6. To report upon sll of the foregoing mattere to the Co oner of Finanoe. SE� 3 196� Adopted by the f`,ouncil..._........-•........................................•---.........�...... Y�'8 SEP 31969 Councilman .Carlson pDa 1 g 1 i s h Appmved.........._.......................•--•-------_.................... ,O k�/1�-�v i�e��,sad � IJ Meredith Peterson . Tedesco --�-�---- • ~ --- Mr. President $�rErre M83'Ot• �000 9-64 7 ' � �ua�t�st+FO S�p 6 �969