245466 , 2454�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO Resolution Appmoving A�sessment By— and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon � In the matter of the asseasment of beaefits, cost and expe�seas fvr co�atr�ctian oie reccm�tr�cti0s af sid�valts aad pork imcidemtal thereto: C�tract 68-�[-432, Di;strict Ho. 1, Levy lTa. 9, _ __ /►SS�S�SA__�? �.0. #238497 - 3nellins ei►e.•�thtsides tro� Oxford St�.to�Argyler3tAva. �.p. �236693 - Orchard Ava., �,p. #238662 - U. Tw:i�Ston Pinr�'., �as t •ide fro� Ca� Ave. to gor to� ave• �r.0. #23!l665 - wlaong A�re., both sides fraa Snelliag A�e. to Aroaa St. �.0. f33398� - Everett Ccanat,�c�saidas fraa T.+►sota Ave. s�rath to !he 6rut �°�t���°` � . to Caafield 1ve• g,p. �236981 - Ss►el l iaas A�e., �as t s ids f ra� KidNay P'kaY F.O. �238729 _ ��1�geeSt.,�bothisidesrfraa Qans]k�rentAv�e•to Elair �w• F.O. #238b61 St �t^r is, ,� ,, � ..� ..:r :,... • - . . - �_ . - _ _ �w,� _ . . . _._. A88 S �, , � ;�:.��#�.Si69�;-►;�iit°a4azd.J�re., .�4�h aides .fraa Ozford St. to Argyle �t. ea�t oiY�'��a�a �aa A�re. to gor�ea �ra� _. . _ _. F.0. �23866Z - U. Lexiagton P'k+i7•, �~�0;�a.#}3�,#�•��A1�ooi.JYe M.. bS►�1�.a idas fr�a Smel ling A�e. to Arona S t. .. . _ . _..� .. 1�.0. #23872! YTM DO�Alba�e,�t.,�bo��i�ides����aur�nEAY�e.�to aElair ��e ! 0 "�s3�i�fr1... rW _. �; . . . _ _ _ _. , . _ . . __ . .,.�, � . _. .v ,.:._:. _.::, t <eV:x,.:.: .6 :, ,, ,_; _. .:• .. �. _ �u� �;�wz nr�,veur.emc nav�g Been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it BF�.SOLVED, That the said asaessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RE�OLVE�D FURTHER, That a public heaxing be had o�n said assessment on the ls t day of �ct�ber, 1969 , at th� hour of 10 o'clock A. NL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natiee of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time a.nd place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount a,ssessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILMEN �p 31969 Y� C1t'i#011 Na�� Adopted by the Council Da1� M ere�itll Peterlo�t 5Ep 31�9 $pra� Ap oved T�CO Byrne Favor � �U�`L:ISI�E� S�P 6 �� �ay�r A gainst Fo�, x-z z� ie-sa s.� a