245461 Oriainai to City Clerk
- � ORDINANCE 2454�1 �
An ord' nce ame ding Ordinance No. 6446, entitled:
"An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation
rates of certain city positions and employments, "
approved Janua.ry 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance
rendered necessary for the preserva.tion of the public peace, health and
s af ety.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925,
as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of
Section V, under the heading "Clerical Group", the following:
Court Reporter--Municipal Court
and by striki.ng the title "Court Stenographer--Municipal Court" where it
appears under Grade 36.
Section 2. Tha.t said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is
hereby further amended by adding the following at the end of Section V:
t'In accordance with Chapter 729 Laws of Mi.nnesota. for 1969,
and Chapter 798 Laws of Minnesota for 1969, and on the
recommendation of the Senior Judge of the Municipal Court,
the Council hereby fixes the annua.l salary of employees
holding the title of Court Reporter and performing the duties
of a Court Reporter, at $12, 500 per year. "
Section 3. This ordi.nance is hereby declared to be an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
health and safety.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force on the
first day of the first payroll period following its passage, approval, and
SEP 1 a 196�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci�
Meredith n Favor
Peterson � v A
Sprafka gainst
Tedesco � g 1969
Mr. President yrne S�P
Ci erk M yo�
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Fbrm approved Corporation Counsel B
Pue�is�t�o SEP 2 0 1969 r e y
� � 245461
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J. CLIFFORD JANES �� (,����� � � f��r
JUDGE � wy— � �
�i� ,i�2'/vG�'-'�� .
August 13, 1969
The Honorable Thomas R. Byxne, Mayor
The Atembers of the City Council ,
City of St. Paul, Aiinnesota
Dear Sirs:
As Chief Judge of the Municipal CaurL of the Ci�y
of St. Paul, I fornally call to your attention the recently
enacted and approved amendment to Subdivision 3 of Section
488A. 22 of Minnesota Statutes , relating to compensation of �
_ court reporters of this Court.
Previously this Court's six reporters were comp�n-
sat�d in accordance with las�r as unclassified members of the
s�aff of the Clexk of t+iunicipal Court. The new statute makes
their comPensation statutory, in that the statute pravides
"The city council shall fix and establish the salary of the .-
municipal court renort�rs at an aryount not �exceeding thc annual
salary of court reporters in the district court of the second
judicial district."
Currently, the annual salary of court repoxters
in the District Court at the Second Judicial District, as
established by Chapter 798 of the Laws of I969 , is fixed
generally at $12 ,500 per year, exclusive of insurance benefits
and severance pay.
Cleaxl}�, court rePorters of this court must be
paid at the rate of �12,500 a year in order to adequate?y
compensat� them for t;�eir servic�s and to ma}:e it ;�fl�si'��e to
find a replacement whenever that might became necessary.
(It sliould be reco�nized that upon the court reporters af this
court receiving the same salary as court reportors in the District
Court they still i,�ill not have total compensation equal to that
of those in the District Court, as the court reporters in the
District Court generally, over ar.d above their salary, rec�ive
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fees for many more, and many longer, transcripts . Such tran-
scripts are paid for by the litigants , which oftentimes - such
as where the State is prosecuting a case or a party is indigent -
are paid by public funds in addition to salary) .
- While this new law establishes statutory salaries ,
thus apparently not subject to bud�et Iimitations , I do noint
out that Mr. Pau1 Preiner, the Clerk of this Court , has informed
me that there are su£ficient funcls in the 1969 budget for his
office to fulfill the payment at the salary scale authorized
by the legislature 's recent enactr�ent. �
My understanc��ng is that it was the intention of
the legislature that the salaries of this Court's reporters be
set on the basis requested.
It wauld be appreciated if the City Council would
fix and establish the salary of the hiunicipal caurt reporters
at the amount af "the annual salary of the court report�rs in
the district court of the second judicial district. "
Yours very truly,
��{��J� �
, ��� VJL:�`�Y �Lv...�--� . .
Cli ord��anes
Chi,�f Judge
CJ/dc ,
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Mr. J�hn I3aide; ,
Dirt^ctor �f Personn�l, �--______�
CiL-,- Ci�:il Sc�rT�:-ice n�.ireau.
De�.x• Sir:
AttttcYi�c3 �Po ,,r�u.r inf� matf�i is rz let of' Cliff���d
Jz.nr ,, Jud,;e �f ����znic i,�r;.i.. Cou�°t, :r.�ec�u�s in;, �,�� �,a,�i;r7ent :7n {:ri�
s��.?�, ,e.; ,�;• ,�l_e reporL�,, .:> �f.' I,2unic3_p�,l o r•t f�?7e 1ett� ° �.rr�s
rccr:i-;ed �,t t�day',� Cour;.�? .mc=,^tii��' �,rid ,. e �er3 t� tiz� Com_ptz olle.r
and Commissioner. o.f' C3.vil Ser � c� c° Civ'1 Service recommendation,
V txuly yours,
j'� � � Gity C1.erk
AO�hp j ��
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Au�, 1�-�, 1.9�9
I-Ion. Joseph J. Mitchell,
City Cormptrolle-•. �
�r'�.'' C+�'^. .
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At�ached is �, lette�• o:E' Jud�e o... Jan!�s of the
Municipal Court as:rin�; ��z• �.n ad,justme f' the s laries of'
i:he co�z; t ,�epo t� •s of x,lunic�.ra1 Cou The Co .�.1 referred
ttie matte:� to �rle Ci�,ril. �>e.r.���..eP Ctimi:2 � "�ne:.r � a C9_vi] �ers:icc�
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City Cler��
AO�hp r
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I st ' 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app��4dopted �� �
Yees Nays Yeas Nays
Carlson � Carlson
Dalglish �palglish
Meredith 2454�1 `'�,,,,eredith
Peterson �terson
Sprafka �Sprafka
Tedesco '�edesco �
Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne