245459 }
M« � t t a y
' - , �::�����, 24�45:
� R,esdl'utian Ratifying A�essment BY—
In the matter of the asaessment of 'lilM!'l��� �11Milt +MM +�Sirs � +i��ti�lltt�t �t
�Mit�'it�t i� i�►�t h� �1�l1k ��� ��1►� �Mi!lM�Itt i��� _
Lr+ry► Ns. 3, �tat�t 1M►. �,
� � . . . . . .. . .. ..... .._._. . . '
� ` T.O. Z37S05 - Dl. Yiatoria =t.. 'both sid�s iz�a Ed�su�d dvs. to ?hoias /k�n .
1�:0. �2'�•�349 - trp S t., pss t s icle ��ae I.afand Ave. to T1�coas Avt.
�.0. �23aS36 - ?bcw A�e., both �idu fro� Tx�r St. to �u�liin� Av�.
1►.0. fZ3836� - ?bwras Ave.� both �idts fs�tt I,ldine Bt. t�► Tsy �t.
�.�. #296868 - Carroll A�rs., both sides fraa� Fry 8t. te 8�u11i� A�s.
1�.0. �238664 - 8 t. Aeiti►anr Avs., aorth s ids !�� Aldiae S t. te lisr�e 8 t.
t ,,.�.., .�,..��� � , . .. , . . :,. <�..
.,: . « .. . ..� .,. ,. :. ., ,... . . _ .... .. . .- ._ .
l.0. 7505 - li. Victoria St., both �id�a traa 8d�uad Av�e. to 3'har+rr Atr�.
. g�;�ir��p1�A._,�.4.�t,o �'l6a�t .A1Mrr[:<-..,_ . ,.�..,._..
.,. ,;,����'�-�� ���-',,lat,'7 �L�.,,.x�t.#ids.,. .
l.0. iZ3aS36 - '1'�aeas Aw.. both aidea fs�o� i�ry St. Co 3wtllia: Av�.
� �r,>.�: . �,-�•�+�r,_��'�:', ?�Aw �►�c!,�,,,�,both �
� ,�� �AA�#�.�. et as�c�:,.1 .„..
l.4, f2368�C - �rxail Am., both sid�s traw !ry St. to S�ullina Av�.
_ , .. ; ,
. , :� �. �
.. ,. .. , ,. . :� ? .. .,
� ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,
be it therefore
RESO'LVED, That th�e said assegsment be and the saxne is hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submittec�to the DistriGt Gourt of the Cou�ty of Ramsey fox� ccanfirmation:
BE IT FURTI�R RIESOLV�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in .s equa.l installmenta.
Y� Carisotl Nayg Adopted by the Counci�
Meredith �Ep 31969
Sprafka p���
�In Favor •
� Mayor
Against PUBLISHE� ��� � ���
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�
� crrY aF sT. PAVr. 24J`��49 _
Report of Completion of Ass�essm�nt �
In the matter of the assessment of 'I�MI�l��M►y iMt i/ � � +N��tt�► Mrt
s�...e�«�. +�r .��M. .� � :�+�1 �.�.�t ��t M•�*���4 n
t�� �s. !i �t�t#�s� #�. 1, �J
" ASSIiSSA .3:
F.Q. 237305 - N. Viatoria 8t., hoth sides lram $daund Ave, to Thc�s Ave .
F.O. #239349 - pr� St.. MEtt side �rcm La�ond Av�. to ?k�ceta Av�.
F.0. #23853b - Thoaas Ave. , ��o th i ides �ras i�ry S t. to Snelliag Ava.
P.p. #2�383b0 - Thcodes Ave. , bath sides lroea Al+ditta St. to Fry St.
F.O. �23b86� - C+�rroll Avs.� both side� �rcm Fry 3t. to 5n�lling Av�.
F.O. #�238664 - 3t. Aatho�y AvR., aorth •ide fraa Aldine 3t. to Pierce Sc.
�, _ ,
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,:- w : ...,. , ._.. _.� .
.�.,,.,� ��,.:., ,.._. . : . .. . _�-
F•0• 7SOS �. Victoria St. . both aid,�a frca E&nund Ave. to ?he�nas Ave.
�,.t;���,A+..;,#,�3�►��-.Fr�t_5�.,_.,w��.�g.ids ,�rw��:��►l�ij�w�� ts-:�a��Mrs.. �-- F.�...,, .:,«. .-�1
F.O. �23853b - T'ha�aas Ave. , boti� sides froa Fry St. to Se�elliag Ave.
; .r:.��Q����t�&1�0.,-._�7�uama�:�,�vg.,...�otb rstid�ls:�#�Nr►-��ii�M �t•� �ee...p�r�Se:°. , , . �.. :
..._ w.,-
, F.O. �236$60 - Carrall Ave., both sidea fsvm Fry St. to Saelling Ave.
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a atatement o� the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz:
Total conatruction costs . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . $ 10,436 67
Engineering . . . ..).. .. . . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . ... .. .. .. . $ 1,252 �
Inspection ... .. .J.. .. .. . . . ..... . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . $
Posta.� caxds . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . $ 10 ��
Publicationa . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ..... .... .. .. . . . $ 106 _�
Collection costs . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . ..... . . .. .. .. . $ 213 0�
Court costs for co�nfirmation . .. .. . . .. . ... . . . . .... . $ 10 ��
�� Comptroll`ers Coats 106 50
TOTAL EXPE�TDZTU&ES .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .... ... $ 12�13 6 �.L
' Charge to . .. .. .���Q-70X... . .. .. ... .. . . .. . . . $ 1�014 �l _
. .... . . .. . . .... .xa�-Asses�a�le. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 868 ��
NetAsaessment . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .... .. .. ... $ 10,253 73
Said Commissioner further reports that he has a�sessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of � 10„�53•�� upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said impronement, and in the caae of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith aubmitted to the un il for such n th on as may be
considered proper. �
Dated Auraus t 6, 1969 i s' r of ' nce.
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�