245455 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 245455 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �7�c�,lJa� c�-��IITTr� CO I SOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '-�''� September �� 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLV_�: That application .eor �estaura.nt, On Sale 2�Ialt �evera�e and Tavern Licenses, a.��lied for by I•Iecay Properties, Inc. at 7?0 East �eventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within _�days of this da�e sa.id apnlicant shall compltT with all requirements of the 3ureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and the Licer�se Inspector pursuant to the St. Pa.ul Lebislatzve .ri.acie and all other an;�licable ordinances and laias. ��p 41'69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �EP 41969 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson /) � Sprafk2 v Mayor - A gainst Teclesco 1969 Mr. President, Byrne *llaLISN�E� SEP 6 { O � CITY OF,,..SAI1�T PAUL 24�4�5 Capital of Minnesota �e a�tr�ce�t o a��ic c�a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy ComsLdoner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Licen�c Iaapeetor September 1�, 19�9 ��onorable .�Ia�ror and City Council Saint Paul, I��iinnesota Gentlemen: Currently the P.eca3� Properties, Inc. are holders of a vance I�al1 and Ci�arette Lice:�:,es at ?70 �ast Seventh Street. l'hey have held such licenses at this locat9_on since January 1968. 1'rior to t'r�is business, the Iocation was licensed as a liquor and bowlin� alley establis'r.rnent for a rnimber of �Tears b;T the �Jayton's ?lufi �omr�ercial �lub. V Apnlica.,i�n is m<ide at t!1is time by the ilecay Properties� Tnc, for the follo�ain:-, additional licFnses in connection i•�i��h their present operation, Restaurant� On Sale I�Talt 3evera�;e, and Tavern. In ad.dition to k�ein� licer�see, Robert T1. P:ecay, ttie sole otianer of iieca�r proper+ies, Inc. at, this loca;ion currently, � is self-er:iployed operatin;; the Ca;,* ngenc5�. Very truly yours� � P�-�° �.�..�,. . F,icense Inspector ' O , CITY i7� S�II�T PAUL DEPAR�TT �F PIT$LIC SAFETY ' LICENSE D�VISIdN . Date Z9 _.._�.,� l. ApplioatiaA for �',�}Ul.l�l� " ON _S�-G1= /yI�-�,` . License 2. Na� oP �pplioant�� ,�R� I� _l.��11L� �. 3. Buaineaa addre�s��� 70 ►� �� 5� Residenoe�j p �'�; . � �,�.����_ �V� 4, Trade aaame, 3� at� r�_�&� �� _ — . 5. Retail Beer Federal Taa Stamp Retail Ziquor Federal Tax Stam.p�11 be used. 6. tt� �rha� F�.cor lcoated ��I"��v� : Namber of rowns u$ed°� 7. Bet�rasn �at crosa etreets ����������f= iPhiah side of $�rset ' Q � "j"�-} 8. 11re premiaea n� 000upiad ti2� Wlzat buainase ,��Q�1TG� �-�h 1 Ho�r lang � �r _ .�.....�_ . . . 9. �re premiaes naw un.00aupied�Ho�r long vacant - - Previous use � — . _ � 10, �ra y�u a new o�mer�_Have you bsen in a similar buaineas before 'f�hers Y�Phen 11. dre you gais�g to operate �hia bu�in�esa pereonally 7.�' aot, who will operate it 12, Ara �ou iri an�r other bueiness at the present ti.me ��� ��c�'/��'� 13. Have thsre been any complaints againat your operation of th�s type of place Nhen Rhe re 14. II�� qou ev+er had 4s�y liaenae revolaed �j� �hat rea�on and date 1�. Are qou a �itizen of the IInited Statea�Nati�v�e �/� S Naturalized ��_�_ 16. l�ere ware you bo J�* �►a�_ �te of birth � � ' ►.� �"ZE:� 17. I am �ldj married. My (wife'�� (husband•sj nams and addres� is �� �� � � 18. (If a�rried fema].e) n�q maiden nams i�s �C�. � 19. Ho�r lon.g have you li�ed in St. Paul a3 �/ � � �0, Hav�a you ev�ar been arreated �Q �Violation oP �rhat criminal ]a9r or �rdinancse�� ,..' .. 21. Ars qou a registered voter in the Ci�r of 8t, Pau1 Yes No, (Ane�er ful],Y an+d oomple�elys Theae a �liaations are Morou hl cheabsd a�d an ._�___..,.,... ... � falaifiQation �rf1l be cause For deni.alp �2. l�umber oP 3,2 plaoes �rithin two bloaks fU�;�I� 23. Closeat intoxiaating liquor plaoe. th� Sale��'���� �_t�ff �ale � ��Q,� � 24, �eareet Churah Sgc.(z�p� N��Q(� Nearest Sahool �g,�c2Pa< <°�'2�CZ 1 25. Number of boothe Tables��ire�� 3`toola 26. 'i�t uccupe,tian ha4e you �ollovred for the past five yearse (Gibe names of e�aploy�a� and date� eo employ�ed.) C. , m P�.,�� ��v �P. ��� . _ . 27. Giv�e� aames arid addreeees of t�ro peraons,, residents of 3t„ 1�►ul, Minn„ �rho Qan gi�e �71�027Ti�'��.021 t3�liC@2'rl.3.rig y011e xam� �'l� a �aarees i � ��.,� C�� 1Zl$�•c/ J�v� xa��l� �1�� rv � �aa�$S 4'l i� I I �(� e i igila ure of pp can State of Minna aota� �aa Count of Ramaey . being f ir�t duly s�orn, depoaea a�l says upon. oa he ha� read e orego ng a�tate�ent beari�.g his $ignatura and lrno�ra the oor�.tenta thereof, and t �he eamis is �rue- of his o�Wn ]�o7vledge e�ecept as to thoee mattera therein a�[:ated upam. in.forme►�ion and belief and as to thoae mstters he believ�as thsm to be true. ignature of dp i ant Subsaribed and s�rorn to before a�e ' th3s o � day of �- 19� � � � No ry bli ,� ey County, ,iz�ne a M�r Ccmanu.saion �ires /� - aS- /�y J ' (Note� Theee statemen� form,a are in duplioate. -Both copies must be Pully filled outa notarized, and returned to th.e Lioanse Diviaionor— DOROTHY :1. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires OcL 25,.1.97_Q � AFFIDAV I� B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETATL BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: Sale Licenae Name of applicant + Busineas a�idz°ess � �� �`�� �/ S � �� �- � �! d Are you the sols ov�mer of this business? If not, is it a partnership? � Q -� " corporatian3 �� � ���, o:Uher? Qthera intereated in busines�, include those by loan of' amoney, propert�r or o�herwiees Name Add re s s How If a corporation, give its nama � ��y P�Cl/OP/�j�.p.g ���_ ______._._7. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor buainess? f� (� As aols owner4 � C� Partner? nl('J StockhfllderR � 0— Qtherw'ise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) �/ (1`— Addre�s of such buainess and nature of interest in same �U d/l� /= � � ignature of applicant State of Minnasota ss C oun �f �msey //�. bei.ng f3.rat duly sv�arn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foreg ng affidavit bearing his signature and ksiaws the contents thereoP; that the sa,me is ua of his awn l�rn�rledge9 except a� to thosa matters therein atated upon information and belief and as to those �tters he beTievea them to be true. ,. $ g ure of applicant Subsoribed an.d sworn to hefore me this a�� day of _ 19 �9 �� . Notary u c, Ramaey County, esota DoB�'rie�im�as�m$attivg'spires Jo -aS 19� Notary Public, Ramsey County, N1inn. M�i�ommisslon.Expir.es Qc�2�i�9Z0 STATE �' 1�IlVNESOTA� ) ss GOUNTY QF RAMSEY ) ������. �� being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in connection with application f o� " Sale" liquor license (" ��V Sa le" mal'� beverage license� in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the 5tate of Minnesota and has resided tharein for �� yeara, � � months, and ia na+r and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide r�aident of said State snd that he now resides at O U ` Addre s a '� P U � , Mi�nes ota. City or To Subs��ta�d and sworn to before me �- this_a��day of 196� Notary Publ' , maey County9 DILi e ota My co�.iasi expirea �� -aS- / 7a DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. �p��nmmis�sian F,�cQ'tres Qc�.25��97_0