245453---. . ,n��rw r i i i . -- - .
` Y ` � !1� 2�5453
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By --
Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No.— i��'""�
and Aasessment Therefor
In the matter of � � � �r! �#,�► itf+�� f��t !1c'�M1 s�IMlt !� �a
�wr !+� !r� !+� t�a �t'M�t as � wt ti�� �fi�e �r ti►�+f t�twt�rt �c�t a�
�t 1N�cl�s•
�La. .rri�a� ar# r�it� a �et � �t lrwt ��r �r d�t fL�s, +w�
+�M ft�l�� fss� s� �E �i. � i�� � #rr� a��a�et � wr s��
�, wasf� '1hr �t�+�rr t�w� �t +�t�t#�s �' � !� #�rr �
a�t � �te1t 1►i�s rE�tl ant ��t s�t�b�t +�c� +�i �r�' �wt
Y� �tr�t i�cw� �� �tt�t � ��a �irwrra: ���
under Preliminary Order � —, approved 1�e�1t �t'��, �1i�1 ,
Intermediary Order__ ��!� —, approved _ �* '�� ,
Final Order �'� —, approved j��;T�;� .
A public hearing havin��:�,e�Lad upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements"`""`�
therein, for the above improveme�t, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment
of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the si��ature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to the ow�_vf such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment
roll, be and the same��s�hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be a.nd the same is hereby in all respects
ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
Yeas Caris�n Nays SEP 3
Dalglish Adopted by the Council— 1969
PetersOt� roved S�P 3196�
Tpraed� �
In Favor �
BY►� J Mayor
Fa� R_3 �� PUBLISHE� SEP 6 1969
Rl�Rl�llilvi�ai�ie�Riii� ei� � i� ..-,_,�_. .
.. � . � . . � . . � �
� . r� � . . � � ;'�' ., .
245 .' ��� s
�t� ��, _,
Report of Commiasi�er of Finance
on Condemnation of L.anda File No. ��
In the matter of ,� � � � ��� �� � ��
� � �M�M�► M � �! ai N�� � � � +� �� �� ���R #IE
� �.
� ���1� +NM � �lt �1�� �s tl�k � �M�ill,�' �M�c �rlt �� +�
+� #��♦ � tr�t �t �t �r!' � �et !�r �A,� ��i 1�rt ��r
��# rMlMI�MM� 1�► �IiM1�1�iM�Mi � wMlt ��� � +�11�i� � � �
+1N11�! l�IIR� N��M �I� lIIM� �IIrM� �'� +IU�� Ii�l� � �II�
� ��uMt ��t� �� !f��M�����► ��
under Preliminary Order � , approved �1t�.��� ,
Intermediary Order �� , approved �_���,� ,
Final Order +�"� , approved ,'�.;� � .
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:
That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap-
propriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own-
ers thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined
the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost
thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of
the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
' ommission of Finance
_ _..M.
A��st 3�, a9�9 .� S ��
:; � �
� Aici��rd C. St�.car_in�
�10 '�ron� Avenua
St. P�.�a].. F�iinneso'�a .
Horio.rabl e Thon�s Bryne � .
2��.yor of the Cit� of �t• PHu].
I�embe�s of Citp Council
C3ty �a�.l
g't. Paul. i�iinnesat�..�.
Dear Sirs s ,_
This is a rLotif ica�ion of' ob�ect�.on to the amuunt of the
danages �v7a�ded on �he pro�aerty T o�rn facin� the proposed �tinson
� Street fro�. Western to .Arundel. legAlly li.sted as Robert A. S�lth's
� Re-arr�n.�e�en�, Lot 23,Block 2 • .
'� I h�.ve b�en in cont�ct with your city engineering departr��nts,
� but hmve been un�.ble ta ob�Afn a clear picttiY�e of t�h3t conseqiien;e�
� the �treet �•rill h�x�ie fnr �e. Z have been usix� the inc���tric�ll
;'� building (I bel�.e�t� city lists as �atucco gar�ge)' to sto�e const�LZC�ion
� m�teri.als, scrap r��tals, etc. I ha�e no assuran�e �hat �f�er thA
� street is throug�l I s�rill have �ny �cce�s �t �.11. As ne�r ��s c�n be
; cnl.cu�.nf;ed S ti�i�i s:�v� ��. 1.8.j,'�� �,ru�� to ;egatia.te ta ��;� �� ta the
t:::ilding.yow�ur enGin�ers the-i:,elve� clai� thi� i� re�.11�r taca st�ep
fur eff�ctiAe vPh4.c1e uaa. You trlill have to tn:nke �t�ut �. .5 foof,
�_:± �:� fronL of ay bulldin�. If na cut hw� to be s�a�de S �v�ula lz�ve
• � , - � -;-.>c!�. Yr�ur en�l:�eerSrr, dc�o�rt:aent ir:dl.c^�ed ti;�.t 1��.�:'_•'
,��4�.:.rct t �<Y :.�uch bet�er than the 18.5�� gr�de. I �t:�s told 'ch2y try �a
. F.;,2�i r.h���grNdes to 10�.
I 4�urc��i��ed the prope�°t� f?_'w:n �noth�r par�y. �'he� ha.d u�e�� the
� +.��r1].dit.3 ri�ht �fter i� t-ra.s buf.lt hut ��ve up due ta V<-•a.L�c1�1�.:7m to �he
t-siildir:;. They thezi uved it for stor�ge �s T do no,��. 7here aa�s no
� ir.�j.c��S.on a� th�?� ti�e th�t the bulZdiz� mi�,ht be �a.de eithea°
¢ nnu�uble by a street �r have �o have ���.�or revs��pi��g ta bec�Y��
�:seable after a s Vr�e� tTr3s put in.
� �o get t}�e �r��.de c�.oser to ttia 14� recomme�3ed b�r gaur e���neexs
and tY�e contractor I contaeted, it sraa �roposed th�t I tear u� i:he
� cone-.ete ��>ron a� s�.�b t�o�.� 3.n pl�.ce in front; of the ,��.r�.g� �n.d slope
� lt. It .�;�,;R;s �as�;l�.�ted th�t iu i�ould ta=�e �.gprxi��.tely �;300 to ��ar
` out the old �lab, gr�de it, l�.y the fornls sznd p�ur i.t. Th�.s s�:�� no�
Q fir� fi�ur�� As �Yaey wer� not su�.,e hok� much �7ork wou7.d b� i��volved.
It is no� necess�ry �.t th�.s tiz�s� �o �ctual3.� r��zke t'r!e �:r.�,rc�. for
d��a�,�es. The2uesLi on could b� left ap�� by Yolla��rin�7a p�aeea.���: such
�s the one I t�rill outline her�: Set �side a su^z. sL;� ;5�00 a�.d then
stipu].ate th�z� ��y d�a;e atr�.�t should n�t egce�.c� thiU figure. t�Ialtir�g '
�rnuld �ive r�e �. r�uch betit�r picture af tA�h�.t ny situatian �;ill Ue.
Pio one yrill benef 1 t fxoza �z1 idl e buildin�.
I am no� sure tY��. I ��rill �?� �ble to cnme to the 4ept. 3rd ca�ancll
meeting to �peak in �p r :;`°'I��r�:m. '�.._ I e�kc,d for t�r�e af"f' t•o co�u� �o
the councl3. �eeti.x��; ':��;� Lher�� r��s re�ist�r�=���. Sl�c�u3.d �yc�u fe�l i�
es�en�i�l to rw�.e?7ir_�; a fair d�cis�.an, I C�.YI b� reachca t�,� callin�
, 1:88-.�373� or q?')�-86Uao e�-t;. 53�7-
, .
Sine el�,
� -----
� Rich�rd• C. St�unin�
__..._.�._..�:..� ._._,__.�.T_.__,_.._
��..� ,,..�,.,.��..�.�- .�.,.��,.._ .�e_..�_._.�,_.a.�T.�,._..�,,�...._.....�.�,..�..._..�.,.,.,....