245422 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK I��e����� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU GENE RM PRESENTED BY Fiobe r t F. Pe te rson COMMISSIONE DATF WNEREAS, Additions which r�ight prove to be necessary in the 6rading, Surfacing and Se�er on Victoria Street - Minnehaha Aver�ue to Pierce Butler Route, Comptroller's Contract L-7�64, T. A. Schifsky S Sons, Contractor, have beer� provided for in the Specifications, and MHEREAS, it has besc� four�d necessary to rnake the following Additions: As per attacMed Contract Change Agreement No. 1 TOTAL NET AD�ITION $600.28 and �j� WHEREAS, The total additton is $600.28, and the Cona�issioner of P�blic Works has agreed wlth the Contractor that the amount of $60�.28 is the correct su� to be added to said contract; therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance aith the Spe���i- cations ic� the sum of $600.28, said amou�t to be added to the tump su�a consideratioc► na�ed in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7064, and r�hich a�ount is to be financed frau City's share of Local I�provement 0920-701 . AuG 2 8 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � 2 $ ��59 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith v Tn Favor Q Re�ersanr' � ��� Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst � : PUBL�5HIEli AUG 3 01� ..:t::� �.Vice Yresidant (Pet�raon) � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 2�+���,/� :;� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Na, � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTfON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert f. Peter5on COMMISSIONER DATF 'I�ILFIE�S f Add i t ions wh Tch mi ght prove to be �ces�ary i n the Grading, 5urfacir�g end S�wer on Victoria Street � Mtnnehaha Avenue to P[e�rce 8utier Route, CompCl'011eP�� Contract f«-7d64, T. A. Schi�Sky � Snnsr Ccantractar, have been provided fQ� in ths Speci�FlCatlons, 8nd 1�iER�AAS, 1� has been found nece�s�ry fia r�ake� the following Addttions: As p�r atRach�d Contract Change Agreem�nt No. i TOTRL� {VET ACIS I T I 0!V �6G10.28 and MMER�AS� Th� fiotal sddtCion 1s $600.28� and ths Co�smissicsr�r of Publtc i�torks has agr�ed with the Contractor that the amount of �Fi0�,2$ i� the ccarrect sum to be added to said contr�ct; therefore be� it. RES#1LVED, Tha� the Cfity c�� St. Pau� through tts City Cauncil approve� the f4regoing additions made in accordance with the Spe�i#i cations in the �um of �6�0.28, said amount �o be added to the lunap �um consideration narr�d in the +�ntr�ct, knawn as Comptroiter's �ontract �,•7f�4, �nd wh t ch amo�nik 1 s to be f i nanced �rcun G i ty's share of t,oca i lmprov�ment 4�20��Q1. Atl� 2 .:�� ���� COUNCILMEN A�iopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �n`��'� ;::�'��a Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �In Favor ��^ �, Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedeaco y����pPo5 f q�e ;�����.,�L1iG�'� _.in ��L71r W'lc re°�it x, l�-' tc+�011) �