245409 �rteinal to City Clerk � � � ORDINANCE 2�5��� ` COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY � � . i NANCE NO An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. ?607, entitled: "An ordi.nance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qua.lifications for the various classes of positions in the Clas sified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6ection 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Community Service Aide JM yM Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayo� �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �-/�a/�s �rislnal to City Clerk � ' ` ORDINANCE 2��`��� COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � 5ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publicatinn. _3_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit SEP 1 i 196� Carlson � /` -, Meredith �7� In Favor Spr�� � � Againat �� �� k � 1��� �''����P,..:�: Ap ved: - A st: . Ci Clerk � Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �uetts�t�� $EP 13 1969 245�09 `111;�.0 O� CIaSS: /��� �CMIi�i�UNI 1'Y �EIZ VZCE AII3l� �uties and xesponsibilities: Ui�der stzpervision, to pexforiri i;he routine� clerical and non�professional �vork incidentaZ to th,e social work and relatccl services provided to �:he participants of special praject� i.n tlae Bureau af �iealth; and to perform relared �r�oric as �.ssigned� �_xara;}�l�s o� Lvor�: p�rformec�� s o �xplain ti�e available sFrv�ic�s o:E a �roject to the area resici�nts: 'T'o assis�: i;n locai:i�z�; anc� ).C1�21t'�1�y112� area residents in need o� a�aila�le �eY•vi.ce�. To assist individuaJs in o�i.ainin� €,ervxces> To malte vi.sits to �4�� hornes of patient:s in order to obtain inform�tion f_rom tt-�em or to gi�r� �hErn infs�rma�ion. or assistarce, 'I'� intervietiv par'tici�aasz�s when assigned� '�n rnain��in �ecor3s of. pert�n�ni: i.ni:orrr�ation, i o as�isL in �.�rcpas i.mg; reports anc. �recommendat;ongo i��i��:r.,um q��aJ.iFications: ElFjility to re�d a�c� ���rifie Englishr i�✓.i.ust be at leasL eighteen year,s a� a�eo _2_ �� 2454fl9 .� . �� � � 7 . ws.a�t�..e� a�� �. �r. �r.a�.s� "�1ca.�� ��r�wr +� �r�.rr�'i1�Mt� �1M �w��M►���+ir�1► l�ar �r �� �►i�►�r�ert+rt' �r 4t�IM �� +r��►�•'� a�r�+�ri ri��r ��. 1��. � �iri. '1"� �4�!!�+�. 1"� !'� �"�" �!' �iAi�'�' )►A�,iw � ��t i�s �. � ��e+� Ii�. l�i�'�', a/��wlrw����r� 1#„ i1l�, � ,�w+��r+�„ '� �1� a�■r�b tw�,�i�r!�r#i�r��s�rw� � ��� � � ��� ������ � ��+�� rir► Q����� ..�t. .: . 245 ��9 /�� � 'Titl.� of classe � COMML3NIT�.' S�RV�CE AIDE Duties an� ;-es�onsibilities: Urbder st�pervision, to perform the routine, clerical and non�•prolessional wark incidenlal. to the social work and 3-elated �ervices provided ta �he participants of special projects in �he �3ureau o£ Health; and ta perform related �,vork a� �ssi�ned� Examplas of wark performed� To explain Lhe available services of a pxoject to th.e area r�sid��nts. ►o �ssi�t in locatin� and id�ntifyin� area residents in need of avail�ble services, �'o as�ist individuals in obtainin� services, 'To mak� viaits to thE horr�es af pati�nts in order to obtain i�zformation frazn them or to �;ive them inforrnation or assigtance, 'ro interview participa.zts 4vhen as:�i�ned, To rzsain�tain �-ecords of perti:nen4: information. '�'a assist in preparing reports and recomme�dationse I�/iinzxnum qualificati.ons: .�bility to read and wri.te English� �ust be at least eighteen years of a�ea _2_ "� � ��5��9 ��oZ � � � � � �� �� ��� �� �.�►�r+r � aa� �.. •�►� �r��� , / � Passed by the Couneil - �:[P 1 1 �969 �EP 1 1 1969 , Approved - .�. Aut;. 27, 19�9 Mr, �Tohn Haider, Lirector of Personn.�1' C';_�;��r �i�vil "erv;.ce 3ureau. �-----,,, i?ear a�r: -- �- / ;-� The City Cou.ncil today �ave�i.� t Read" � to tlze following or.din.ancese � �, :;. �,�, `..i.ji�.�;,�. .. I�sr�c�^ri.c�1�; Ox�d,,\� � _ n�r i.nse:rtin� i�i uec a �:>, u�adc,�.� "I�l_tt�rz��,nce.��, Inspecti�naZ Group" immed.i�,�e.l,y �,ft �eria�°za Grade 7, the followi-ri�;: (, 8 - C unity`�a rvice Aide. j � �. F. ?�+5Z�09 - A�n nding Ord. �Np. 76�7 - I3y ins�rting in its proper� phabetica�Y/�rder the title and spe- cifi�atiorw fo.� ��mnunit,��fiervice Aide. �---,� �� �_...._.1, - �--✓ `�.___-- l'hirc���a�iin.g on thes� ordinance� will be on September �+th. �� � �`6 � V� � � Very truly yours, � �� i/ _____.=� --` Cit;� Clerk hp ;, , : � g_26_69 , F���� � fi�].1 1 T s ordinance establishes th� class speelficatione for.the � , � title "Commux�ity Ser�riyce Aide". � . , � , � � � � � � ,, �;� �;� . � � I st 2nd Laid over to � � 3rd and app � —Adopted Yeas Nays Y`eas Nays �\ Carlson �Carlson Dalglish Ba�jlish 2�5���� � Meredil�h eredith Peterson � Pe�aGSOn � Sprafka �prafka Tedesco sco Mr. President Byrne :_;; �,.�: - ,�`�R+�'� �Q Mr. Vice Pr�aideat (Yeterson) -