245099 � 245099 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RE UTION GENERAL ORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF 6�3EREA3, (�lenn Crosby, a Po13.c� �er�eant in the employ of the D�par�ment of P�bli� Safety of �l�e t3ity of Saint Paul was severely burn�:d on Oe�ob�r 8, 1968, by an exploaion of smokeless powder at �he Pc�blie Safe�y garage; and WHEREA�, said Clenn �ro�by has determined to pur�su� h�.s remedie� against third parties who may have di�ectly aaus�d hi� in�uries, and for such purpoae has retained the Law Firm of �urnane, Mu�nane, Battis, deLambert and �onlin; and WHEREA�, the �i�y of Saint Pa�.1 has an interest �.n the re�overy by said (�len� Cro�by in the nature of eertain Worl��n�s Compensation b�nefits and medi�al payments, presently total�.ng $7,018.25; and WT�AS, it is to th� benefit of the Ci�y of Sair�t Faul to be represented in i�s d�alin�s by the Law Fir� of M�rn�ne, Murnane, Battis, deLambert, and �onlin; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Law Firm of Murnan�, Murnane, Ba.ttis, deLambert and Conlin is hereby authoriz�;d to represen� the Ci�y of Saint Paul in the suit, whieh may be re�olved by trial, compromise, or otherwise a� a fee of 2596 of reaovery �o be paid in accordan�e wi�h the p�ovisions of the Wor�ner�is �ompensation law, including those of Minnesota S�atutes, Seetion 176.461, S�abd. 6. FOf �� ROV� . /1sst. Corp atiop,�Co�t�w1 �%s��O AuG � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � l�s� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � � Mayor �— �Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEG AUG 9 ���� O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER /y��4�� CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �IHEREA3, t�l�nn Cro�by, a Police Sergeant in the employ of th� Department of Pub11C SaFety of th� Cit� o�' Saint Paul was �everely burned an Qetober $, �.9E8, by an explosion of smokeless powder at the Publie �afety ��r���; and t�H'EREAS, �aid �lentl Crosby has determined to pux��t�e riis remediss against third parties wk�a may have direatly caused his in,juries, and for su�h purpos� ha� retained the Law Firm of Murnane, Murnane, �3atti�, deLam3a�r� and Conlin; snd WHEREAS, the City of Saint �'at�l hae an interest in the � recovery by said GE].enn C�a�by in the nature of certain Workmen's Compensation ben�fit� and medical payments, presently total.ing $7:018.25; and WHEREAS, it is to th� benefi� �f the City of Saint Paul to be represented in it� dea7.in�;s by �he Law Firm of Murnar�e, P�urnane� Battis, deLamb�rt, and ��nlin, now, ther�fore, be it RESOI,VED, that the Law Firm of �Iurnane, Mu�nane, Battis, deLamber� and Conlin is hereby authari�ed to represent the �ity of Saint Paul in the euit, wk��.ah may be reaolved by trial, compromise, or atherwiae at a f�e caf 25� qf recovery to be paid in accordance with the provisian� af the Workmen�s �ompensati�n law, including tho�e of Minnesota Statutes, Section 17'6�C�1, Subd. 6. ��z., }��.�"�: '°�=� .�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��`� Carison Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith ^jn Favor Peterson � Mayor —���� A gainst Tedesco ` Mr. President, Byrne O