245093 Ori�inal to City Clerk �
� 245Q�3
Ordi nce am nding Chapter 250, of the Saint Paul
Legi a ive Code, as amended, pertaining to Water
Code ire Supplies.
Section 1. That Section 250.09 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is hereby amended by deleting the same there from in its entirety
and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
250.09 Cost of Installation. The owners will be charged the
total cost of labor, equipment, and material plus overhead
in the �vork of installing the services.
Section 2. That Section 250.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is hereby amended by deleting the same in its entirety and sub-
stituting the following in place thereof;
250.18 Illegal Use. In any case, when the owners or
occupants of any premises are found to be using water
from a fire service for other purposes than fire pro-
tection, the water shall be shut off from same until
the offenders shall give reasonable assurance, before
the Water Board, that the offense will not be repeated.
A charge of five dollars will be required for turning
the water on after it has been shut off for this cause,
and the Board reserves the right to require at the
owner's expense the installation of an approved fire line
meter to record the amount of water which may thereafter
be used on the service for other than fire purposes; such
meter to replace any detector check meter then in use.
The installation and maintenance of the meter shall be at
the expense of the owner, and any registration of water
which has not been legitimately used for fire protection
will be charged for at the regular consumption rate (not
including the fixed charge for water).
Section 3. That Section 250,21 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is hereby amended by deleting the same in its entirety and sub-
stituting the following in place thereof:
250.21 Order to Shut Off. Fire supplies will be turned
off upon the written reauest of the owner or authorized
agent, at no expense to the owner. A charge of five dollars
will be made for turning the service on again.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after October l, 1969.
w`�2 4 �969
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
�� <'S~ In Favor
D er�ed�l� () ��
Sprafka A gainst
`•• ,:���a��y�=.�= p�UG 2 Q �969
�Y�cs Pxeai raon)� � Approved:
Atte t: . �
C' Cler A� yor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� ��O' ! �UBLISHEQ AU G �3 �9�
Duplicate to Printer '
Aa Ordinance amending Chapter 25Q, oE ti�e Saint i'aul
Legislative Code, as smended, pez�taining to Water
Code - Fire Supplies.
Sectioz► 1. That Section 254.09 of the Saf.nt Paul Legisl.ative
Code is hereby amend�d by deleting th� sarne tlzexe from in its enti.rety
and inserting the follawing in lieu tkaereofr
25t7.OR Cost �f Installatinn. 'The owaers will be cl�argaei the
total costc7� Iabor, equipment, and material plus overhead
in t,'r;�: �r;�rk of installin�, the services.
Section 2. That Section 250.1�3 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is her�by aa�ended by del�tin� the s� in 3ts entirety and sub-
stituting the fallawing fn place thereofe .
250.1£� I21ega1 Use. In any case, when the owner� or
occupants of any Premises are found to be using water
frc�tn a fire service for other pcerposes than fire pro-
t�ction, the water shall be shu� vff frocn same until
the offenders shall give rea�anable assurance, t�efore
the Water Board, th�.t the affense will not be repeated.
_'� charge of five dollars wili be required for turnimg
the water on af ter it has been shut off for this cause,
a�d th� Baard reserves the right tv requixe at the
owner�s expeuse the inatallation of an �pproved fire line
meter to record the amount of water which may theresf ter
be used on the s�rvic� far pth�r than fire purposes; such
meter to replace any detector check meter then in use.
The installatian anci m�eintenaace of the meter sh,ali be at
the expena� of the awaer, and any registration o�' water
which has not beea legitfmately used for fire prc►tectinn
wiil be charged £or at the regul�r canse�mp�iot� rata (not
includirig the fixed charge for �r�ter}.
Section 3. That Section 250.21 of the Saint Paul Legislative
:_ode is hereby amended by deletfng the same in its entirety ,and sub-
stitnting the �ollowing in place thereofs
25Q.21 Order to Shut Off. F9.re supplies wil.l be turned
off upon the writtea requ�st of the owner or authorired
ageat, at no expen�e ta th� oranex. A charge of five dv2lars
will he made far turning th� service oa again.
Section 4. Thfs ordinance sha1Z take effect and be in force
from a�d after October 1, I969.
��� � �;� �1���
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii
Carlson �.�
Meredith �` Tn Favor
Sprafka Againat
Tedesco r '
��:�,l���'���Yrne� � "�,�'PU °
Attest: �^ �%u�� xx�.a��t �1,:i�.:��W1�? APAroved:
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
Ist ��� � ~ 2nd �/�
Leid over to
3rd and app�_�,�Adop+ed � G
Yeas Nays Y as Nays
Carlson �arlson
Dalglish ,Qalglish
Meredith 24���3 �eredith
Peterson �`'e Re#$nerr-
Sprafka `'1;,�prafka �✓
Tedesco �edesco
Mr. President Byrne �R �,��. .yrne.�Y
�55 �q• y�s Yxesidrni (�'u..:.3a�)�