245090 Orl�inal to Clty Clerk r r ORDINANCE 245090 �/2���� � COUNCIL FILE NO ��� � � PRESENTED BY � ��'" /G° ORDINANCE NO. � `�'� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. ?607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimuxn qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, �' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV; Section 1. Tha.t Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Tree Trimmer I and Tree Trimmer II; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following minimum qua.lifications: Tree Trimmer I "Eighth-grade education. Must be under 30 years of age and have a valid Minnesota cha.uffeur�s license. " Tree Trimmer II "Eighth-grade education and one yearss experience as a Tree Trimmer I or equivalent. Must have a valid Minnesota chauffeur=s license. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. p�UG 15 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah Meredith n Favor � Peterson '� Sprafka � G ASainst �e�leseo- Mr. President Appr ��JCa 1 � 1'69 A s � ler - a or / �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �� � 6 y PUBLISHED AUG 2 3 1969 Duplicate to Pdnter pR. DINANCE 245 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINAN CE NO � ��' PRESENTED BY �,n, oxdinanc� amending t�xdinance No. ?60?. entitled: �+�,,n ordixa.anc� fixa.�� tb�fQa the var oua$classes�of e� and the mini.mum qualification� positions in th� Cla�s�fi�d Service of th�e City, 't dpproved �'ebruarY 1�� ��33 5• �� am��ded. THE C�U1�SC IL Q� THE �IT"Y +�T:' SAINT PAUL �C>�S tJ�LT)A1N: Section 1. 'T`h�t C)rdixx�a�ce No. ?607, appxoved Febxuary' 13, �,935, as am�aded, b� a�nd t�i� �am� i� hereby further am��ded b�r �tx�.king ' imum qualificati.c�ns in the specification+� for Tree 'T"r�.a�smer � out the m;a ����1 � and Tree Trixnmer �; and bgr �ub�tituting i�: lie� th�reof' �e8p Y the foliowing minixnum q�l���a�ioms: 'Tr�e '�rimmer I ��Eighth-grade �du��t�on. Must be under 30 years of ag� and hav� a valid 1Vii�r�eaa'ta chav.�f'eur'g l��ense. " 'T re�� '�'�i.mnzer II ��Ei hthw rad� +�d�catioz9. a�nd o�ae year�s experi�n�Q a� a '�C�'e� � imrr��r I c�r eq'�ivv�..lez�t. lMu�t have a valid 1V.��esot� �'x rr chauff�u:r's li.���.'��• " his ordin�nca �hall tak� effect aad be in fcar�ce thirty 5ection �• � � rova3., and publicatiax3.. �;y� after it� pa�sag�, PP ,�U� � `� 1�69 Ye� Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci Carlson In Favor Dalglish � Meredith C% Againat � Peteraon �'�'� w:� Sprafka �� �`� ���' � ��� �' Approved: Mr. President (BYrne) August 7, I969 Mr. Joseph P. Summexs Corporation Counsel Buildin�; Dear Sir: The City Counc3l requ� tha.t y investigate �.nd reply to the�m concernin� the tione r ed by Nicholas Schneider, regarding the ordina �h n� Tree Trimmer requirements, a11 as more fully s in the attached letter oP ?�Lr. Schneider � Third Readin� af the dinance i �sched ed Por �1u�;;ust 3th. Very trul�y yaurs, /��^�-� City Clerk ng ���.� July 3�., 1969 r2r. John Haider, Director of Personnel, Cit3r Civi.l Service Bureau. � Bea.r Sir: / The City Council tociay �;ave st adin� to an ordinance, C. F. 2�+50q0 amendin� Ord. 1Vo. 7607 by n tin� new qualifications in the speci�'ications for Tr ' r• I� n SI. Tha.x•ci Readir� o hi.s ar•di n�e wi . be on .Au�ust 8, 1�69. Very truly yours� //�-� ____--- City Clerk hp ,� �_____ .� � ' � I st ' f 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopteci � �`� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �arlson Dalglish `9alglish � Meredith \Meredith Peterson 245�90 lie}erson Sprafka V �prafka Tedesco '�� �escs !� Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O � . � � � a �a� �v THE FEDERATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES No. 8 HARRY F.SCHWABEL, Presideni WILMA E.SITZER, Rec.Secretary ROBERT J. PAGEL, Fin.Sae'y-Traas. 559 S.Laxington Parkway,2 1477 Ashland Avenue,55104 445 City Hall and Caurt Houze,2 Affiliate of American Federetion of Stafe,Coun+y and Municipal Employses—Minnasofa State AFL-CIO Federation of Labor—St. Paul APL-CIO Trades and Labor Assambly SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 2 August 5, 1969 Mr. Harry Marshall, City Clerk 386 Court House Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Marshall: Ordinance #245090,Third Reading, August 8,1969,changing Tree Trimmer requirements. The employees are concerned with the changes and have re- quested that the City Council should check the legal aspects as they pertain to the present employees. What happens if the present worker cannot or will not obtain a Chauffeur' s license? Who is responsible for auto and truck transportation accidents? Who will pay the employee's higher insurance rates? Will the employee suffer risk insurance rates because of driving City equipanent? Wi11 the Minnesota driving demerit eystem be used against the employee? Your early reply to these questions and holding th:.s ordinance inlimbo until a satisfactory answer is accepted. I remain, urs t��, r � NMS:mmms ICHOLAS M. S IDER Susiness Representative Local #8 AFSCME Mayor Syrne Comr. Victor Tedesco Personnel Chairman, Comr. Dalglish Jack Wynne James Thole � � ���