245089 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 2450 8 9 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SOLI�,TION— ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Ted.esco � July 30, 19b9 COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, und.er and pursuant to Chapter 92-A of the St: Paul Legislative Cod.e, the Car Mileage Committee provided for in Section 5 hereby reports its find.ings and, recommend.ations to the Council: WHEREAS, the Council has made a stud.y of said report and recomrnend.ations; therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the employees listed below shall be entit.led to and receive mileage allowances as follows: ' WATER DEPARTMENT Add.: James Geehan, Plumbing Inspr. A-$75 eff. 7/21/69 EXECUTIVE DEPAR.TMENT Add: Helen D. Nord., Engr. Aide II A-$45 eff. 7/1/69 Add: H. Thomas Payne, Ad.m. Asst. A-$45 eff. 7/1/69 Add: And.rew J. Johnson, Research Analyst II A- $45 eff. 7/15/69 DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY _ _ ,_�: ___ Remove: Tord L. Bjork, Sanitarian II C-$65 eff. 7/1/69 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Remove: Clarence Nast, Traffic Maint. Foreman II B.-$75 eff. 7�1/69 Decrease: George Thielen, Engr. Aid.e I from C-$75 to C-$60 eff. 8/1/69 Add: Gary Pechmann, Sanitarian II C-$65 eff. Z/1/69 Add: Wayne H. Engel, Engr. Aide I A-$50 eff. 7/1/69 Ad,d.: James A. Gag, Engr. Aide I C-$75 eff. 7/1/69 Remove: Charles Ackernecht, Landfill Caretaker A-$20 eff. 7/1/69 JUL 31 l�g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson JUI� .� � 19�� Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith � Tn Favor �Ee�erae� Q Sprafku J /RtIA� Mayor - �gainst Tedesco �,�����e �'i �uBLIStfiEO AUG 2 i969 Mr. Vfes Pxeeid�nt (Pmtnrror� � , ��