245069 �-
COUN FIL U �G45�s(�.
Resolved that upon recoASideration and for the purpoae of effectuating the true intent
and pur,pose of the Coua�cil and to provide therefore and facilitata th�
acquisition under the pcywer of eminent domain by the City of Saint Paul of certai� lands
for opening Aru�del Street aad Cohaasey St�eet and of the eaaements necesaary for slopes,
cuts s�nd fills in the grading of Arundel Street, Cohanaeq Street and Idaho Aveaue, that
the priar resolutioa oi this Co�acil in the�aature of a 1►iaal Order dasiaaated as C.F. No.
244SS3, approved Ju1y 15, 1969, be aund�d to read as #ollowss
- Open, widen and extend ARUNDEL ST, creating a cul-de-sac for street purpos�s
une north of Hoyt Avenue by condemning and taking tt�e,t part .of Lots 13, 14 a�nd 15
Blk. l, Idaho Addition and Lot 4, B13c'. 6 of Edwin M. .Ware's Cumberland Add.
In� Plat l, lying within the arc of a circle having a 50-ft. radius, the center
of said circle bein� on the centerline of Arundel St. and 161.82 Pt. north
of the north property line of Hoyt Avenue.
the ALSO, open, widen and extend COHANSEY ST. creating a cul-de-sac for street
purposes north of Hoyt Ave. by condemning and taking that part of Lot� 4 - '
and 5, Block 5�; and Lots 4 and 5, Block 6, all in Edwin M. Ware's Cumber-
. p� land Addition, Plat 1, lying within the arc of a circle having a 50 ft.
' radius, the center of said circle lying on the centerline of Cohansey St.
and 155 feet north of the north propert,y line of Hoyt Ave.
ALSO, change tlie, grade of IDAHO A�E, from Mackubi.n St. to Cumberland St.
to conform to �Che grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department
t of Public Works.
, , , .
e ALSO, condemn and take easements in the land necessary for the slopes,
cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject
land or remaind�i� thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction
� of slopes in the(gradin� and surfacing of ARUNDEL ST, from the proposed
a:, _
� cul-de-sac north of Hoyt to Idaho Ave. , �-1885) ; of Cohansey St. from the , '
' ` ' proposed cul-de-sac nor�h of Ho��e-:=to Larpente� Ave. , (G-1883) ; and
of Idaho Ave. from Mackubin St. to Cumberland St. (G-1882) .
ALSO, change the �rade of ID.AH� AVENtIF �'rom Mackubin Street to Cumberland
: Street to conform to the �r.ad� <�s �hr.�•m �n the �rofile on file in Che
Department of Public Work4, . �d
c �y ,'
a ALSO, condpm� and take easement�s ;.n the l.anci n�cessary £or the slopes,
' cuts and fi.11si inciuding ri.Qt,t �?f ke-nc��*al, af Iateral support from subject ,
land or remai.nder therenf, oc.c:a5i.o��e� by �xcavations thereof or constructi.on
o£ slopes in th� grading and 5tirfacing nf ARIINDF:L STRF.FT from the proposed
I cul-de-sac north of Hc?yC t� Zd�all4 A�aenu�, (r-t885) ; of Cohansey Street from
' the proposed cul-de���c north �f �io��t �venue t� Idaho Avenue, (G-1$83);
1 and of Idaho Avenue from Mackubin Strect to Ciznzb�r�.ar�d Street (G-1$82) .
. �`� HLJV� �:udur�e �ue �iaue v1 1.i.+.ein.i� nYCivu�: �.t.v.0 a�.-�..,----� - --.,. , . _ . . .-
Street to conform ta the �rad� as shcn�m on the �rofi3e on file in the
( Department of public Works ,
;, ALSO, condemn an�i take easeme�rs in the land necessary for the slopes,
� cuts and fills, including right csf. x�mc�vat of 2ata�ral support from subject
land or remainder thereo£, occasi_oned by excavations thereof or construction
of slopes 'i.n the gradi.ng and s�irfacinQ of Al2Ui3�EL STREET from the proposed
- cul-de-sac north of Hoyt to Id��hca Au�Qn�.z�, (G-I£iE35); 'of Cohansey Street from
, the proposed cul-de-sac nax'th o£ ��av'r. Avenue to Idaho Avenue, (G-1$83);
'' and of Idatno Avencae f.rom Macicubin Sr,reet to; C�mberla�'�.� Street (G-1882) .
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