245051 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��q f CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� z1e���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSION �� DATG � � �4 " � G� WHEREAS, The State of Mirulesota, Depar-cment of Highways, wishes to improve T. H. No. �.9 (Rice Street) just tiaest of the 'vdest Arm oi Vadnais La1ce, the cons�Lruc-Lion for such improvement (S.P. 621l� (�.9=126 903) requiring that the State obtain a construction easement which shall expire on December 1, 197I�, or soon.er, upon a formal order by the Co_minissioner of Highways; and ti�REAS, The Board of Z�tater Corrnnissioners of the City of St. Paul did, on -the 25th day of July 1969, approve the grantin� of said easement, . NOti1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Cornmon Council of the City of Saint Paul concurs with -the action of the Boaxd and hereby approves said easement and that the proper officers are authorized to enter into said agre�ent and execute same on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. JUL 2 9 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas lvays ,!U L 2 � 1969 Carlson Dalglish proved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafk2 J Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne P�1QtISHEO AUG 2 1969 � O . . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No._� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ,'j� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� �' g�� �� COMMISSIONER — DATE ���TCU� W�R�'��AS, The State of Minizesota, Departanent oY Highways, wishes to rai�e the �ade and �mprcnre T. H. #�.9 {Riae St,�reet) �ust west of the We�t Aac� of 9adzbais I,aZce; and W�REA3' The construction far tYbe abwe im�ro��ae�t (S.P. 6211� (1�,9�12b 903) requires that the Sta.te obtaia a canstruation easen�nt in additia�t ta t� slope easenent granted to t�he State on August 11�, 1967, from the Haard of Wate+r Ca¢nm3.ssioners, N�T� �R�'ORE, BE IT RESOI,?ED, That the Board hea�eby �pprrnre� t�e ;grant3ng af' �a:id construction easanent and that the proper officers of the Board be and hereby are authorized and directad to axecute said easement� a copy of which is anneQCed hereto� and by this ref�enae made part hereof, and that the City Con�r�cil be asked t,o cancrur in suah action. _ _ _ State of Minnesota 1 County of Ramsey ` ss. City of Saint Paul � I, P. J. Clarke, Assistant Secr tary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify at hav comp the y of a resolution of the said Board as adopted by the Board on � , with the original thereof on file in my office and that said c is a t and cor ct copy of said original and the whole thereof. Witn s the sea f the of Water Commissioners e City of S int Paul this day of • 1 Assistant Secretary 0 Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays �i�'�q� — �` � 196 9 ��6 � In favor � Opposed � � �O ASST. SECY. DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �r�.',°`� •��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.--��,�,�-�"` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Z"�I�` ,r39_ T�II"�. w�� �f l��i tineso-�, De�tment o# Ti�.�I��ays, �rishas -L-d im.prove T. FIa N�. I�9 {�3.ce� ��°ur�e�.) ;ju�•� t�as�t o� th� ��es� ,l�rm. a�' Vada�a.s I,�1La Lhe cr��astx°ue-�r.a�z �r�r ,sach :Lr�,;��°cxrre�3a�� {S.P. 621�. (J�9=12�i �3) r�c�;'.xi�°in� �T�,�� �he 5i;�.�a t��•�. a ca�n,s��.ruct�az� easa��n�t wh:ich �h�.l ��.ro on D��n7�ar 1, �9 i.�� or saone�, �.a�sa� �. �'Qa�na7. ord� by �.e Co���.3.�;imi�.er ot' I�.,r�,hw�.ys, ard �'� '?'S °� fiha :Ho�r� �� l°�Ta�L�° C.a��sz�3,���,�rt�r� of -�he Cit;�r af S'�. Pau�. c�:d, +�n 'lakhe 2��th d�„� ce,� J'�ly 1;�69, a��ra!rre '�he �°�,n��,ai� �� ,��,3d n�.�c�nen�Lp P���1' ��I?��� � IT R�aS�:��'�, `.i°I��,� i��e Cc�rnon Ccra�.�.c�.7. �i ��tac ��.�y �:i ;��.�.�z� . 1P�,�. cc�ne��� t�r�.th �.e� ac�xan o.� �the �3a�d �°aa �iereby �,���ra� sa�,d �a�s�ne.n�L and -�.�t ��.� px���x n�"�ie�rs ax°� aa�thor�.zed �a �n��� 3xi°to s�.�.d. �.�ee-zn.��� �.��d ���cu� �axn� oxz b�d�a�.a �� th� C�.v,y o�° ��L Pa�.��.. .���. � � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ���� ;��� � s.., � 4 Dalglish �---r Approved 19_ Meredith Peterson ' Tn Favor � S rafku � y Tedesco � Against Ma or Mr. President, Byrne O