245049 r ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �'�' ����� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ���� COMMISSIONE '�%1i�" �!/� DATF RE3�LVED, That the Coancil of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in tl�e recominendation of the Commissioner of Park� and Recreation and Public B�ildings to authorize and per�it Fr�d H. Alewell, Inc. to a�ssign all rights and privilege.� remaining under that certain lease agreement under date of October 4, 1966, betwe�n said Fred H. Newell, Inc. and the City of Saint Paul purs�aant to Gouneil F'ile 230335, approved September 27, 1966, to Capital City Amusement, Znc. , said ag=eement authorizing the operation of a concessio� for the rental of bicycles, =owboats, canoes, and waterbicycles on Como Lake in Como Park for the remaiAder o£ the park season 19Fi9 and the park seasons 1970 and 1971; and be it FURTH�R RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to prepare the proper documents for the execution of such assignment, and the proper City officers are hereby suthorized and directed to execute same. FORM APPROV D Asst. Corporation Counsel �UL 2 9 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Carlson ,I U L 2 g 1'� Dalglish pproved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' , Sprafk� J Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne tugt�st�E� AUG 2 1969 0 . . , ,��J o � 1 r ' STACKER, SILVERSTEIN. BURKE & RADSOM ATTORNEY3 AT LAW 1220 MINNESOTA BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 RALPM STACKER TELEPHONE MAX A. STACKER July / g , 1969 Q22-�'7$� FRED SILVERSTEIN AREA CODE 612 THOMAS J. BURKE . STUART RADSOM HOWARD G. STACKER R.WILLIAM REILLY KENNETN J. W61L MORRY N. ROTH9TEIN The Honorable Council City of Saint Paul City Hall - Court Hous e Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: The undersigned, FRED H. NEWELL, INC. , who holds an agreeme nt from the City of Saint Paul for the operation of a concession at Lake Como, Saint Paul, requests your honorable body to transfer the unexpired portion of said contract which is dated October 4, 1966 to CAPITAL CITY AMUSEMENT, INC. , a corporation. Thanking you for your courteous consideration, we are, Very truly yours, FRED H. NEWELL, INC. i � � L� �Q B ������4'Z� r Y `.x�. President BY�_,�_C��i <-�,-�-C� Secretary Request for Transfer The undersigned, CAPITAL CITY AMUSEMENT, INC. , purchaser from FRED H. NEWELL, INC. , requests your honorable body to transfer to it the unexpired portion of the contract above referred to. CAPITAL CITY AMUSEMENT, INC. '� By President July 1$, 1969 Mr. Joseph P. Summ�rs, Corpor�,tion Ccaunsel. '~-_—�} ----. �\ Dear Sir: The Council today, by motion Commi ioner Tedesco, infornally approved �he transfer of unexpir portion of the contr�et between the Cit�r and Fred � . ewe11, e. , for a con- cession at I,al�.e Coma to Capital City \ em �; Tnc. 4lould you please prepare tme necessr�.ry resolution �'ormal City Council action? �'� Very �ruly yours, / _� �.-�--�' �' City Clerk AO�hp �/� ���. / ..o_.�.--