245048 ORIGINAI�TO CITY CLERK ��(�o `•V �, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, upon the 6th day of December, 1966, the �ity of Saint Pau1 and t�e AAA Lea�ing, Inc. , did enter a �ontraat by which the �i�y of Saint Paul did lease 23 new 1967 �odel Compact Autot�obiles, Chevy II, and one 1967 Model Che�rolet �a.n Bu� for a period of 2�+ mon�hs beginning January 29, 1967; a.nd W'FtE13EAS, �h� �pecifiaations pursuan� �o which the leasing was und�rtaken and made sub�ec� provided that the I�ssee aha11 be self insured a� to liability; and WHEREAS, an a�cident oceurred on th� 2�+th day of May, 1968, bet�reen a vehi�le operated by R3.chard Larson and S �.ES$ECI vehi�le operated on behalf of �he City of Sain� Pau1, and as a result th�reof said Rie�.a�d I�a.rson ha.� initiated s�ait against the A.A.A. Leasing, Ina. , for damage� of $281.24; now, therefore, be it RESOS�VED, �ha.t purauant to the sp�aifiaations and aon'��act hereinbefo�e dese�3.bed, the p�oper �ity officers are authorize�d and d3.rected �o assume the defense of the A.A.A. Leasing, Tna. , hold i� harmless, and dispose of the matt�r through settle�ent or �rial as �ay app�ar �ost �ust . FO PRO � Asst. Corporat Cou�nsel p..lc. 1�' . JUL 2 9 1969 COUNCILMEN r Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson ��jL 2 q 11�� Dalglish Approve 19— � � Meredith i Tn Favor ' Peterson ' � Sprafku J Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne ru�.�st��o AUG 2 1969 �� DUPLICAT�TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO.�����=�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� ti�3EREAS, upon the 6th day of Deeember, 1965, �h� City of Sa�.nt I�aul arsd the AAA Lea�in�, Inc., did en�er s cantract by which the City of S�int Paul dic9 lea�e 23 new 1967 Mod�l Compact Autamabiles, Chevy Ix, and ons 1967 Mociel Chev�olet Van Bus far a period oP 2� manth� beginning Januar�r 2g, 1967; and WHEREAS, the �p�cificai:ions purauant to which �h� leas3.ng was undertaken and made sub�eet provided that the Le�see wha11 be self insur�d ae to �.3ability; and WHEREAS, sn accident occurred Qn the 2�th day af May, 1968, betwe�n a veh�.cle operated by Riehsrd L�arson and a leased vehicic: operated an behalf of the C1ty of Sa3nt Faul, and as a resu�.� thereaf said Richard I.arson has initiated suit against the �1.A.A. Lea�ing, Inc. , :�or damages of $2$1.2t]; nova, th�refore, be it RESOLVEI7, th�at purauant ta the epeaificmtians and c�ont��et hereinbefor� descr3.bed, th� pr�aper City officers are authorized and direeted to assume th� defenee mP the A.A.A. LEasin�, Inc. , hold it harmlesa, and dispo�e of the matter throu�h s�ttlemen� or tr�.a1 as may �ppear most �u�t . ��JL2 � 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays {�)�[? - �I''f��J�. CT 1 '�',"" CarlsOri Dalglish r�� Approved 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ^y Sprafku �✓ Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O