245039 :�a�s _ �� � , : . 2�50�,9 ` COUNC'IL FILE N0. INTERIVIEDIARY ORDER By Ffle No. 17412 : In the Matter of con�l�mning at�d taki�g a permaneat easement for the purpose of constrncting and maiataining a p�blic �tore s�wer on, under, acrosa and thzor�gh the south 4 feet of Lc►t 1 and the north 4 feet ot L0t 2, all in Block l, S�dgren Addition - to St. Pan1, Minnesota. - Also, conde�ning and tal�iag temporary easem��ts for con�t�c�rictn purposes on the north 20 �eet of �he south 24 feet of Lot l and the soutb 20 feet ot the north 24 geet of Lot 2, a11 in �lock l, guadgren Addition, St. Pau1, Minnasota, said teffiporary easements to reoaia ia effec� for a period of one year commencin� on the date of ratification of thie order, " under Preliminary Order 243759 �pp�Ve� May 9. 1969 The Coun�il of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commiasioner of Finance upon the above impravement, and having considered sa.id re�port, herQby re�olvea: 1. That`the said report and� the same is hereby approved and adapted, and the said improvement is her�by ordered to be pro�eected with. - 2. That the nature of the improvement whieh the Cauncil recommends is to �onde�ea4 and tdke a permat���t eas�eat f�r the purpose of corsstructiea and maintaiaing a public �storm sewer on, undar, atross and through the aouth 4 feet of Lot 1 and the north 4 feet af Lot 2, all in Block l, Sundgren Addition to St. Panl, Mia�esota. Alao, cond�aing and taking temporar3► ease�ents for conetructfcra purpoaes on the north 20 feet of the Bouth 24 Eeet of �t 1 and the south,.2�� feet of the north 24 feet of Lot 2, all ia Block l, Sundgrea Addition, St. paul, �nes�rta, asid temporarq ' a�se�ents to remain in effect fo� a perio[ �f one year co�eac�.ag oa the date of ratification of�tt�iis order, with na alternatives, and tha,t the estima.ted cost thereof is $ 3 50.40 _ Reaolved'Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement an the 26th day of a�gys t� �,969 , a�t the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council C'hamber af the Court House and City Hall Building in the Gity af St. Paul. Th�.t the Commissioner of� F`inance give natice of s�id meeting to the �ersons and in the manner provided by th� (�harter, stating the-time and place af he�ring, the nature of the improvement and the total eost thereof as estimated. cauNCU�E�v .IUL 2 9 1969 - Adopted by the Council Yeas Carlson Na�'$ . ,IUL 2� � iDaigl ish Appro� 'Meredi�h Peterso.n . Spraf ka �In Favor ' ���edeSCO Mayor Bytne � Aroainst }�U�LISt�f o� AUG 2 196� 6-sa za�_ . a.� R.i