245038 . ,�� � �� I � r� • CQUNCIL FILE NO '�� 1NTERMEDIARY ORDER By File No. 17402 In the Matter of conde�eaing and taking a permaneat easement �or sewer purpo�es, on, ov�r and across th� west 4 geet of Lot 19, Block 7, Hazel Park '�ivision 4. Also, conde�ning and taking temporary eas�ents for coastrnction purpos�s on the fallo�iag: The east 8 feet ot th� weet 12 feat og Lot 19, Block 7, Hazel Park Division 4, aad the ea�t 8 feet of Lot 18, Block 7, Sazel Park Divisioa #, said te�p�rary �ase�ents to remain ia effect for a periad ot one year cammenciag on the date of ratificatios of this order (G-1905) under Preliminary Order 242924 approved Anril #,, 1969 The Council of the C'ity of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above impfrovement, and having considered said raport, hereby resolves: � � 1. That the said report and� the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whieh the Cauncil rECOmmend� is to cond� aad ta"ke .a p�r�aanent ease��at for s�er pt�rp�sas os, cc�ver �x�: across _ . . __ . , .. . . ... , . the �est 4 feet of Lot I9, Block 7, Ra��l Park IIivisi�ig 4. � Also, �oadaeain� aad taking temporary aaseane�nte far eogstrmcti�► purpe�as on the . loll�wiagt Tr►e e�st 8 feet of the xest 12 feet of Lot 1�, �loek 7, Haze1 Park �ivitien 4, and the east 8 feet oE Lot 18, Block 7, Hazel Yark Divisios 4, said temporary w�s�me t h o r ia( n1��� ct for a period of one ysar c�anciag oa the date of rati�ica- i��i n°o��t�rna�v�e�`sra�l� �Ehat �he estima.ted cast thereof is $ ��S•�0 Reaolved Further, That a public heaxing be had on said improvement on the ��� day of - Aut�ast, 1969 , a,t the hour of 10 dclock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court �Iouse and �ity Tiall Building in the Gity af St. Faul. That the Gommissioner of Fina.nce give notice of eaid meeting to the persons and in the ma.nner pravided by th� Charter, stating the time and place af heartng, the nature of the improvement and the tot�al coat thereaf as estimated. JUL 2 91969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Catlson NayB Dalglish �pprov 'JUL �°�1 �.� Meredith Peterson Sprafka —In Favor ' Tedesco � Mayor Byme ���� Against ��,lStt€�, AUG 2 6-68 2M 8� R-1