245029 . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK /��o-J l l . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� �aJ LIC��ISE CQMr�ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNC RESOL 10 GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ Jllly 29� 1969 COMMISSIONE - DATF hESOLVEIi; �at Application K-13150 for the transfer of Ch Sa1.e I.i.quor License No. 7551, expiring Januartl 31� 197�� issued to �loren Koury (inda.vidual} at 1180 East Seventh atreet be and the s ame is hereby transferred to Tioren Koury and Anthor�y J. Koury, Sr. (partnership) at the same address. 0�1 �S�l.LE I,I;titiOR �+�STAI3LISI�f,'LiJT TH,AidS+�:' (Individual to Partnership�! Informally �proved by �ouncil June 2l�, 19b9 Orig, Appn. 131�0 JU.L 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �u�. Z 91969 c�i�o� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson Sprafk2 � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 1969 �ue�isKEa AUG 2 �o C � . - � CITY bF SA$VT PAUL Capital o! Minnesota �� ��i� � �e a�ti�erzt o a��ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CAftLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIKE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commlesioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inspeetor July 24, 1969 Honorable Iiayor and City Council Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Curreritly l�Ioren Koury holds On Sale Liquor License PJo. 7551, �unday-On-Sale-Liquor L�ense PtiTO. 7615 and I�estaurant, Off Sale rlalt T3everage and Ci�;arette Licenses �To. 7616� a11 expirin�; January 31, 1970, at 1180 East �eventh Street. He has held the licenses at this acidress since I�lovember 1965• Application is made by ��ioren Kouzy and Anthony J. Youry� Sr. for the transfer of all of the above licenses from I-loren Koury, as an individual, to Moren Koury and hnttzony J. Koury, Sr. as a partnership. Prior to enterin� this business �nthony J. Kour�,�� �r. was in the barber business for a number of years. Very truly vours� .� �� � " �p .;.� : � ��b .�r:�,x .f�;..�;,' I 'f( �I �� `,fs f .,'...e.dA�..'���r i.� ,��ex 4 � License Inspector � . t � � � O i • � � • \ MANSUR, MANSUR & MANSUR ATTORNEYS AT LAW 462 SO. ROBERT STRE6T SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55107 PETER M. MANSUR MARTIN J. MANSUR EDWARD N. MANSUR JAMES W. KENNEY � LOUIS E.TORINUS Z22'279� r July 18, 1969 Mr. Dan McLaughlin � City License Inspectox Public Safety Building 101 East lOth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Dan: In regard to Koury ' s Bar, 1180 East 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, the license is presently in the name of Moren Koury who is an uncle of the applicant. It is the uncle ' s intent that a partnership be formed with Anthony Koury, Sr: to be an equal partner. � With this in mind, I hope I have completed the enclosed Applications in proper order. If there is additional _ _ information that you desire, kindly let me know. Mr. Anthony Koury can be reached at the Bar and his telephone number there is 776-9345. Yours very truly, � MANSUR, NSUR & MANSUR . � � , Ma tin J. Mansur ,�p�2�212c�2�� MJM:gb ���� � ��Sc,, y�7 iII��- j�J�.�. �f�.�1 Enc. ^ ^' � � � � r.. . :. ,. : Y 'i t'� GO �• _.. _ D.►: p� � .. , . : i,r. Safe,y ��f �� . 0�6,8����4.J ✓ � � CITY flF SAZNT PAt� DEPAR'1'�ENT {�' P�TBZTC SAFI�TY LICENSE AN�SIdN Data July 18 29 69 1. Applioatian Por n Sal� Li or and alli�d 1ic�AS�s - Liaex�e : 2, Na�e of appliaaat 11�1ttf rT. 13 57�. 3. Buaineas addreas 1180 �. 7�h Bk4 . Residenoe 1A87 B��b�s' Lat�. 8t. P�tml _ _ , 8t. Paul. Mi.nn s�t� Ibn�lotat H��.q�t�� . ltatn�sota 4, Trade r�ame, 3f any 1� - .R 8#�' , . _ �Y` .��. _ - 5. Retail Beer Fedez�a,l Tax 3tamp���Re�sil I�iquor Federal Taa St�►mp ��� vvill be used, _. __ _. . _ r 6, t�. arhat Ploor looated lltst Number of roa� used° OA� ?. Bet�en �at cxos� etreeta Dnl� i� �l1�D��Cllhich side uf stree� sm��ist Cv�Atr 8. Are premisea novr ooaupiedye• '1�lia� busi�nesa b�aj�lieap�t Hvw lm�.g 4 y�t�a _ _ ,........,_ _ __ . _ 9. �,re premisea now unocaupied �O Ho�nr l�n� vacant �to»� Previaua use B��r I0. Are you a new rnmer �O Have you been in � similar buaineas be�ore�Y�s 1Phere at �hie addrts• �hen lour �aars 11. dre you goirig to operate this businsss pereonallq Y!� If no�, who 'rill operate it 12. Are you in a�q other business at the present ti.m� �14 13. Ea've thare been any csomplaints againat your operation of thia type of p7�►ce 1�Q �Phen �lo�� �fhere �ian� 14. B�ve you ev�er had any lioens� revoksd �a �hat reason an�i date l�ons 15. Are you a �itisen of the IInited Statsa Yr� Nativrs Z Nat�rali.zed �...._. __. 16. 1lhere w�ere qou bor� St. Paul, MietN�tgta Date of birth .7'uly 31, 19�9 . _ .. 17. I am married. ]d� (wife�'s) (huaband t s) nam� and address i$ boui�� Xotii�y• _.....__... 1067 E�tb�r Lan�, St. Paul l�radc��t 8�i b�s ltiAO�a�a 53118 18. (If married female) my� maiden name ie �1ot t�D�ie�b1�11 19. Hv� long heve you lived a.n St, Paul 3fl yrara ptivr to �qviAg tt'� !l�ndQta If�lqi�tt� 20, Hav�e you e�+ex boen arrested Yo Violation oP what crimir�al lavr or ordinan.oe l�oa� , � �. , � 21. Are q�ou a registered voter xn the City of St, Paul Yes X No, (Ans�sr fuli�az�d Qom le�el,�. 2`hese a �lioationa are thorou hl cheol�ad and aa fa aification �.11 be cause for enialo- _ �` . 22. Number of 3.2 p]aQes within two blooks l�� 23. C1.oaea� intoxiaating liquor plaae. On Saleacx'O�• sttNtOPf 5ale ot� vil� 24. Neareat Church Sac�sd SESrL Nearest Schooi Sacrr�d 8�ast 25. Number of booths 5 Tablea 12 Chaira 48 Stools 18 26. �at ocoupatiun have you Pollowed for the p�st five y�sars. (Give xname� of emplo�rs and datea ao employed.) 8�1f 1 �d a� a bar2�tr sl.QS !c�► �nta�iA into �crt��nt busit��ss. 27, Give� x�e►mea and addreases of tgro persons, residents of 3te l�ul, �dinne, �rho can gi�e in�orme►t3on oonoerning yous _. .z Name :�8e�to�c !k. li�nu�ur dddrsee 45 Mf11�r Cr�s! �.a�� S�, Paal -_ _ �iM�l Name �yer Bror�tus Address �7 b� s l�� . Si�nature of p 1 $tate of Min.z�esota ss C ounty of Ramsey ]�A�botfy J. _ �Dtl_� ►. Sr. beizig firat duly s��rorn., depoaee arxl eays upon oath t�t he haa read the�f oregoing atatemen.t bearing his signature and l�aws �he contenta thereof, and that the eamis is �rue- of his o�. knawledge eacept aa to thoae mattera therein s�ated upan informs�ion and belieP and ss to thoae matters he believ�a� tham to be true. M S ture of App b�.ibsoribed and sworn to before �s ' this 18tb d of Jnly 19 69 � � ��� No ry bl , Ramae unt , , esota My Cammi aion expirea ' (Note� These atatement fox�ms are in dupliQate. -Both copies muat be fully filled nuta not�rized, and returned to the Lic�nse Divisiono�— ' AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER �R LIQUOR LTCENSE Re a On Sale LicZUOr LiQense Name of appiicant Anthony J. Eour , Sr. Business address 1180 I3ast 7tb Strtst, St. , St. Paul, Minnssota Are you the sole rnr�ner of this business? No . If not, is it a partnership? Yes corporatian? , o:bher? ` 0thers interested in busineas, incZude those by loan of money, proparty or otherwi�es Name Mor�n Kourv Address 4Q1 3tat• 3t. x� a oartesr St. Paul, Minn�sots If a corporation, give its name Nona Are you interestad in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? NO Aa sole a�mer? Non� Partner? �Tons Stoekholder? �Tone Other�.ae? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) None Addresa oP such buainess and nature of in'tereat in same Not'�e � ���C/d .� Signature of applica State of Minnesota� �9 9 County of R�msey Anthony J. Koury, 3r. bei.ng first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and laio�ts the contents thereoP; that the same is true of his orm ]rn.owledge9 except a� to thoae inatters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believea them to be true. 9 � � gnature of applic t Subsoribed and sworn. ta hafore me thia 18th ay of July 19 69 � -�.�-.._...� No-�ar ublic, ey ty, �Hinnesota My aammission expirea 19 h y ♦ � STATE f�F RZINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY � S� AAt2�ony J. Koury, Sr, being first duly a�orn, doth depose and say that he makea this affic3avit in conneatic�r�. with application for "��Sale" liquor liesnae ("�rSale" malt beverage license� �.n the �ity of Sa int Paul, Minnes ota; tha t your a ff iant is a re s ident of the State of RRinne s flt� �. and has resided therein for 42 ' years, 6 months, and is now and has been for the time above men�ioned a bona fide rssident of said State and that he now residea at 1087 Lst2ier Len� � Addre s s St. Paul �ndo�a H�i hts , Mirmesota. City or To�+m . `��f �/� ��i � � a Snbsaribed and s�vorn to before me this 18th of July 9 69 � Notary 1io, Ram Co y, Minnesota My co ission expirea f' t , � July 24, 1969 Hon. Wfm.E. Carlson �Cmsr. of Pnblic Safety Public 3afety Bldg. De�r Sir: Attention: Mr. Da,niel McLaughlin The City Council tods� informally apprrnred the spplication for the transPer of On Sale Liqtxor &ic. llo. 75y1, 8u�dskq 4n �ale ?r3.qe�or Lic. lPo. 7615 and Re�tat�rant, Ot'f Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Lic. �o. 7616, all expiring Jan. 31, 1970, at 1184 F. Sero�enth St., fram Moren Koury, aa s,n indivld�.al., to I�orea Koury mnd Anthony J. Kaury, �3r. e�! a partnership. Will yo�t plea,ae prepare the caato�ry reaolutions �rnrering thi� �atterY `Tery tl�aly yt�urs, City Clerk �