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Presented By
Refetted To
Council File # D'�-112
Green Sheet # ��� �
Committee: Date
Cathy Pavlak - Police Federation Member - term expires December 2, 2006
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and
reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on tha Police Civilian
Internal Affairs Review Commission.
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Adopted by Council: Da[e �/�-j. /5�����
Requested by DepazYmem of.
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmeM/office/council: Date Initiated:
Mo �Y�sOffice 17-DEC-03 Green Sheet NO: 3009301
ColMact Person 8 Phone• Deoarhnent SeM To Person InitiallDate
Kurt Schullz � 0 a or's ffice
Z6fr6509 ASSign 1 or• Office De ardnenYDir r
Must Be on Couneil /�enda by (Date): Number Z � Attoro
Routing � 3 a or•s Office Ma or/Assistant
Ortler a ouncil
5 Clerk Ci Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Appoinhnent of Lisa Agrimonri to the Police Civilian Intemal AfFairs Review Commission_ Reappoinhnent of Cathy Pavlak to the
Police Civilian Intemal Affairs Review Commission.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worketl under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No .
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Dces this person/firm passess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages If Approved:
DisativanWges If NotApproved:
7otal Amount of CasUReveoue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financial Information:
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513
The Minnesota Governmeni Data Practices Act (Mianesota Statutes Chapte� 13) governs the City's use of [he
information contained in this application. Some of the information sought in this application iz private data under Ihe
Act. The requesred infarmation will be used by the appointing aut6ority to carry out the City's official appointment
responsibilities. You are not required to provide any information. F{owever, failure to answer the applicatioa questions
may cause the appointing authority to reject your application. The majority of items eontained in this application are
public, including name, addross, employmcnt, skills, training and experienec, and are therefore available to anyone
requesting it. The remainiog i[ems on the application form are olassified as private. The private data is availabie on(y to
you and to other persons in the City who, because of wo�k assignments, reasonab�y require access to the information.
Name Lisa M. A4rimonti
Homeaddress �72 ��„th M;� on c P+ ��• + y 1 MN 55io5
street eity s[ale zip
Telephones � �� na�� r�Si� ��� ��a9 �sii ��� �dcn
Pleaseinciud<ArnCod<s home wort fax
E-mail address
i' • �•�r. 'gg c<un
Planning District Council nistrict 16 City Counci] Ward 2
Preferred mailing address Employment address
strcet city stace zip
Occupation Attorney at Law
Place of employment B=iqgs and Moraan P.A.
Employment address 332 Minnesota Street. w-2200. Saint Paul MN 55101
Committee(s)appliedfor Gain+ Panl Pnliro C+.++lian TnYP na� A a� R v' w
What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
I have a historv of interesY in and workine with oolice de�artments 11Iv Mother is a police
dispatcher and I soent four vears as a newsaaoer reaorter coverine mainlv police and fire I am
currentiv attendine the Citizen's Police Academv which concludes November 14 2002 I believe mv
experiences, couoled with mv le2at trainin¢- will enable me to offer an informed obiective
�rspective to the Board.
page 1 of2
� Personal References
Name mimothv E. Piarx
Address 1736 Yorkshire Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55116
Telephones �6511 698-4995 (651) 223-6496 (651) 223-6450
Please [nclude Area Codet home wock other
Name Cynthia L. Baumann
AddtOSS 2,300 P��'�+�+•+�� R•+a�l Rt_ T.rniic vark. MN 55416
Te]ephones�g52) 926-0229 (651) 223-6452 (651) 223-6450
Please inciude Area Codes hame work other
Name Catherine E. Works
Address �SZ9 39th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Telephones (612) 721-4951
Please include Area Codes home work other
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee I believe that a communitv's
relationshio with its police deaartment must be nurtured and cuitivated Accountabilitv is critical
to buildint this relationshin. I would like to oarticipate in the accountabilitv urocess afforded bv
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are makin; application?
If so, when, and under what circumstances?
In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community,
please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
� White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
� Male Female � Date of birth 04/02/1966
Disabled: � Yes No �
If special accommodations are needed, please specify
How did you hear about this opening? website.
page 2 of 2
b3 iG2�
Randy C. Ke11y, M¢yor
390 Ciro Hall
IS West Kellogg Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers
Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Jerry Blakey
Councilmember Chris Coleman
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
From: Kurt Schultz
December 17, 2003
Telephorze: 651-266-8510
Facsimi[e: 651-266-8513
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Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Lisa M. Agrimonti to
the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. Ms. Agrimonti's
tertn will expire on December 2, 2006.
Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Cathy Pavlak to
the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. Ms. Pavlak's
term will expire on December 2, 2006 as well.
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well
as Ms. Agrimonti's applicafion for appoinhnent. Please remember that
certain information on the application is classified as private and should
not be released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you haue any question regarding this
appointment and reappointment.
cc. Tina Baribeau, Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review
Coxnmission Staff Person