245023 Y A hr -^/ ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK � �Li. ■o/'� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� w l.v ,� � OF�ICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4• O N RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF W R , i.n accordance with the provisions of Section VII B of Ordinance No. 6446 of the Salary Formula, a review of rhe contracts of the Twin City Carpenter�s District Council, the plumbers and Gas Fitters Local No. 34, and the Painteras Union Local No. 61, effective May 19, 1969, indicates the following hourly rates for the following classes of positions in Group A: Indicateel Class Rate Carpenter $5. 09 Carpenter Forexnan--Fire Department 5. 52 Carpenter Foreman--Board of Education 5. 52 Shade Repairman 5. 09 Plumbe r 5. 7 3 Plumber Foreman--Board of Education 6. 38 Steamfitter 5. 73 Steamfitter Foreman--Board of Education 6. 38 Painter 4. 79 Painter Foreman 5. 05 Painter Foreman--Board of Education 5. 05 Now, therefore, be it � - , RESOLVED, that the hourly rates payable to the classes listed above in Group A of Section II of Ordinance No. 6446 are hereby increased from the hourly rates currently in effect to the hourly rates indicated above and in accordance with Section VII B of Ordinance No. 6446; and that such higher rates shall become effective as of July 26, 1969. �e It � R�SaLV&D, That this re�ealution sha7.�. aot precl�de negotiation of salary increa�es et"fective prior to J�ily 26; 1969. EORAII. APP.ROVED. / ��� u �'i'� JUL 25 1969 COUNCILMEN �� �rporation Co n�e Adopted by the Counci� 19— ��,. . Yeas Nays :I.U�. 2 7 l�sg Carleon Dalglish Approved . 19—_ Meredith �n Favor �etersara'— Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst /��A9 ;�• '���;,�_;:_;�: �r JUL 2 61969 Mx. Vice Yreaidaat (Ydterson) �� _" �A f �v:t`� � �- " • ��,��-� JOSEPH J. MITCHELL � �!��.�� JOHN S. HAIDER COMPTROLLER AND S�'��,Y�;PAUL CHIEF EXAMINER AND CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL ( ,s'-p&;u CIVIL SE��uI��E BUREAU THOMAS D. GLEASON . . ... ... q5515TANT DIRECTOR ��� '��Y ��' . OF PERSONNEL � . _.... . �_...._ , e... ... .. ' f ST. PA U L, M 1 N N ESOTA 55102 ��` / �;�� June 26, 1969 / To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 347 City Hall ' St. Paul, Mi.nne s ota 5 510 2 Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Section VII of Ordi.nance No. 6446, the "Salary Formula - Ungraded Divlsion", we have reviewed and surveyed the contracts of the Twin City Carpenterts District Council, the St. Paul Plasterer=s Local No. 20, the Sheet Metal Union Local No. 76, the Electrician=s Local No. 110, and the Painter=s Union Local No. 61, which will be in effect on May 19, 1969, pertaining to classes in Group A and Group C in Section II of Ordinance No. 6446, and herewith report our findings. The following is a list of classes for which we find indicated changes in rates: Present Indicated Class Rate Rate Carpenter $4. 65 $5. 09 Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department 5. 15 5. 52 Carpenter Foreman--B�a.rd of Education 5. 15 5. 52 Shade Repairman 4. 65 5. 09 Plumber 5. 03 5. 73 Plumber Foreman--Board of Education 5. 53 6. 38 Steamfitter 5. 03 5. ?3 Steamfitter Foreman-.-Board of Education 5. 53 6. 38 Painter 4. 33 4. 79 Painter Foreman 4. 63 5. 05 Painter Foreman--Board of Education 4. 63 5. 05 Building Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 Electricallnspector 5. 35 5. 89 Elevator Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 Gas Burner Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 Heating and Piping Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 MEMBER � . '.,' . fublic Penonml Aswciation " � _ +. . . Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council -2- June 26, 1969 Heating, Piping and Gas Burner Inspector $5. 35 $5. 89 Masonry Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 Plasterer Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 Plumbing Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 Plumbing Inspector--Water Department 5. 35 5. 89 Refrigeration Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 Senior Building Inspector 5. ?0 6. 24 Senior Electrical Inspector 5. 70 6. 24 Senior Mechanical Inspector 5. 70 6. 24 Senior Plumbing Inspector 5. 70 6. 24 Sheet Metal Inspector 5. 35 5. 89 In accordance with Ordinance No. 6446, these findings are submitted to the City Council and a copy has also been filed for public record with the City Clerk. The ordinance further provides that thereafter the Council shall set a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing existent wage rates, which hearing shall be not less than ten days nor more than twenty days after such public notice as the Council may deem necessary. After such hearing the Council shall, by resolution, determine appropriate hourly rates for the indicated positions. Upon receipt of the Council'�s determination, this Bureau will prepare the proper resolution for the Council=s consideration. Respectfully submitted, C.•�� John . ai er Director of Personnel cc: Joseph J. Mitchell Harry E. Marshall DUPLICATE TO PRINTER -J��'�Q�� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ti �'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"E N�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, in accardar�ce with the provi�ion� of Section "VXI B af Ord3,nance No. 6446 of the Sa,la�ry Forrnt�l.a, a �eview of the contracte of the 7Cwix� eity Carpent�ris Dietri�t Caunc3l, the Pl'umbere and Gas Fitters Local No. 34, and �he Painter�s Union Local No. 61, effective May 19, 196g, indicates the follo�vin,g houarly ratea for th� following cla,eeee of positians in Group A: indicated Class �tate Carpe�.ter $5. 09 Carpenter Forem�.n--F3.re Departrnent 5. 52 Carpenter Fareman--Board of Education �. 52 Shade Repairman 5. 09 Plumber 5. 73 P1umb�r JFoxcman--Board of Education 6. 38 5teamfitter 5, ?3 Steamfitter Fareman--Board of Education 6.38 Painter 4. ?9 Painter For�man 5. 05 Painter Fox�eman--Baard of Edu�ation 5. 05 Now, therefore, be it RESOLV'ED, tha.t the hourly rates paysble to the cl,asee� listed ab4ve in Group A of S�ction II of Ordinaac� No. 644b are h�reby increased frorza the hourly ratee curreatly in effect to the haurly ratte indicated above and in accoxdance with Sectic�n VII B of C)rdinance No. 6446; and that euch higher rates aha.11 becon�� effective ae of Jul�r 26, 1969. Be 1�: rITnTI�IE� I�LSULVLD� Tl7at t�1is resolut�.o�n stlwll �aa� n:°�clude � r��:<;��i��ci.�r� ��f ra14 r4,� i �c:re��ses ��ffec-L-ive ��rior -`�� Ju�_y ?', 1��,'�. ��L �� �L' � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ��� ,ir _ Carlson � � 1 �� ��° Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor P-�tte�sen-- Sprafka �i Mayor - Against Tedesco 6�����'�+�`�l r�y2�7Cle �. �:4ir. �,%ire ➢.'rc��°;i��;.i[ �>'�ed�r�c�ri) ' � Ju:?y �7, 1_';�37 ��E A� ' f� I�7:�. J���ph P. Summers, ��_�"__�__ C��:•���iat�.r�n C�un�el�, � ���,�� I3�ailc�in�;. . ��•, �� __� . /�r �.\\ �'> �_;e�r S;.r: / ;� �, � / /' Th� Council r�quests that repar.��he r�ecessary res�lution �;ra,:�tin�; increa.se� f�r vario i�s��i*� Csx•ola,ps x �nc1 �' o�' z?ecti�n II ofi' Ordin�nc� �1�. 6�► , 1 3_n accard�,nce �ait n the report �f the C�i.vil,�3'er,��r�.c re�t,i�at�ci June 2b, 7_��>��, a copy of which is ���ched.�� ���\ �� ! � V � ! � Ve'ty �r'Uly y�L�:Cu, �� �j0 ;�'�;��� City Cl.er� !�0�n�%�r � , � �� \ `` %! .�����___.,,, ,., .`____--'-` June 2�, l�k'9 1ir. J�hn H�Lide�, Directo.r of personnel; �----- `---------� Civil Service Bureau. � 1)�ar Sir: The Cit,y G�uncil will t�old a ic hear n ; an July 17th for the purpo�;e �f c�ns:iderin�; a revi i n �f. s_3. ies for titles in C.roups =�. and r, �s r��'erred �o in you .ttP f June ?Eth to the City �,"��uncil. \ -�.s in tkze gast, ��ri1 , plea r�oti he l�usiness representa:tives �f the various imio af'fected S the tles in this hear3..n�;Y Very truly yours, �;=� �����. C��ty Clerlc / 4Tu.I�r I 7' 1�'`7 r �"� y ,I r,`r. J�hn ?iaide?^ �l i�i.rec��x �f �'€�xs,��r.el ,�-�-____� �� C�vi1 5e�~vice ��axe�tu ---- � ',�` I.,��.r S i x• r --�.\ ,�� i�,/� � � �/ �� '"he Cj_ty Counc-_i.l todt�y rehue ,�'d that h,� necessary resolutic�n oe �repared ,�;rantinrr �.ncre to var'.q�ZS t�es �.r� Cr�uns !1 �n<� C, �f �ection TI c�f Orc�in�nce �. 6 �,;'���I in accorQance �aitt�. yo��r rep�rt �o th� �ounci.l da��d �e 2_�, 1_��?. ,r'.._._�"'`. ��r�\ . . ri'he m�ttex has b���ferr o th�L,prporation Counsel for the prepaxation of th ��hecessary� sQlut�'in. I !, ` B Very truly your�, ��' � � ; -- ` _./ ,� _�i `Y_ �, / � Ci�y Cl.exlc n0�n� ' � . � i � � � , �� �� � , � � �___ � — �- ���_..__--,