245022 r � 245022 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL�ItK � ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF W REA , The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby deems it necessary and desirable to provide additional time for further study and negotiation with respect to appropriate wage rates for the following classes of position: Building Inspector Electrical Inspector Elevator Inspector Gas Burner Inspector Heating and Piping Inspector Heating, Piping and Gas Burner Inspector Masonry Inspector Plasterer Inspector Plumbing ]'nspector Plumbing I'nspector--Water Department Refrigeration Inspector Senior Buildi.ng Ins��ctor Senior Electrical I�ispector Senior Mechanical•Inspeetor Senior Pltunbing`Insp�ctor Sheet Metal Inspector and WHEREAS, This Council recognizes, because of the diffieulty of establishing wage rates for such classe5 of position, th.at some delay will no doubt result before a resolutio� will be prepared and passed which will be reflective of this Councilas det�rmination as to what constitu�e appropriate wage rates for the aforesaid classes of position; and WHEREAS, This Council recognizes tha.t normally establishment of appropriate wage rates for the aforementioned classes of position, which customarily involve study and consideration of those classes of position whose rates are to some extent determined by this Council from existent labor contracts in priva.te industry involving members of the Twin City _1.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays,��� pp�RO.VED, Carlson Dalglish Ass� Corporation CounsN Approved 19—_ Meredith � �� Favor � Peterson Sprafka Mayor Q gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �� � � 2450�2 � ' ORt61NAL TO CITY CL�RK � , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ; COMMISSIONER DATF Carpenterss District Council, the St. Paul Plastererss Local No. 20, the Sheet_Meta.l Union Local No. 76, the Electrician;s Local No. 110, and the Pluxnbers and Gas Fitters Local No. 34, effective May 19, 1969, would be effective as of July 26, 1969; and WHEREAS, It is the intent of this Council that increases in wage rates granted to the aforementioned classes of position during the current year, if any, arising out of the present study and n�gotiations regarding such wage rates, shall be effective on and after the 26th day of July, 196g; Now, Therefore, � be it RESOLVED, That such wa�e i.ncreases hereafter granted during 1969 by this Council with respect to the above listed classes of position arising out of the current salary study and negotiations pertaining to such classes of position shall be effective from and after July 26, 1969. 1e it FIJAT�ffiR Rl�'S��V�D, Th�t this resalution sha11 not preel.ud� � negotistion oi salary incres�ea etfecti�►e p�ior tca Ju]�y 26, 1g69. , "2' JUL 2 5 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nays ��L � � 1969 Carlaon ' Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith ' n Favor -�e�e�ses- Sprafka �Q� Mayor C� A gainst Tedeaco 1�:. � .,�:"s' �t�.i�E� JUL 2� 1� �>� .::�:� 114r. V,ic� Presidoat (Peteraon) �� 2��Q�� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NO�� NQ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, The Cauncil of the City af Saint Pavl hereby deems ft necessary and deeirable to provide additional �ime far further study and negotiatian with reapect �o agpropr�ate wag� rate�► for the fa11ow7.ng classes of po�ition: . Bui,lding Inapectar Electrical �ns�pector Elevator Inspector Gas Burxier In�p�ctor Heatin� and Piping Inepe�tor Heating, Pipfng and Gag Burn�x Inspectar Mason�ry uiepector Pla�terer Tnepmctr�r Pluranbin� In�pector Plumbing In�ap�ctar--Water D�part:nent Refrigeratfnn In�pectar Seniar Buildirig �n�pectar Seniox Electrical Inepector 5enior M�chanical Ixiepectar Sen�or Plumbing Tn�pector Sheet Meta1 Inspector and WHEREAS, This Couneil recogniz��, becausa af the dffficvlty o€ establiehing wage rates for �►uc� cXa�see of po�ition� that eome delay will no daubt result befar� a xeeolution will be prepared and pa�ased which will b� reflective of thie� Cauncil�� determinatian as to what caaetitute� appropriate wage rateffi for the a�f"oresaid �laeees of pos�.tion,• and WHERFAS, Thie� Councfl recognizea that narxnally eet�.biishment of appropriate wage rat��a fax the a.forementioned claeaes of pos#.tion� which cuetomarily involve etudy and canefd�ration of thoe�e clae�e� af poeition who�e ratee� ax� to �orne ext�nt c�e�terrnin�d by thie Cotuzcil from existent labor contraet� in private �ndu�try i.nvolving mernbere. af the, Twin City _'1_ ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith _�n Favor Peterson . Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O @q �p � DUPLICATE TO PRINTeR ��v�(�+/ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M IS51 ON ER DATF Caxpeater�e Di�triet �au��.cil, the St. Paul Plaetexer�e Local Na. 20, the Sheet NYetal Union Loca1 No. ?6, the Electxfcian�� Loca� No. 110, and the Pl.urnbers and Ga� Fftter� Loca1 Na. 34, effectiv� 11�iay 19, 1g69, would be effective as af Ju,ly 26, 1969; aad WHEREAS, It i�s the 3ntent of thie Council that increases in wage ratee granted ta the aforementian�d claeaes af poe#tion during �he curxent year, if any, �ri�ing out af the gre�ent +�tudy and nQgotiatione regarding euch wag� rates, ehall be ef£ective on and a.fte� the 26th day of J'uly, 1969; Now, Therefor�, � be it RESOLVED, Tha� such wa�e increases hereafter gra�ted during 1g69 by thia Couzlcil with ree�pect to th� above li�stad claeeee of poeition arieing out of the au�rr�at ea�.ary gtudy arid negotiations partainuig to �uch classe� of pasition Bhall be effective from and aft�r July Z6, 1969. �e ��L I'tlT�'rui�,t�� ,��:SOLti�S�;n, Ti�i�zt ttiis resr�1.11tion sr?a1� no� prEClude r�faP':�11 ,{,�_7"� ^�.' u. .}:Z"1';tir 1 'C7�'�c'E'S CI,f'CCt1VE'. �'?Y�_p�^ 'i:7 c,�i�.�,ir n'�� �- '���• _�_ :� �. `��-�'. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couttci� 19_ Yeas Nays 1�I �! -. ; `';� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith '�` Tn Favor �e�sen--, Sprafka � Mayor • A gainst Tedesco „�; ..;`' ��Ma�,�.$eo.g.e� . IVS,. 'V ice P'r'�aictea�t ��'e.�c?��,�c,l � . �-� - ��,�.P -�� �' � � - _ -,�.� _ . ��° _ . _ _��� � , i -,� . ,