245020 OR161NAL TO CITY CL[RK CITY�OF ST. PAUL � � couNC�� 2450�0 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Section VII B of Ordinance No. 6446 of the salary formula, a review of the contract of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers, Local #647, effective July 19, 1969, indicates the following hourly rates for the following cla.sses of positions in Group A: Indicated Class Rate Boi.lermaker $b. 58 General Blacksmith 5. 58 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the hourly rates payable to the classes listed above in Group A of Section II of Ordinance No. 6446 are hereby increased from the hourly rates currently in effect to the hourly rates indicated above and in accordance with Section VtI B of Ordinance No. 6446; and that such � higher rates shall become effective as of July 26, 1969. J_UL 2 51969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �� � � 1969 Carlaon Dalglish Approved 19—_ \ \ � '� � � Meredith �n Favor �e�eea-- Sprafka � ���y Mayor Tedesco ASainst :• • �::•:;:.�:: I�I�L���`"... • ::�:::::r: �. ��� Yr�id.at (Petoraon) �$�,I�H�P JUL 2 6 �969 �� ..: ; G , ��:=P ��. � ' � y��a�- o► JOSEPH J. MITCHELL � y �� '��'�! JOHN. S. HAIDER COMPTROLLER AND S� , �.`�-:�AUL CHIEF EXAMINER AND CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL ?t CIVIL S� �E BUREAU j , THOMAS D. GLEASON � � �-,� � �.,. ASSIBTANT DIRECTOR �� ���`j` �� OF PERSONNEL T" � �r��s ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 July 2, 1969 To the Honorable Mayor � � �. � � � � � and Members of the City Couneil ���� 21569 347 c ity xall ` '''�- St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR'S �ICL� Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Section VII of Ordinance #6�+�+6, the "5alary Formula--Ungraded Division", we have reviewed and surveyed the contrac� of the International Brotherhood of Boilerma.kers, Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmi�hs, Forgers, and Helpers, Local �6�+7, effective July 19, 1969, pertaining to the classes of Boilermaker and General Blacksmith in Group A in Section IT of Ordinance ��6, and herewith report our findings. The following is a list of the elasses for which we find indicated chan�es in rates: Present Indicated Class Rate Rate Boilermaker $5•19 $5•5$ General Blacksmith � $5•19 $5•58 In accordance with Ordinance �61+�+6, these findi.ngs are submitted to the City Council and a copy has also been filed for public record with the City Clerk. The ordinance flzrther provides that thereafter the Council shall set a public hearing for the purpose of reviewin� existent wage rates, which heaxing shall be not less than ten rlays nor more than twenty days after such public notice as the Council may deem necessary. After such hearing the Council shall, by resolution, determine appropriate hourly rates for the indicated positions. Upon receipt of the Council's determination this Bureau will prepare the proper resolution for the Council's consideration. Respectfully submitted, JOHN S. Director of Personnel cc Joseph J. Mitchell � Harry E. Marshall �� � �� .�., � MEMBER JSH�px'b � � � public P�nonnd wssociufan � � �� �� �Iy 2, 19F,9 Ta � Honor�ble �3sr,yaar �tnd �Sanber� af the Gity Cvuneil 3l+7 C2tj► Ha�l]. /�� St. �tu3., Mita�asaot;s ��1Q� � (ientle��rn: In a�ccorc�c� �.th t�2�e grovisicma of 8ection YII af t)rdine�tice �b�46, th�c "�aL�sy Fcrrm�.l.a--Ungrsded nivieicn", �re hav�r r�vie�red �d �stasvey�ed th+� cantrsct vP the Zntertsst�.cin+�. Brot��rhood of � �1lermak�r$i 7s'azt 6hi�ttattl]»d+6�x'�a Bl+����.tha, Ir'ox�{e7'�i Aet�d Helge��� Lvc�al�. i4�7, ��'���ive .h�r 19, �.9�9, P�r'�� to t�he cla�c�ee cf ; Baiiex�ak�r s�ad t�r�esral B].sck�miti� in E�c�p A !ra 8eet�.on IT o�' � Ord.iz�wnce �i�6, and her�rit�► r�par� our f 3.andinga« Th� folla�ving � is a Li.st ot' th� cc�,sssasffi fc�r which � Find irtdice�tsd c'h�anges i�a rs��: �ereen�L Indica:�dd � Cle�aa B Ra'ts Rat� l—=J ----•— � Bailexaoaa�er ��.19 �►�.�8 Gh3ri�x'e.l �1.dak8�ifi,h ��+�.9 �5•58 In accordRaae t�.#� 4zdi.�snc�e �E, thes� findi�ag� �ure �uban�tt�d � �J to the City C+�ua.c�,l artd a ecypy 2�as also been f�d fAr �ublic record 11 / " with t�ie C���yr C].erk« The ordi�zsn,ce f1,t�her prcnri.des �t�t theresx'tar V the Council a►hs�.i aest a publ�.c h�aarieag t'ar the purpoae of rcvi�►i.ng exlatent xmge ra��s, �rhi�ch b�aaring shali b+e not l�ees t2as,n ten da�►►� nor more ttu�n �n�y c',�+a sfter �uch public notice� a� t,la� Cov�ci2. �y cYsez� nec�s��y. Atter euch hearing fi,2xa Ccru�xci,l et�.l, bY r+asolutian, det�►ine �rcrpri.e�� �c�u��,y �►Eea� far the indieatted po:itians. Upon rec.�ri�s� c�!' tl�e ��mcii�e� dot�rmir�stion t�ia Bur�au vi11 pr�re th� ��r resolu�Cion �'ar th+� Counai3.'s cc�n�idarati�n. F!l�Zatt't�].ly' �ub�titted, .TaI�' �. F�AIbffit D�c�c� of Pereonnel. ee ds�,��aph 1'. Mitchell I�rry E. MiraY�ll. J�i/grb � � . y �, �'�fr, � ,%1 A ....... DU¢LICATE TO PRINTER '�.���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the Couneil oi' the City of Saint Pa.ul hereby approves the public notice, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference� e�nd directs the City Clerk to publish the same £arthwi.th �.n the Legal Ledger, the off3cial newspaper of' the City of Saint Paul. ��� � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays W�;���, `��.�,;; Carlson , '. Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith . � Tn Favor E�ersa�T Sprafku �J Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O ����'����`� PUBISC NpTICE Pur�uant to ciirectica� of the Council of the City o�' Saint P�ul and ��ix�u�,nt to C7rdi.nanc� �6�+46�, as anser�ded, of said City, public notic� is hereb� given th�,t the Cauncil has set a heazin� pn�, JuIY 25, 1969 at it�s r�{�ular meeting +an �t�id data, �'s�r the purpQ�c� af considex�.r�g a revision af salaries �`or Boi2.ermaker anc? General. Blaek�m�th in Graup A in Sectian II �f C)rd�.r����ce� ;��1�1.,�, Ii�1RRX E. MAR.SFiAI,I'.�, rity Cler'.•: (Ju1ST l�, �.�'Ez�) DUPLiCATE TO PRINTER ���G S�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� L� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Vt�T�1�E`A.S, in ac�ordance with the pravi�sip�s of Sectian VII t3 of C)rdinance No, 64a6 of the �alary form�, a revi��v a£ the contract af tlze International Brotherhood of �3oilermakers, Ixan Shipbuilder�, Blackemiths, Forg+�rs, and Helpers, Local #�647, effective Jul�r ].$, 1969, indicatea the follawing ho�.rly� xatee for the following cla�$es of position� in Group A: �ndicated C1.a�� Rate Bo9.1$s�mak+��r ��. 58 C'vea:a.eral I�la�kaxnith 5. 58 1Vow, ther�foxe, be it RESOLVED, th�at the hourly arat�� pa�yable ta the cla$aes listed above in Gxoup A af Section II Qf t�rd:i.n�ance No. 6446 are hereby increased from the hourly rate� cu�rent}.y i�z e£fc��t to th�; hourl.y rates indicat�d abave and in accordanc� with �e�tion: 'V'I�: B o� Ordinance No. 6446; an+d that �uch higher ratea �hall be�orne effe�ctiv� a� of Ju1y 26, I9b9. ��,e��. �: `. ���9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,� � � .,I�ldai , , �,,� Carlson '� " Dalglish / Approver7 19_._ Meredith �n Favor �et�r"son � Sprafka Mayor �` Againat Tedesco =3�� .�itlerit, Byrne . . . Mr. Vic� z r..�i �x�. �i�,i L�oii �