245015 ORIGIN'ML TO CITY CLERK 245025 . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` C UN IL RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `A) COMMISSIONE v v DATF WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is engaged in a program for the control and elimination of Dutch Elm Disease fungus and elm bark beetles; and WHEREAS, Section 2 of City Ordinanee No. 13614 deter— mines the following to be a public nuisance: (a) Any living or stan.ding Elm tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Dutch Elm Disease fun.gus, Ceratocystis ulmi (Buisman) Moreau; or which harbors any of the Elm Bark Beetles , Scolytus multistriatus (Eich. ) or Hylurgopinus rufipes (Marsh. ) ; (b) Any dead Elm tree or part thereof, including logs, branches, stumps, firewood , or other Elm material from which the bark has not been removed and burned; and WHEREAS, The City Forester has determined that conditions as described in Section 2 of City Ordinance No. ].3614 exist on the private premises as shown on the attached Exhibit A; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That those conditions on the above noted premises are hereby declared to be a public nuisance and the City Forester is authorized to take the necessary steps to cause the nuisance to be abated in accordance with Section 5 of City Ordinance No. 13614. FORM PPRO . �t`. Corp atio� .L 2 4 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �UL 2 4 1969 Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith n Favor � Fe�ersva— SprafkG � ���.y� Mayor A gainst Tedesco � JuL �� � Mr. President, Byrne O _ .,. ` ' 245015 . � __ C?��Zv'�, • D£SCRIPTION C.U�, •� ___r__.. L�!r. Donald A. Foix Elm stuncp - back yard, N. side 17� �:. Atvrater of garage - 12 f eet high 7/21/69 ' �'s. Lincoln Jones Dead e.1m tree - back yard � 3?$ Aurora 7�21/69 � Glearl Ac'.ams Dead e7m tree, �Test side • 526 �urora of house 7/?/69 p:rs. �?i17.iam Flynn Elm s tump - back yard - 10 1831 Case feet high b/2/69 x K'�1� ��..,Fen' s Club Mixed vrood pile - back yard; elm 1393 N. Clevelar.�i stump►-3.n drive, next to alley 7/18/6q r �ir.� Eernard Platt l dead e]� trae & 1 e1.m stu�p �31 idraund (Ovms 333) on bour�dary line between 333 P:ir. Floyci Nelson az�d 33� �� 335 r�nuria � ?ll$/69 �-� �.s. Jack Crawford � wood pile - 1'�est side 2135 I,incoln of yard 6�30/69 • :rr. J. Bloo,-� 1012 Goodrich (Re: Property at Dead elm tree - front yard 1�02 ;darsha]1) , 7/�/69 i�,4r. Prescott Dead elm tree - back yard ' 1011 t,. �''innehaha 7/28/d9 � P!rs. Earry Lia'hlm��n E1m v�rood piles�ack yard, along 193 �. I�:orton fence;also front of garage,S, side 7/18/69 ��. P.o�ar Dubois Positive D.E.D, - in backyard, ?36 ���ilson , on �'�est side ' 7/?a/�9 ^ :: Rocoipt not returned �:�.� P.efused to sign and accept , =J� . EXHIBIT A �- . . . . �R - � � 245015 : r ���, • DESCRIPTION C.U.___;_D�� _.____.. b's. Donald A. Foix E]m stuu:p - back yard, N. side 175 Z;. Atvrater of garage - 12 feet high 7/21/69 � �. Lincoln Jones Dead elm tree - back yard � 3?8 Aurora 7�21✓69 � Clea.rl ��ms Dead elm txee, S'Test side � 526 �urora of house ?/?/69 r;ss, S 7i11,iam F]�mn Elm s tump - back yard - 10 1831 Case fest hi�h b/2/69 � K1�A ��en' s Club Mixed vrood pile - back yard; elm 1393 N. Clevelar.d stwnp�-in drive, naxt to alley ?/18/bq , � ;�r.� Eernard Platt 1 dead e1r� trQe & 1 elm stuz^�p �31 rdnund (Ovms 333) on bour�dary line bet�een 333 P.ir. Floyci Nelson and 335 �� 335� �dnund � ?�].8/69 �-� rs. Jack Crawford �a wood pile - V►est si,de � 2135 Lincoln of yard 6/3o/d9 • P.fir. J. Bloor� 1012 Goodrich � ' (Re: Property at Dead elm tree - front yard _ 1t02 :Sarshall) 7/21/d9 �dr. Prescatt Dead elm tx'ee - back yard 1011 i,, l�,innehaha ?/28/d9 �Ir�. Harry r�iahlman E1m wood pil.es�back yard, along �� 193 E. l�:orton fence;also front of garage,S. side ?/18/69 *,,,r. P,ogar Dubois Positive D.E.D, - in backyard, 736 '�'%ilson on �'�est side ' ?/28/69 ^ J.s Rocoipt not returnE:d 3:if F.E3fi1SeCI 'ti0 si�n and accapt . .�m. EXHIBIT A �• . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ��v"��� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��EN��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WIIEREAS, The City of ��.int Paul is engaged in a program for the con�tral and elimination of Dutch Elm Disea�e �'umgu� and elm bark beetles; and �iEREAS, SeQtion 2 of City +Drdinanoe No. 13614 deter- mines the follo�ving to be a publie nuisanees (a) Any living or standing Elm tree �r part ther�of infected to any degree with the Dutch Ela� D3seaae fun�u�, C�ratoeystis ulm3. (nuism�n) Moreau; or which harbors any o� the �lzn Dar� Beetles, Scolytus multi�tri�,tus (Eieh. ) or Hylurgopinus rufipe�s (Marsh. � ; (b) .Aa�y dead Elm tree or part thareof, ineluding logs, branehes, stumps� �'irewood or other Elm material �'ram whieh the bark has not been removed and burned; and j�I3EREAS, The Gity Fore�ter has determined that conditions as de�cr3bed in Section 2 of City Ordin�ace No. 13614 exist on the private prem3.ses as showm on th� att�ched Exhibit A; now, there�ore, be it RESULVED, That those cond3tions on the above r�oted premiees are hereby deelared to b� a publie nuisanee a,nd the City Foreater is sutht►rf�ed to take the necessary steps to cauae the nuisanQe tv be abated in accordanee with Section 5 of City Ordinance Na. 13614. ���,�i'a �� ��; ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays `;, 1�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith n Favor �ers�r— Sprafka � . Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - 2/�'y��J�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL Na. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WH�REAS, The City o� S�int Paul i.s enga�ed in a program fer th� eontrol and elimination oY �utch Elm Dis�ass fungus and elm bark beetle�; an.d 'I�REAS, Sec,tian 2 of City Ord�.nanc�e No. 13624 deter— mines the following to be a publi.r� nuisanees (a) Az►.y 2iving or stan.din� Elm tre� Qr part thereof infected to an.y d�gre� with the Dutch Elm Diseaae fun�;us, Ceratocystis ulmi (I3uism�n) Moreau; or wh3.eh harbors any a� the Elm I3ark Beetles, Seolytus multistriatu� {Eieh. ) or Hylurgopinus ruf3pes (Marssh. ) ; {b) Any dead Elm tree or part thereof, ineluding 10��, bra,nches� stumps, �irewood or dther Elm material trom which the bark has not been remov�d and burned; and �d�iEREAS, The City Forester has determinedl that canditions as described in Seetion 2 of City Ordinance No. 13614 exist on the private premises as shown on the attached �xh�.bit �1; now, there�care, be it RESOLVED, That th�►ee eonditions on the above noted premiees are hereby deelared tQ be a publie nuisanee and the City Forester is �,uthori�ed to take the neceesary steps to cause the �.uisance to be abated in acaordanee with Seetion 5 of�ity Ordinanee No. 13614. ���''t� � �� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson l,` 1 r�� Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith n Favor �eteY'san— Sprafka Q , Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O