245000 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �L.i��oo CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� j�� � T OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LIC��SE C(�II�ITT`'r�E CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��'' J11�' 2�, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF iniHEt�EaS= The St. Paul Chapter, Disabled Americ�n Veterans has made a�plication for permission to conduct a Ta� Day on Frida;r� September 12� 19�9, between the hours of S:OC? a.tn. and 10:00 p.m, on the streets of the City of �t. Paul, therefore, be it :�ESOI,�r�: 2hat perm�ssion be and the same is hereby grarited to the �t. Paul Chapter, Disabled American Veterans to conduct such solici.tati.lns on the daJ� date and between the hours desi�;nated. R E N E W A L Informally approved by �ouncil. July 22, 1969 JUL 2 4 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays �u L 2 4 Carlson 1969 Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith ^` Tn Favor �Q �. � /Oflay Mayor Sprafku A gainst Tedesco 2 , � �:,�� �. �-� ,��;�;'� �8l.1.SHEi� .�UL b �„�s _xoa�d.s ereon) �O , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � � • ~ Capital` of Minnesota � ���� �e a�ti�e�t o k��ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets AEALTH FIAE PROTBCTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lieense Inspeetor guly 22, 19E9 Honorable Mayor ancl City Co��ncil Sair.+, Paul� ria.nn.esota Gentlemen: The St. Paul Chapter, Disabled American Veterans, Inc. maltes apnlic=tion for per►nission tn cand�.ict a Tag Da3T on Friday, Sept,ember 12, 1969, between the the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m, They have coMplied with Ordinance JJo. 1333�, arlending Chapter No. 1�50.00 of the St. Paul Le�islative �ode and Ordinances which deals Trlith t,he sola.c�tation of funds. The application is made by John P�Ierthan� �:djutant. Very truly yours, '`,l�it.s�c��• //v °���' �i��.�x/ � License Inspector L�' N� o�✓`- o� O . . � _ C�fiY �F' ST. PAtlI. t}ffice of License 7sispector 202 Public Safety Building St o P�ulg R�.nnesota 551�1 Application for permisaion to solicit f'tznds, or to conduct tag dayaD upon the atresta of the City �f S�. Paul, Minn.esota, Date of Application July 9 19 69 1. Name of organization 3t. Pl�ul Clupttri Dieahled A�rerican Vet►erans, Iac. Address of organization Roair j, 3tatte Veterans ��=wice Building, St. Paul, KiAa. 2. Ghief officer of or�aniz�tion H.l�bsrt Chsytii�� Co�elltnda' 3. Searetax^y of organization doha R. Msrthan� Ad�ut�tnt 4. Name of person or persona responsible for �he distributian of eolleeted funds. Chapter FScvauLive CooQ�ittee �nd �►elfsr� Caa�ittM 5. Purpose or objeet for which solicsitation is to be made To •Ad utd as�iat thf Diaabl�d Vet�rane arrd th�ir det�ndsnt�j Vst�ans AdA Woric. 6. Use to be made of funds collected ��e ae TiQ. S 7o Solicitation will be made an Rr�.dayi Septe�bes� 12� 1969 �te$ , betwesn the hours of 5a00 A.M. and 1Ot00 i'.�I. 8, ,Loaation where solicitation will take placse gt• panl� lYinr�ea°�a 9e Liat the amounts of any wa�;es, fses, c�issiona, costs or a�penses p�id or wh.ioh are expected to be p�id in connection with solicitations glso list nJames of persons to wham psymsnts have been �de or �.11 be m�de ancl the amounts of such �ymsntso (A financial state�nt ineluc3ing this infox�m�tion may be attachecib Jo�tn R. MerLttin, Forget-me-not Chair�n l��.00 E�cps�as�a � � {o��) 4 r f � I0. Attach a copy oP budget ahowing solicitations for thia fiscal or ealendar Ye�r• lla Have you read Chapter 450 of the St. �ul Legisl�tive Code, which prorvides for the aecuring of permission to conduot the solicitat ion of funds, or tag days, upon the �treeta of the City of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulations also provided in said ordi�nce? Tq 12. Applioation msde in be2zalf of the above organization bys Name John R. Me�t,h�n Title or �ffice Ad.iutant Name He1'bsrt Chs7D� Title or Office C��� STA2E OF I�IINNESt7TA) �SS C�UNTY OF RAMSEY John R. lia'than and Rerb�rt CheyM being duly aworn say that they are the petitioners in t�a above application; that they have read the f�regoing petition and lrno�r aontents snd urposes th epP; that same is true of the ir �n l�ovvledge. , � _ � � � Subscribed and orn to efore me thia � day o 19� Notar o, ey Coun.ty, Minnesota id�y c 'ss ion 9RP1I`@8 t�SFPH e_��AN Notary Public, Scott County. Minn. My Commission Expires Jan. 22, 1975. ,; • . � � .. Ju�y 22, 1969 Hon. William E. Carlson, Comsr. of Public 3a,fety, Tenth and Minn. Sts., St. Psul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin Deax 3ir: The City Council today inFormally approved the applica�tion of The St. Psul Che►pter, Disabled Am�erican Veterans, Inc., for pernit to cot2duct a Tetg Day on Friday, September 12, 1969� between the hour8 of 5:00 a. m. and 10:00 p. m. Will you plee.se prepnre the customary resolution? Yery tru�y yours, City Clerk hp