244995 ORIGINAL�TO CITY CLBRK 244995 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. LICF�3SE C�IITTEE UNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �" JLll� Z4, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED; That applic�.tion for Restaurant, (1n and tlff SaZe Malt �evera�e� Tavern� Dance Ha1?, and C�,�;�ette licenses made by l�uane J. Kahl at 235 West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within �days of this date said Duane J. Kahl shall corn�ly wi.th all requiretnents of the �u.reaus of F�.re� Health� and Police, and the I,ieense Inspector pursuant to tne St. Paul Legislative Code and a11 other applicable orc3inances and laws. ��� 2 41969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J U L 2 � 1969' Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor �e�ersaRr- , Sprafka �� �O�tl'1� Mayor Tedesco A gainst �j:�: ,�E�:: PUBLISHE� JUL �6 �96� :_ �.�.�T�.:.�....::: M�• Vyee Prerid�nt (Peterson) �'� � . , . CITY OF SAII'�T PAUL . 24L��95 Capital of Minnesota �e a�tizce�t o a�lic �a et � � roLic� Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTN FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiasioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lieense Inspeetor Ju1y 21�, 1969 Honorable TYiayor and C�.ty C�uncil Saint Paul, P��innesota Gentlemen: Duane J. Kahl rrsakes application for Restaurant, On and Off S�e Malt Levera�;e,Tavern, Dance Hall, and Cigarette licenses at 285 West Seventh Street, which is on the �dorth side of the street between Sherman and 'dalnut Streets. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 193�t. The last licensee� Jose Armando P��artinez, held the licensees from P�iarch 1967 un.�il Pdovmeber 19�$ �hen they �aere revoked. Since that time the place has been closed. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest tl� Sate Ziquor place is across the street and the closest Off Sale Liauor place is abazt two blodcs, The nearest church is one and a half }�lock away and the nearest school is one block away. During the past y�ar Mr. Ka.h1. has bec�n t�ana„er of the park t�t� Shop Store in.I°I3.nneapolis, Prior to tkiis for a year as an Asst. l�ianager for the Gulf �:�il Super 1�00 at various locatit�ris. Prior to this general labor for the Admiral �'Yerchants Frei�t. Very truly yours, � � � � , . t. -� . , • . _ T,f.cense Inspector O CITY �7F S,aIldT PAUL DEPART�TT OF PtJIiLIC SAFETY I,ICEBTSE DN2SIt7N Date � ,� �19� . 1. ,�ppZioation for � � �R.ls.. ' _ _��, �Liae9ae 2, l�a� oP applicant �.85 `�' .-t � ,.. �i . 3. Buaiaesa addreea^� s__ Residenoe �ja3� 4. Trade x�ame, if ax.�y� 5. Retail Beer Federal Taa 3tamp�Retail i�iquor Federal Tax Stamp arill be used. 6. C� wha►t flsar loQated � 's'� Number of rocane used�,p� � ,��er►�s.� ?. Betlreen �at aros� streets ��o.�,�, ��`t,�ail�fhioh e�de of �'�reet ��7� _ _. �T $. �re pren�3.�es� novr oacupied �tJO 1Phat businesa Haw long _ _ .,._,...�. _ _ . : 9. �re premieea naw un000upied �cSHo�w� lung 4acaat Previaus use 3.a?7�,,�..� 10. �re qou a new c�om.er/ , `H�ve you been 3,n a similar busine�s befure fc,Jo �Iiherm 'OPhen 11. Are you going to operate this businesa pers�ally �,� _ -.�-.--- If no�, who �►3.11 oparate it 12. $re �ou in any other business at the p�esent t3.me �/O 13. Have there been any ctomplaints againat your opemtion of thia type of placse_�(fo 1Plien iP1he re 14. H��ve you ev�er had ar�y licenae revo3aed�9lhat reaeon and date 15, J1re you a citizea of the IInited States �/FS IJati�e��_Naturalized �_r. 16. lk�ere trere you bora ST. F�quL Date of birth�^ lo -o?� - �a 17. I a�a� married. My (wife'B) �1�a3�a�) na�s and address is � / i /� 18. (If a�traried fea�a�.e) my maiden rLam�e is 19. Hvw long have you lived in St. Paul �'_"_TEA�PS e,0, Hav�e you e�+er been arrested FS Violation of what criminal la�r or ordinancse� S�x'�i c- 1�(01 A T/a� _ �..�,. 21. Ar� you a regiatered voter in the Ci�r of St. Ag►�l Yes �( No, (Ans�aer f'u� arid Qom letel . These a �lioations are tMorou hl cheaked and an fa aa icairi on'ri15.-be oause for enial. 22, Num�er oP 3.2 plaaes within �o block� �ONE 23. Cloaea� i7t�tox3.c�ting Ziquo�' p].E�cte• thi Se�19 _n�,�,Z�S Off Sale . 7 Z4. Nearest Churah ST. /17AiP,�S Neareat School TEFFE�Pso� 25s Idumber of boothe Tables Cha3:ra �`toola 26. i�t oocup�tioa. have you follov�►d for the paat five yeara. (Give name� of employ�ers and de►te a a o employed.) o s To�PE / � � _h_ '6g �1n/ ^� � `.,�.s�;� , ! � / t " � ri Qss. /YIA�l7Alot�2 � /1//p C�':�.�.r;�/!e ,�.� � J�..f�v.�:�•.�,,. .�,,•, i�,,,�vr..,�y...s.,4,��.dt'.��./1�'',�, .� .,. G'CAl�i2%� �— .{ A 80� �ES T' _ � �,•r� „a.�e.;.-•- `�t.�t-�l,.Y'rt-� 27, Give� �mes and addree�es of t�o persons, reaidenta of 3ta Pl�ul, �4i.nne, �rho oan gi�e in€ormation conaerning yvu, Name AT�P/C�A L.AA/6Etii.t� l�ddrese /S�S A �mBE�P�A.�E' �o. .... Name l,�ll�,P,PE�t1 .�6lflE�PT Addresa o7/�� � . WTfI RNE 3ignature of pp i nt State of Minr�asota) �sa C ounty of Ra.msey � bei.ng f irat duly axorn., depo$es arld says upon �th t h ha� read the foregoing etatement bearing hia signature and la�av�s the cor�.tente thereof, and the,t the aQm� is �rue of his a�ro. ]�awledge except as to thoee mattere therein a�ated upan inform�tian and belieP and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Signature of dppli nt b�.ibsaribed arxi sworn to before ms ' thie � day fv � /� 19� r No ry b1ia, Ramaey Co ty, , esota I�y Ccmami.saion expires � + l � ^ 7� ' (Note� Theee statemant forma are in duplicate. �Both csopies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lia�nsa Di�iaiono�— � - . AFF ID.�,V I.T B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I,IC.ENSE Re s �,� Sale �,'r'��`� .=:a.�.�,.� Lioenae Name of applicant Business address - ,� r'� . �� � .� Are you the sols owner of this business?�. If not, is it a �rtnsrship? corporatian? , o:bher� �0�,�6 rQ LfASd 4thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otheru�rises Namo ? , ._ , ,� Aaaress xawr If a es orporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainess? ��•; --,-_- As sole au�mer? Partner? Stockholder? Otherarise? (Through loan of money, etc, Explain) Address of' such buainesa and nature of intereat in same Signature of appl' ant State of Minne s ota ss C ty of R�amaey ei.ng first duly svPOrn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read e fore�oing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own lrnowledga9 except as to those rnatters therein atated upon inf'ox�mation and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Signature of appl' ant Subaoribed and sworn to before me thi �f day � u� 19�9 ` -7— Notary ublic, Ramsey County, Bdinnesota My csc¢nmission expirea ���� - � � 19 � - . . . STATE �QF D�INNESOTA) COtJNTY f3F RAMSEY � $� being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavit in connection with applic3a�ion for " Sale" liquor license (" Q� Sale° malt beverage licenas� in the City of 3aint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resicient �f the St,tzte 4f �innesota and haa rasided therein for �� years, oz manths, and is now and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rsaident of aaid State and th�t he now res ides at 3a 3 .�i9s T CQ u �L./N[= � Addre a s (,t.It�JTE ,�Ei42 �.A�F , Minnesota, ��City or To�em. Subsaribed and s�orn to before me this � �' day of J �t 19� 1 Nutary blia, Ramaey County, Minneaota M,y Qomanission expirea���