244992 ' 244992 , . t � k OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C N UTION-GENERAL F M PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE R 0 ED� T t the o cil hereb appro es the award of the ntract C ittee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary to provide a burglar alarm system and monthly service for the PHALEN GOLF CLUBHOUSE and the HIGHLAND GOLF CLUBHOUSE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, to ELECTRO WATCHMAN,INC. at a contract price of $547.00, in accordance with City specifications therefor and the Informal Bid �k3624 of said Electro Watchman, inc., such bid being the low bidder, and Electro Watchman,Inc. being a reasonable and reliable bidder and :Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Informal Bid �3624 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council '''u�' 2 � ��6'1g—. Yeas Nays � �IUL 2 3 196� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �-� Tn Favor � Sprafku � �jn� Mayor Tedesco A gainst �'�����p�q'�� b.��� Pu[�.rs�� JUL 2 6 1969 //7��'�/(��tereon) � � , Harry E. Marshail w c�TY oF� Alberi� E. Oisoe ' City Clerk and y`��'� Council Recorder Commissioner of Regiatration o -� '�� a '''� M1° OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4���,� BUREAU OF RECORDS S86 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Jttly 22, 1g69 Hon. Yictor J. Tedesco Co�sr. oP �arks & Recreation & Public Buildinga B u i 1 d i n g Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. William Patton OR Mr. John L. Ricci The City Council tcday laid over t0 July 23rd the prapo�ed attached reeolution, pending an explanation by i�r. Ames oP its content�. It r�aa reqnested that yc�u contact Mr. Affiea to discuas the matter. Very truly youra, : �i�/L�/��y2�� City Clerk �� I�LS/ng � � �...-- '�� ���p('F �_��} �`�-� l � " July 22, 1969 Hvn. Vict,>x� J. Tedesco Comsr. of Parks & Recreation F� Public B B u i 1 d i n g Dear Sir: �lttention: Mr. Patton OR Mr. J�hn L. Ricci The City Council today laid o e to July xd the pr�posed attached resolution, perdir,� an explan�t on by Ames of its contents. It was requested that yo o�tact r. Ames to discuss the matter. � Very truly yours, 1 City Clerk MS/n� i j�� \'"' � `�