04-408Council File # D �1 _ � �� Green Sheet # 104082 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA /y Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the 2 proper City officers are hereby authorized and duected to pay to James Fee and Bonner & 3 Borhart, LLP the sum of $26,000.00 from Tort Liability Fund, Ac6viry 09070-051 l, in exchange 4 for a fixll, final and complete settlement and release of all claims to date which have or could 5 have been asserted in the Suuunons and Complaint served on the City Clerk on October 3, 2002. APPROVED: � Judge of Di urt 4" 2 C'� r--- �—: ` , ,� . d�' �� ..,, GREEN SHEET John Stechmann TOTAL S Of SIGNA7URE PAGES oa.a,.aew�,oR No� � ❑ anwtmwEr ' V � � arcaa¢ ❑ wawo��aau¢FSOrt. ❑ �t�ra �wvaeldew+aarwnl � 1 (C1JP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGAIATUR� Approval of settling lawsuit o£ James E`ee against John Zilliox, Timothy Verros and the City of St. Paul for $26,000.00. 6:1 PL4NNING COMMISSION C16 CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION . RSONAL SERViCE CON7RAC15 MUST /WSWER iHE FOLLOWIN6 QUES7ION5: H8511116 P�Ba�� BVBf Npl&M UlM2f H WII�IdCf fOf NI6 dEpHMiE11t7 YES NO Has Mie pewwJfrtm evef heen a aty empbyee7 YES NO Does fhis O��rm possess a s1611 rat �w'maI�YP��'� bY mry arten[ cily empbyee? YES NO Is Mis pe�eoMUm a targetetl vendoR VES NO ��.���.y�....p�� ..�,..r�....�..�... � �...-,....q .............�.o. -.. � 'laintiff James Fee brought suit on Oct. 3, 2002 alleging torts of assault, neqligent supervision and Whistleblower retaliation between 1998 & 2002. It was determined that the best interests of the City would be served by enteri a proposed settlement agreement which calls for the payment of $26,000.00 to Plaintiff'in fu11,`£inal and,complete settlement and release o£ all o£ his ciaims to date. This sum represents the majority of :Plaintif£'s attorney fe Resolution of litigation on terms acceptable to the City of St. .Paul. None. The City of St. Pau1 will face the uncertainty of trial, with the possibility of a worse result. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION t 2 6. 0 0 0. 0 0 Tort Liabilitv COST/REVQlUEBU06ETED(GRCLEONE) VES ACTIVITV NUMBER NO ra a �it)id�'��S �tw�€';tt;°' '-��`���`"i { " s '�' �s I { °