244986 • 244986 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF \ " � I � 1 . J�� ��^ � RES , T t uncil hereby approves the aetion of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed properties as shown by the official �inut�s of said Board of the meetir�gs of May 14, dune 11, and June 25, 1969, copies of which are attaehed h��eto and made a part hereof b� refezence: 489 Holly - (James Dreelan) 565 Holly - (L�.ther Snyder) 600 De Soto - (St. Paul Racquets Club) 654 Hall ( Herman Hetager) 1405 Payne - (�pal Morgan) 225 ATorth Smith Ave. - (Johnson I�alty Co.) 783 York Ave. - (George Musil) �'ORM � vEa � Asst. Corporation Cc�utf� � J.UL 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Ju� � 3 19�� �� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �In Favor � �� ��tl�' Mayor Sprafku � Tedesco A Sainst , ;�� �s PUBLISHEP JUL 2 b ���� „;c�ee. � s�,r. .:�::x"i: M�. Vdcs Pre�id�t (Peteraan) ,. , � � , . Meeting No. S � 244s86 MINUTES OF TFiE MEETING ST. PAUL �30ARD OF APPEALS Weclnesday, May 14 , 19b9 - 2 : 00 p.m. Library, �3ureau of Iiealth, 555 Cedar St. Members present : Lawrence Cohen, Chairman Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso Members absent : Andrews Allen Estyr Peake Charles Velin James Voigt Others present : Dr. Pau1 Cox Fienry Streich Thomas Anderson James Dreelan Esther Snyder James Nicholas for Esther Snyder John B. Burke Jr. for the St . Pau1 � Racquets Club Herman Hetager . Three Health Sanitarians It was agreed by the Board members present that they act as a committee to hear testimony on the appeals scheduled to �ie heard and make recommendations concerning said appeals to the full Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The appeal of James Dreelan concerning a third floor occupancy at 489 Holly was continued. The committee found that the dwelling at 489 Holly violated Chapter 54.15 paragraph 3 of the St. Paul Legislative Code which states : "No wood frame multiple dwelling shall be occupied above the second floor for living or sleeping purposes except where the original construction provided for such occupancy. " The Committee agreed to recommend to the full Board ot /lppeals that a waiver of the above Housing Code provision be granted under the following conditions : ' . Meeting No. 9 1 . That 489 Holly be brought up to all other Housing and Building Code standards within 90 days . 2 . I'hat upon the sale of 489 Holly the third floor be vacated and the dwelling be habitated on the first and second floors only, in fu11 compliance with th� Housing Code. The appeal of Esther Snyder for 565 Holly was con- tinued. The committee agreed to recommend to the full Appeals �oard to waive the provisions of Chapter 54 . 11 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, paragraph 1 which state: "Every dwelling unit shall contain within its walls a room, separate from the habitable rooms , which affords privacy and which is equipped with a water closet. " Chapter 54 .11 paragraph 2 which states : "Every dwelling unit shall contain a lavatory, which, when a water closet is required, shall be in the same room with said water closet. " and Chapter 54 .11 paragraph 3 which states : "Every dwelling unit shall contain a room which affords privacy to a person in said room and which is equipped with a bathtub or shower. " The waiver is to be granted on the following conditions ; 1 . That all other Housing and Building Code standards be met. 2 . Upon the sale of 565 Holly all provisions of the Housing and Building Codes be met including the provisions of the Housing Code which were waived for Mr. Dreelan. The appeal of Herman Hetager for 654 Hall was recon- venecl. T'he Chairman requested that Mr. Anderson arrange an n��pointment with Mr. Hetager in order that the Board members coulcl inspect the dwelling at 654 Hall and that the matter then bc continued at the next regular Board meeting. John B. Burke Jr. representing the St. Paul Racquets Club appealed Chapter 33 . 04C(1) of the St. Paul Legislative t;ocle which states : - 2 - ` ' Meeting No. 9 . No fence which uses barb wire may be built "in A, B or C Residential Districts". The committee agreed ta recommend to the full Board that it waive the above aforementioned portion of the Building Cocle on the condition that the St. P'aul Racquets Club obtain a Ccrtiricate of Insurance indemnifying the City of St . Paul as rt:c�uirecl, by state law, for other barbed wire fences where they are granted by the City Council. No one appeared to repre�ent the appeal of Lois Lemay £or 835 Clear Street . There being no further business , the meeting was acljourned. „'/ �.r``.c'�-w..e�.o `�L� Thomas W. Anderson Recording Secretary _ g _ �+ 6/11/69 � � � �� �� MINUTES OF THE MEETING � ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, June 11 , 1969 Library, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. Members present : Lawrence Cohen, Chairman Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Members absent : Andrews Allen Charles Velin Others present : Dr. Paul Cox Henry Streich Benjamin Thoreson Thomas Anderson John B. Burke Jr. for St. Paul Racquets Club Herman Hetager Sigurd Swanson for Opal Morgan Two Health Inspectors The minutes of the meeting of April 27 , 1969 were approved as read. The minutes of May 14 , 1969 were approved as amended. 489 Holly It was moved by Mrs . Peake that the full Board accept the recommendation of the committe� regarding 489 Holly as outlined in the Minutes of the Meeting, May 14 , 1969 . Ayes : Peake, Tieso, Som- merdorf, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried 4 to 0. 565 Holly Mr. Voigt moved that the full Boaxd accept the recommendation of the commititee regarding 565 Holly as outlined in the Minutes of the Meeting, May 14 , 1969 . Ayes : Peake, Tieso, Sommerdorf, Voigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried 4 to 0 . ` 6/11/69 600 lleSoto Mr. Tieso moved that the full Board accept the recommendation of the committee regarding 600 DeSoto as outlined in the Minutes of the Meeting, May 14 , 1969 . Ayes : Peake, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : Sommerdorf. Abstentions : none. Motion carried 3 to l . 654 Hall Chairman Cohen accepted as a motion the recommendation of Mr. Tieso that Mr. Hetager be allowed to bring the apartments at 654 Hall up to Housing Code standards one at a time ; that he be allowed sixty {60) days to bring the first floor apartments , Nos . 1 and 2 , up to Housing Code standards and that he be allowed sixty (60) more days after that time to bring the upstairs apart- ments up to Housing Code standards . The specific understanding is that no apartment be rented until it is declared as fit for human habitation by the Health llepartment, furthermore that the Healt}i Department personally issue anY "Notice of Condemnation" to Mr. Hetager rather than post them on the structure as is �ormally done. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried 5 to 0. Chairman Cohen requested Mr. Streich to send a copy of their most recent inspection report to the Building Department . 641 Ashland Chairman Cohen asked Mr. Anderson to request, by certified letter, that Mr. and Mrs . Riggs appear before the Board at the next regular meeting or else their appeal will be considered as having been withdrawn and the matter will be turned over to the Health Department. ' 1405 Payne Sigurd Swanson on behalf of Mrs . Morgan, presented the case for the basement apartment at 1405 Payne. It was found that the basement apartment violated Ch. 34 . 01 , Ch. 54. 07 and Ch, 54 . 13 (4) - no space in any cellar shall be used for sleeping purposes Mrs . Sommerdorf moved that continued occupancy of the basement apartment be allowed until transfer of ownership at which time the matter be reviewed. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommer- dorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried 5 to 0. � - 2 - ' � � G/11/G9 , 832 E. Lawson Mr. Carlson requested an extension of time to do certain repair work at 832 E. Lawson. Mr. Cohen moved that Mr. Carlson be granted 45 days to do such repairs and that the matter be continued by the Board as soon thereafter as possible. Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried 5 to 0 . There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 3 : 50 p.m. � T omas . An erson Recording Secretary Page 3 . • G� . � � `�� � � MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, June 25 , 1969 Library, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. Members present : Lawrence Cohen, Chairman Estyr Peake Norma 5ommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Members absent : Andrews Allen Charles Velin Others present : Dr. Cox Henry Streich Walter Reidl Sam Blue 5tanley Fishm�n John Connelly Richard Parranto Charles McCarty Mrs . Loretta Moss for Mrs . Busdicker Mr. Johnson of Johnson Realty John Daubney for Johnson Realty George Musil 641 Ashland As a certified letter was sent to Mr. and Mrs . Rig�;s on June 12 , 1969 requesting their presence at the next regular lioarcl meeting, as they acknowledged receipt of such letter, and as thcy did not appear before the Board the appeal was considerecl as having been withdrawn� and the matter was turned over to the Health llepartment. 837 York Avenue � Mrs . Loretta Moss appeared for Irma Busdicker. Mr. Tieso moved that an extension of the appeal for thirty (30) aays be granted in order that estimates of the cost to repair the defective wiring, to install a new hot water heater, to install a handrail on the front exterior step� , to install a handra:il from the first floor to the basement xnd to point up the chimney be obtained. Ayes : Cohen, Sommerdorf , Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : nonc Abstentions : none. Motion carried 5 to 0 . ` . v/ ....� .... 1964 Marshall Avenue Richard P�.rranto appealed to the Board to allow an ex- tention of time to continue occupancy of a third floor multiple dwelling at 1964 Marshall , until October, 1969 . Chairman Cohen moved that the matter be continued ovcr to the next regular Baard meeting and that the ten3nt of the thircl floor occupancy of 1964 Marshall be present at the meeting. Ayes : Cohen, Peake , Sommerdorf, Tiesc� , �Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentinns : none . Motion carried 5 to 0 . STANLEY FISHMAN Mr. Fishman presented a talk to the Board pointing out the hazards of using lead base paint on interiors of dwellings. where children may ingest such lead base paint chippings . Mr. Fishman requested that the City of St. Paul outlaw the use of lead base paint on interiors of dwellings . Chairman Cohen asked him to be present at the July 9 Board meeting and to arrange to have with him individuals who may give scientific evidence of his findings . 255 N. Smith Avenue Mr. Johnson and his attorney, John Daubney, appealecl to the Board from a letter of the Building Department of April 23 , 1J�� to the Johnson REalty Co. which stated that certain Buildin�; (:ode violations were existent and that no certificate o{ Occupancy could be issued until the items were in accordance with tl�c St . Paul Building Code. Chairman Cohen moved that the following items of the St . Paul Building Code be waived for 225 N. Smith Ave. 1 . Each apartment is required to have its own bathroom. 2 . Install mechanical ventilation in inside toilets . Chairman Cohen further moved that the following items be completecl at 255 N. Smith Avenue within 45 days from the date of council action and subsequent publication of such action in the "Legal Ledger. " 1 , Install two sprinklers in close proximity to the boiler instead of enclosing the boiler room with one-hour fire rating. 2 . Provide a rated door and self-closer at the basement level in the front interior stairway. 3 . It is recommended to enclose all non-rated openin�s - 2 - , c�/ ��/ o:.� • in the communicating co:rridors , that is , transom and interior windows with material to provide a one-hour fire rating. 4 . Install laundry outlet in conduit and eliminate all BX and non-metallic cable in the laundry area. S . Praperly fusE the building. 6. Install the appropriate number of electrical outlets in each raom. 7 . Eliminate a11 extension cord wiring from the lights to receptacles and install an improved type of wiring. Chairman Cohen further trioved that the matter of 225 N. Smith /lvenuc be }ieard in one year 's time. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sammerclorf, Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : none• Abstentions : none. Motion carried S to 0. 783 York Avenue Mr. George Musil appealed from an order issued by the Building Department on January 8 , 1969 . Mrs . Peake r�oved that a 6 month extension of time be granted to construct a temporary porch roof and to remove or replace the rusted gutter at 783 York. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried S to 0 . 1098 Wakefield The Board agreed to carry over until July 9 , 1969 thc appeal for 1098 Wakefield as requested by Gerald Okoneski. There being no further business the meeting was acljourneci at � : 20 p.m. 'Ilt� �......�•---- omas . n erson Recording Secretary _ 3 _