244984 OriQinal to City Clerk 1 � " ORDINANCE 244984 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO.�L____�3�� AN ORDII�TANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF LARRY E. „ WEBER AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Larry E. Weber, the sum of �275.00, in full settlement of his claim for damages sustained on December 20, 1968, as a result of an accident involving a City vehicle a� or nea.r 942 Scheffer Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corpora'tion Counsel, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordYance shall take effect and be in- . . _: force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. AUG 7 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii -Garlson--- '��� n Favor Meredith DCLCi,l7oiz-� �` Sprafka v � Against Tedesco �(�� � ���� �""'�.�E��`:;;�:.. .'�' ' .�PProve � A Mr. Vice i e r ity Cler a �� �'orm approved Corporation Counsel By ' 196� pUgLISMED AUG 9 Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 4���4 COUNCIL FILE NO � �<7 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO • --��`— '.;'�;� , :;.s1�NAi:J�;� � ;sr,f�}�,1t�Cr {�'I�i�; ���.:_<'4lf�i i3I�' l.�1�,;'t:;.�r .. . �.:: s r � r;r �s ;.�, ('t q�,T 'y�p-� r, 7�rr i r s .✓i. .. -�.+4r. .5i..::.�i ... {. .: LT�P�i ��.fi� .`�:^.T.:Y�. i��. 1J 7� ;:; (�';jl.l�TC.,�7 ,;i� �,TEY' �'� i'� t'4� ��.I.�1�' �'AU� D�}t;�.�'f '��,I31�I.liT: ^'ecti�n :� . �ha�t t�� �r����� i it� vf�zcers �.re hered�y a�.�t�ao��.�ed vv u�.;y c��at o�' ��,�e ��o:�t s:iabilit� I'�a�xc� E�0�5—��?I , ta �,�,rry �:',. e7�er, t�a< ��z�_a �f �J`�.�d�, i�a �u�tl s�ttler�v�t o� l��.� cl�,iyn �or e�ama;�� ���s��;�.3.8��Ex c�ri �;�c�;r�ber "C�, �.���, �s � re�'a3�t af ��a. �z.�ciilent aa�zvn�.v�:Zg .� C::.�� ; �T�n�c.�c, at or ne�,r 9 �u .�ch�f'�er t�� ci:.�.ar ' ' �.���. :��.aa��s�ta. � �- ,� 't 1�� �' �r' . r . � � ��.3.I�'� �'�i, �� p :��e�;;�or. G'. 'sh��t ��?a�. st�t;� sha��. �e p���.c� �;� the said �1.�i�aa�t �.a����� ��i:-, c�:ecutzorz �.Yic� d.e1_Every c�� �, r�].eau� :i� ful.l ta ;;��c C�i;�;, iz3 �. io�r�� d;u -�e aL��.;�cave� �;T �;i«: C�r�;Gr�tioa� Couns��., �car �,.�.� �.�,��,g�s i'ryJ�.��7'�iL.I_.1�4i.t }.n 4i�'�." F��.1'.�.1�.�r l�,l�/'1 G:9c:��.�a• `,_>ect��.on >. 'I'Y��.i� t��:�s vrd�ance shall ttaae e�'fect w��c� �.�c �_z1 �'f.`�'C(' ?:�'i?"""��' �' a�'c' c3!�;C;'1" :i_'iu �'st���`cL�'(',� c`i�}7�'U�r�.T �YJt� g"11�iJ.�.2.Cii,'i�,1.t�Ii. 9 �t����. ° ��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C ncii r.,,.,..,._ �� Mere�� In Favor Pet�xs�n 2"`� Against Sprafka Tedeaco. ,: 1�2r..:.Pr�side�nt (:Byrne),.�.':` n,,,.,.,.,,,,a. �,`.' � � � _ I st . � � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app ? _._Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �------, Dalglish .�13k---- Meredith � + °����Meredith Peterson ..Fe4enen—_ Sprafka �- �prafka Tedesco �i'edesco 'k � t/ Mr. President B ne r +�Ient B'rne Y�' �..�.�. Y �Mr. Vice Yreiident ����