244970 0121GINAL TO CLTY CLBRK �449`70 -.•� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. U CI RESOL O —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Catholic Youth Center, 150 North Smith Avenue, Saint Paul, Min.nesota 55102, is hereby authorized and permitted to use Smith Avenue between Fifth Street and Sixth Street from 11 :00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 27, 1969, for its summer carnival; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said St. Paul Catholic Youth Center for the use of said street upon and subject to the followin.g provisions, terms and conditions: l. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this resolution; 2. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Public Works � Department when the street is requested to be closed; all expenses incurred by the �� Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing ,� and removing of barricades, signs and other j1�� control devices, shall be paid for by the permittee; 3. That said permittee shall furnish a bond of �10,000,000.00 to the City of Sain.t Paul, conditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution and to indemnify and save the City harmless from FORN� APPR� any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages or expense �r ,a ' � that may acc�ue to person or property %� � occasioned by the use of said street; � 4. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and hold COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �`�. ' '' O � �� � � 244��0 -,. Page 2. harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees, from any and all damages, claims, losses , judgments, suits or expense arising out of or occasioned by the use of said street contemplated by this permission and authority; 5. That said permittee shall not proceed to use said street or be issued a permit unless and until said permittee shall pro- cure and furnish to said City public liability insurance covering itself and including the City of Saint Paul as co- insured against any liability on account of injury to person or property arising out of or resulting from the use of said street in an amount of �250, 000.00 for each individual who may suffer personal injury and �500,000.00 on account of personal injury resulting from any one accident and affecting more than one person, and in the amount of �200,000. 00 because of injury or damage to property on account of any one � accident, such insurance coverage to be evidenced by policies of insurance approved by the Corporation Counsel ; 6. That said permittee shall file its written acceptance of this resolution and of all the provisions, terms and conditions , � . . AR161NAL TO QITY^CLERK ' �y��j�O . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa " '�v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 3. of the same with the City Clerk and shall submit to the Corporation Counsel for his approval, the aforesaid bond and insurance coverages which shall thereafter be filed with the Comp- troller of the City of Saint Paul, not later than July 25, 1969, and in the event of its failure to do so, the permission and� authority hereby granted shall lapse. JUL 2 21969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JV�. 2 2 1969 Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith � ---- Tn Favor Sprafk� � �j�� Mayor A gainst �88e--,. Mr. President, Byrne PU�USHE� ,J�JL �� � �� �/ . , ♦a� To the City Courieil of the City of St. Paul: I hereby consent to all the terms and conditions of C. F, 244970, adopted July 22, 1969, and C. F. 245008, adopted July 24, 1969 (lstter resolution amending C. F. 24�+970 as to amount of bond), �����/ _ � ��;�� . � ������r,� av� �? �... '��� � � � � �� � � July 22, 1969 St. Paul Catholir. Youth Center, 150 PT. Smith �lve. , St. �ul, 1�sinn. Gentlemen: %l- Attached is a, resolution o e Saint ul City Council, C. F. 24�+970 wh�ch was adop��d today ntin� permissian ta use Sm.ith Avenue between ��'iftti ;�t. and t . from ].1:00 a, m. to 8:00 p.mon Sun�ay, J�uly 27, i F� for. � surcumer carnivaZ. We cal:l .your spec /�ttent � to i provisions re�ardin�; the filing of a bond in th ount spe ' i�d, insurance, �,nd a writt�n acceptance of th� rms of the solution, not la,ter than July 25, 1969. i'.--�? �'/� Very tr.LZl,y ,yours, � ( � � City C1erk h� ��._.__, ��•,_.___..- P. S. A bill for the east of publication will be sent to you after the resolution fs published in the St. Paul Le�al Ledger. Au�;tzst 5, 19E�� St. Pau1. Catholic Youth Center �----� 150 N. Smith Ave. �-----�~. S t. Paul, I�i nnesota \�� Gentlemen: In accordar�ce with Paragraph 1 the en sed resolution, C�uncil File T1�. 2�+�+g7o, adapted July 2 g69 e enclase a bill in the amount of $]_F�.20 to caver the cos ublication of the resolution. Will you kindly remit �t amo by k payable to the Cit,y �f Saint Paul t� the Co ssioner o inan , 113 City Hall? � Very tru�y your.;, ''�--� �- / � City C1.erk n� �____��