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Theuadereignedhereby propoeeethemaldngof thefollowingpubl�oimprovement by the City of aeint Psul,d:_� .
Construct pwb�i..c sto�. .�ewer in.,HATCH AVE.-Colne St. to Milton S1t.;...in .Cp1..NE ST.- ..
Hatch Ave. to Orc�ard Ave.; in ORCMARD AVE.-Coine St. to Avon St.; in BARRETT ST.-
Natch Awe. to 0rchard �1ve.; i n VI CTOR IA ST.-Orchard Are. to•6t�+o Ave.; i n JESSAMI�tiE
AVE.•6rotto St. to Victoria St.; and in aA easeaAent starting at tho intersection of
Co�o Ave. and Victoria St. and running in a Northwesterly direction to Lake Como
and there outletting. All to be known as the ORCHARD-6R4TT0 RELtEF 5Y5TEM, S-12�2.
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' WHE8EA8, A writtea propoesl for the making of the following improvement� vis.: ��
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'Construct �p�6�1ic��storm sewer tn HATCH AVE.-Coine St. to Miiton St.; in C�LME ST.-
_Hatch A�e.. ta Orchard Ave.; . in -0RCHARO AiFE.-Cclae St. •�to Avon St.; in--bARREiT S7.- �
Hatch Ave. to Orchard Ave.; in dICTORiA ST.-Orcha�d Ave. to Co�ao Ave.; in JESSAMINE
AVE.-6rotto St. to Victoria St,; and in an easeaaent starting at the intersection of
Cc�o Ave, a�d Victoria St. and running in a tbrtM�esterly, di�ection to Lake Como
and there outletting. All to be known as the ORCHARD-6R01lT� RELIEF SYSTEM, S-1242.
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R.ESOLYED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered aad direeted:
1. To inveetigate the neceeaity for, or desirability of,,the making of esid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated aoet of said impmvement, and the total eoet thereof.
8. To furnieh s plan, proSle or eketch of eaid improvement. •
4. To etste whether or aot esid improvemeat ie aeked for on 4,he petition of tl�ree�r more owners.
b. To report npon all of 4,he goregoing msttere to the (:ommiesloaer of F'insnoe.
Adopted by the ConnaL._............................................'�,U L.L.� �9��
Councilman .Carlson �U�' 2 2 1969
Del g l i s h Apprnved....................................................................
,��yG�� �� �
Meredith �
T�— .......�.....
:..�� ���_'��g� �1n�t Mayor.
�ppp 11�1. Vics Presid�it (P�terit3�� � ,
� Pue�isKE� JUL �� ��69