244942 ORIGINAL-- , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL 24��2 CITY CLERK � t � COUNCIL N� 3565 COUNCIL RCSOLIi`TIOhI FILE No.-- _ � FOR A ORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. __ DATF 19—_ • RESOLVED, that the Council hereby c�ncurs in the awa.rd of the Contract Committee� therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all la,bor, raaterials, tools and equipment required for the gra.ding, bituminous surfaGi.ng, constructing concrete curb and �utter, installation of drainage facilities, sewer service c�nnections and all other work necessary on NORTH PA�L DR'NE (Winthrop Street t� McKnight Road, 69-G-1710B) and WINTHROP STREEr (North Park Drive to Burns Avenue 6g-G-1866) to W.J. EBERT'L C0. for the contract price of $118,009.�5 (Plus Sewer- Valuation & Assessment Service $553•57, Engineering and Inspection �2,516.25. Grading - Valuation & Assessment Service $2,126.19, Il�gineering and Inspection $13,�+62.80.), in accordance with plans and specification� therefor hereto attached and Formal Bid #3655 of said W.J. Ebertz Co., such bid being the lowest and said W.J. Ebertz Co. being a reliable and rea�onable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on beha.lf of the City �f Saint Paul. Contract Price - Sewer 5-1369 $ 25,162.50 Formal Bia. #3655 City Force Work -�Va1 & Assess.Serv. $ 553•57 Engineering and Inspection 10� - $ 2,516.25 Tatal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 28,232.32 �'2� of amount to be assessed. 6�����oy CQNTRACT PRICE(Grading �-1866 & 171.oB) _ _ $ �L�V�V.95 • DEPT.CONT.NO _ _ * c G$S. SQI'V. : 2�1L6.19 ENGINEER�S ESTIMATE: FINANCE DEPT.CHARGES - - - - - - - - - $ � 1LO H�F�.7v ENGINEHRING I1�,.��' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S i3�y'VG.HO � INSPECTIONx�p ,- - - - - - - - - - - S FORMAL.��o No.3655 2� �f a�t,. t.� be assessed. Q TOTAL - ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' � 1�U,�+35.9� NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z �p�ppV.2p 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE : 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE S 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE ; . 5. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - S 6. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. 7. � TaT�.. - - - - - - - - - - - a ].36,668.26 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN THe ABOVfi STATED APPROPRIATION8 TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROLVEM7ENT�p REVOLVIN6 FUND � PUBLIC�WORKS IN THE�A�BOVE AMOUNTS. JOBC�III d• lri�- PURCHASING ��-`" ' ' ` CI Comp{�LZ�...!.. �.� DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTE� COMPTRO��r BY �y COUNCILMEN ��J J U L 181 ny � yEpg NpYS� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCi�- +�vv _ , Dalgis6 • ��rw�'w IN PAVOR Zkl iW. J U L 1 � � Tedesco 1�� Meredifh , nr+�ove Peferson 11OAINST R� Carlson Mr. Presiden#,� $�TI71@ � � Z_65 � pue�iSHEO J U L 2 G i969 MAYOR