244933 Oridnal to City Clerk ., ORDINANCE 244g�3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO / d� r An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, �' approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY O�' SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out of Section II, where they appear i.n Group F, the following lines: "Equipment Maintenance Foreman 4. 92" "Fireman-Mechanic Foreman 4. 92" "Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman 5. 27" "Mechanic Foreman--Municipal Garage 4. 92m "Mecha.nic Foreman--Water Department 4. 92" and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Equipment Maintenance Foreman 5. 07t' "Fireman-Mechanic Foreman 5. 07" "Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman 5. 57" t'Mechanic Foreman--Municipal Garage 5. 07" "Mechanic Foreman--Water Department 5. 07" . Section 2. This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. r f AUG 5 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Caxison � Meredith �� Tn Favor � � Against Tedesco AUG 51969 �Vice• w�cide y Appro . Attest: � ity C er � r �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel B ,. 7//,6y Puaus�+�P AUG 9 1969 Dnplicate to Prtnter ORDINAN�CE 2������ COUNCIL FILE NO.� �RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO `� , .�in r�r�.inance amen�i�g ��din.�.�:cea T�o. �S4��i, e�titled; "�1n administrai:ive o�c�in�.�.c� fix�ng the com- �ensatian :��tes af ce�tain city �o�itions and emplayxnent�, '' approved Jar�uary 23, i��5, as amend.�d. 'Z'�E CC?U�CIL OF T�IE CI7CY C3:��' ��'7" P�'C]'L �7t7ES C3RDATP�T: Section 1. That C?�diraa:nce ��1'0. 6446, approved J'ar��ary 23, 1925, as �.m�nd.��, be a�d t�e game is hereby fur'kh�r ar�a�r�d�d by strika�� Qt�t of ��ction II, whe.�e the�r appear in Grou� �°, the folla�ui.ng linee: �'Equip�n�nt I"J�a�a��tena�.c� F''oreman �. �3�" ��I'i�er��an-i��ec�anic i�����rsan �. 92�� r��irem�.n-lR�e�hanic Gene�al �'orem.ar� 5. �"�'� ':l��.ec�.anic �'orer�nan--I�fiunic�pal Ca�age 4. 9�'! "i�iechanic ��or�n�an--VVa$er D!�p�rt�^r,era� 4. ��2" �.nd by Sit�Jgt3.�t1.t7.1'� 1Y1 11@"i,� '��3L."7C'�0�, res�ectivel�r, th� follo�ri.n�; lines: "Equip�ent I�aintena�ce .�� oxex�rs.an 5. �7" �'Fi�em�n-�/techanic �Qres�an 5. �7'� "F�.reman-�Viechaa�ie G�ne�a.1 �"nr�man 5. 57" ��Mecha,nic �'arex�aan--�un�cipal Garage 5. 0?" "�echa�aie �"r�x+��.�a�.--Water Departxxient 5. �7" . 5ection 2. '�'h.is ordinan�e sh�.11 tak� effec� a�nd �e in f�rce an the first day Qf the fir�t �aagtrol�. pe�iad fallo�ri.�.g ff.�xxirty �.ays after its passa�e, �,�proval, a.n3 public�.tion. '��,�:; '� ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson t-�igiisl�- � In Favor Meredith �rg�— �% A gainst Sprafka Tedesco . , � '�� �� ��� ;�;�� 'I?"r�sident��{By�e) ;;; . , ��,.� . ' : �uly 17, 1969 - 2���� This ordinance ch�nges the hourly rates for the Fore�nen and General Fareman clasaifications im the. Auto Mecha�ic group. These rate changes are a res�xlt of inereasing �.e diff�rer�tials between Foreman aad Auto Mechanic and between General Foreman and � Auto Meehanic. TI�e di�ferentials for .Farerr�an and�General F��emaa , ' are be�ing i:ncreasecl from $. 35 and $. 70 to $. 50 and $1. 00 per hottr� respectively. The resulting i,ncrease in rates is �ot considered a wage adj�stment � � � and is therefore pre.sented in ordinance form rather than resolution farm. , Ist � I � V . 2nd� ✓�� — Laid over to 3rd and app. � —Adopted ��� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison �arison Dalglish �-BatgHsk—= Meredi+h 24��e�r3 'Meredi+h Peterson �Pe�rsvn--• Sprafka ��sprafka � } V Tedesco �edesco Mr. President Byrne A'�e�ler�� ;��:,.p...�; �Q A'Ir. ViCe President