244930 .
Orlatnal to City Clerk � � i '
- � " s � � � RDIN.ANCE '�
� � � �
� �
An ordinance creating a Department of
I'Iodel City Area Develapment -- Summit-
University Area, and providing for the
staffing of such De�artment. This is
an em�er�ency ordinance rendered neces-
sary for the preservation of the public
peace , health and safety.
Section l. Declaration of Policy. The Council of the City of
Saint Paul fir.ds it necessary and desir�.ble and in the best interests
of the City that a separate City department be established to carrv
out a program of model city area planning and implementation for the
Summit-University ljrea. Such department shall have as �riMar�� �ur-
pose the devel�pment cf. a comprenensive plan for elimination of
blight and for tne overall improvement of quality of life in the
model city area, Sucn departmer;t , subject to -ioint surervision and
direction of the CllA and the :�1PdPC -- Summit-University Area , sha11
be charged with the responsibility of coordinating all activi�ies
relating to devaloning and carryin� `orward the P�Iodel City Area
Pro�rarn to be cieveloped and implemented jointly by the CDF. and tne
MIZPC -- Summit-University Area . Sucn dEpartment shall also be char�ed
with tne duty �f coordinating all facets of the model citi.es nra�?ran
and shall work in close cooperatian ��itn federal . state and munici.na7.
uia�. v 1+.ai�.i �v v ci iu:�c�i��l�,ui u�ciat�ico ill�cl"GD lCl1 111 �t11�11 U1'V�t'c1J1tJ � 1h�1 lll
business , civic , labar an� neignborhood groups or bodies involved
and participatir.g in tiie development of such programs . The City Council
further finds and detern�ines tnat since such a Model Citv area
Development Frogram is a program of limited duration that it is
necessary and desirable and in the best interests o� such a �rogram
and the interests of the City tnat employees hired for the *�urpose
of carrying out tile functi�ns and respo;�sibilities of such nrogr. am
should not be considered re�ular Classified Service Civil Service
employees of the City of Saint Paul but , rather, should be hired
and employed in the Unclassified Exemnt Service of the Ci.ty, and
this City Council iiereby expressly exempts from the Classified
Service of the Saint Paul Civil Service all �ositions ir�: said denar. tment ,
subject to tne terms , provisions and conditions hereinafter set forth .
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Dalglish Tn Favor
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
/d/3n�b q
, , �,,, .
r� �
� � ' � � . �.
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� � '
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Section 2 . The Model City Area Program--Summit-University Area
shall be carried out under and pursuant to the provisions of Resolution
of the City Council , Council File No. 243860 , adopted by the City
Council May 14 , 1969 , published May 17 , 1969 , or under amendmeiits to
such Resolution as may be from time to time adopted by this City
Council , the aforesaid Resolution , Council File No. 243860 , being
incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if
set forth herein verbatim.
Section 3 . There is herby created a separate City department
hereby designated as the Model City Area Development Department--
Summit-University Area under the direction of a Director of Model
Cities Program--Summit-University Area, appointed by the Mayor with
the consent of the City Council , from a list of three (3 ) nominees or
candidates recommended to the Mayor by the MNPC--Summit-University
Area. The MNPC shall submit such list of recommended candidates for
the position of Director in the order of preference of the MNPC for
such candidates . If the CDA, does not accept the first nominee , the
MNPC and CDA shall meet and discuss that name . They , the MNPC and
CDA, shall then confer with respect to the other two names to see
whether a mutually acceptable candidate is available . If none of
the first three (3 ) candidates is mutually acceptable , three (3 )
new candidates will be recommended to the Mayor by the MNPC for the
position of Director. If the Director appointed shall prove to be
unsatisfactory to the MNPC and they shall , by a two-thirds vote of all
of the MNPC, at a regular meeting of the MNPC , vote in favor of
removal of such Director, the City Council hereby agrees that it will
+o_ ,,;r�+o �,,,,,, n;ro„+�r. n ;;�,.; Dircctcr �h�.11 be sel�ct�d °c�lcwi:.�
the same�proceduresVset out above . The Director shall coordinate all
programs with respect to the Model City Area, subject to policies
established by the CDA and the MNPC--Summit-University Area.
Section 4. In addition to the Director of the Model � Cities
Program--Summit-University Area , there is hereby created a position
of Deputy Director of Model Cities Program--Summit-University Area ,
which position shall be filled by a person �ppointed by the Mayor with
the consent of the City Council , from a list of three (3) nominees or
candidates recommended to the Mayor by the MNPC--Summit-University Area.
The MNPC shall submit such list of recommended candidates for the
position of Deputy Director in the order of preference of the MNPC for
such candidates . If the CDA, does not accept the first nominee , the
MNPC and CDA shall meet and discuss that name. They , the MNPC and CDA ,
shall then confer with respect to the other two names to see whether
a mutually acceptable candidate is available . If none of the first
three ( 3) candi.dates is mutually acceptable , three (3 ) new candidates
will be recommended to the Mayor, by the MN:'C , for the position of
Deputy Director. If the Deputy Director appointed shall prove to be
unsatisfactory to the Mr?PC and they shall , by a two-thirds vote of all
of the MNPC , at a regular meeting of the MNPC , vote in favor of removal
of such Deputy Director, the City Council hereby agrees that it will
terminate such Deputy Directora A new Deputy Director shall be
selected following the same procedures set out above.
s . `
OriQInal to City Gerk • � �
� .� } . � � OI� DIN' ANCE
, COUNCIL FILE NO. � _ ��� ;
_ t
Section 5 . The City Council shall , pursuant to its subsequent
resolution or resolutions , as it deems necessary, provide suitable
staff for the Model City Area Development nepartment -- Summit-
University Area. The City Council shall also, by such resolution or
resolutians , establish the classes of positions necessary to staff
said department and shall attach to said classes of positions
appropriate salaries , salary ranges or wage rates . The City Council
shall also , by resolution or resolutions , establish an appropriate
organizational chart for the staffing of such department. �
All resolutions pertaining to personnel shall normally originate
from recommendations made to the City Council by the MNPC. If a
personnel ch ange is proposed which emanates from the City Council,
such proposed resolution shall be suhmitted to the MNPC for review
and recommendation. All employees of the Model City Area Development
Department -- Summit-University Area shall be paid on City payrolls
in accordance with established City practices and procedures .
Section 6 . This o.rdinance shall be incorporated as a part of
the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul and shall be given
appropriate chapter and section numbers by the revisor of the Code
at the next revision of the Code.
Section 7. This is hereby declared to be an emergency ordin�-�ce
rPn�erPCl necessarv for the preservation of the public peace, healt:�
itric, �;.±-�`' '.Y -
� Section 8 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage , approval and publication.
NOV 6 1969
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil
Meredith . n Favor
� Peterson �1 - � A ainst
Sprafka g
Tedesco NOV 61969
Mr. resident (B rne Appr d:
ttes •
Ci erk Maqor `
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
��ist�� �dOV 7 19�9
f�C�ty Clerlc � �
� 244930
An ordinance creating a Department
of Model City Area Development, estab—
lishing the functions, duties and
responsibilities of such department,
pro ' ing therefor and authorizing the
st ff and personnel to carry out the
f ctions and responsibilities of such
p ogram.
Section . Declaration of Policy. The Council of the
City of Sain Paul finds it necessary and desirable and in
the best inte ests of the City that a separate City depart—
ment be establ ' shgd to carry out a program of model city
area plan.ning nd implementation. Such department shall
have as its pri ary purpose the development of a comprehensive
plan for elimin tion of blight and for the overall improvement
of quality of li e in the model city area. Such department,
subject to super ision and direction of the City Council and
the Model Neighbo hood Planning Committee, shall be charged
with the responsi ility of coordinating all activities
relating to develo ing and carrying forward the Model City
Area Program to be developed and implemented jointly by the
City Council and th Model Neighborhood Planning Committee.
Such department sha 1 also be charged with the duty of
coordin,ating all fa ets of the model cit3.es program and
shall work in close ooperation with Federal, state and '
municipal and other vernmental agencies interested in
such programs, with b siness, civic, labor and neighborhood
groups or bodies invol ed and participating in the
development of such pr grams.
Section 2. The Mod City Area Program shall be carried
out under and pursuant t the provisions of resolution of
the Council, C. F. No. 24 860, adopted by the Council May
14, 1969, published May 1 , 1969, or under amendments to
such resolution, as may be rom time to time adopted by
this Council , the aforesai resolution, C. F. No. 243860,
being incorporated herein b reference as fully and as
completely as if set forth h rein. verbatim. It is the
intent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the
Model Neighborhood Planning C �mittee and this Council
shall work in close cooperatio in carrying out the
purposes and intent of this or inance, and the Model City
Area Program and all matters re ating to the comprehensive
model cities area planning or p ogram shall be referred to
the Model Neighborhood Planning ommittee for its considera—
tion and recommendation at such 'me as the Council may
direct before final action is tak n by this Council.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pas ed by the Councii
Dalglish Tn Favor
Sprafka A gainst
Tedesco ` '
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk -- Mayo
�� Form approved Corporation Counsel B G /
7 ��/�y
;,,�' • :
"��� -
Page 2.
Sect�,,on 3. There is hereby created a separate City
department`�,,hereby designated as the Model City Area
Development` epartment under the direction of a Director
of Model Citi s Program, appointed by the Mayor with the
consent of the ouncil, to serve at their pleasure from
a list of three 3) nominees or candidates recommended
to the Mayor by t e Model Neighborhood Planning Committee.
The Director shall have general supervision over all
programs of the Ci with respect to the Model City Area
planning and develo ent , subject to policies established
by the Council and t e Model Neighborhood Planning
Section 4. In ad ition to the Director of Model Cities
Program, there is her by created a position of Deputy
Director of Model Citi s Program, which position shall be
filled by a person app inted by the Mayor with the consent
of the Council , to ser e at their pleasure from a list of
three (3) nominees or andidates recommended to the Mayor
by the Model Neighborh d Planning Committee.
Section 5. The Cou cil shall , by subsequent approp-
riate action, as it dee s necessary, provide suitable
staff and secretarial a sistants for the Model City Area
Development Department d shall also, by appropriate
subsequent action, provi e the necessary office space
and accommodations for t e department and the Model
Neighborhood Planning C mmittee to carry out the purposes
and intent of this ordin nce.
Section 6. In the ev nt of a conflict between the
provisions of the City Ch rter, the provisions of this
ordinance or the provisio s of resolution of the Council,
C. F. No. 243860, as adopt d or amended, the provisions
of the City Charter shall e controlling over the
provisions of this ordinan and the aforesaid resolution,
as amended; and the provisi ns of this ordinance shall be
construed as paramount to a d controlling over a conflicting
provision of resolution, C. . No. 243860, as adopted or
as amended.
O�i�l to'City Clerk , � '
. j;�'� � � ORDINANCE 24�
. 930
� Page 3.
Secti��on 7. This ordinance shall be incorporated as
a part o�' the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul
and shall` be given appropriate chapter and section
numbers b� the revisor of the Code at the next revision
of the Co e.
Sectio 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force th ty (30) days from and after its passage,
approval and ublication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun '�
Dalglish I In Favor
Peterson gainst
Tedesco �
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� �
' - - v �: :Ull`� .[� � �: � �
`� , � � � �� ;
_ �
. f
' ' ' . �. 1
An ordinance creating a Department of
1'lodel City tirea Dev�lapment -- Summit-
University Area , and providing for the
staffing of sucn Deoartr�ent. This is
an emergency ordinance rendered neces-
sary for the preservation of the public .
peace , health and safety . �
Sectian 1 . Declaration of Policy. The Courcil of the City of
Saint Paul fir�ds it necessary and desir�ble and in the best interests
of the City that a separate City department Le estab].ished to carrv .
out a progr�m of mcdel city area planninp and implementation for the
Summit-University lirea . Such department shall have as �riMary �ur-
pose the dc�velopment c� a comnrehensive plan �or elimination oF
blight and for the overall improvement of qualit�� of life in the
model city arez . Sucn departrne;:t , subject to -ioint surervision and
direction of the CllA and tne i°,I�dPC -- Sur�mit-Universit�� t�rea , sna11
be charged 4rith the responsibility of ccordinating all activi�ies
relatin� to developing and carryin� torward the Model City l',rea
Pro�ram to be develo�ed and implemented jointly by the CDF. anc? tne
M1�PC -- Summit-University Ar�a . Suci� department shall also be cnar. s�ed
with the duty �f coordinatin� all facets of the model cities nro�ram
and shail work in ciose cooaeraticn ��ith federal . state and r���ni.ci�a7_
...�.1, �
�.aia�,. v u��.i �v�v c:�i 1a+.�c.�� �c.�1 u.�c���...t.ca il�i Lcl"G� lCU 1ll SUl;tl U1'V}�'_t'c2J1lJ . 1ti�1. UI
business , civic , laba .r an� nei�hborhooc �roups or bo�'ies involved
and participatir:g in tiie development of such �rograms , Tne City Council
further finds and determ�ines tnat since such a r�lodel Cit•�� area
Development Frogram is a prot�ram o� limite� duration that it is
necessary and desirable and in the best interes-ts o� sucl. a �rcgram
and the interests of �he City tnat er,t*�loyees hired for the *�urr,ose
of carryir,� out t'tie functior.s and r�:sncnsibilities of such nro��am
should not ;�e consiciered re�ular Classified Service Livil Service
employees of tne City of Saint Paul Lut , rather, should be hired
and employed in the L'nclassified L-'xempt Service o� the Ci.t�y� , and
� this City Council hereby expi�essly �};empts from the Classified
Service of the Saint Faul Civil Service all nositions ir�. �aid denar. tment ,
subject to tne terms , provisions and conditions hereinafter set forth .
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Meredith Tn Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
� .,/����b /.
Form approved Corporation Counsel By�� ��� _
i,_ /�v/b �
� ,
- -_.
� .�.
- • . �,
� � .
" • .,� �
- ��" � �
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. _ . _ _ _ _ __ ��.. l
. 2
� Section 2 . The Model City Area Program--Summit-University Area
shall be carried out under and pursuant to the provisions of Resolution
of the City Council , Council File No. 243860 , adopted by the City
Council May 14 , 1969 , published May 17 , 1969 , or under amendmeilts to
such Resolution as may be from time to time adopted by this City
Council , the aforesaid Resolution , Council File No. 243860 , being
incarporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if
set forth herein verbatim. .
Section 3 . There is herby created a separate City department
hereby designated as the Model City Area Development Department--
Summit-University Area under the direction of a Director of Model
Cities Program--Summit-University Area, appointed by the Mayor with
the consent of the City Council , from a list of three (3 ) nominees or
candidates recommended to the Mayor by the riNPC--Summit-University
Area. The MNPC shall submit such list of recommended candidates for
the position of Director in the order of preference of the MNPC for
such candidates . If the CDA, does not accept the first nominee , the
MNPC and CDA sha11 meet and discuss that name . They , the NNPC and
CDA, shal]. then confer with respect to the other two names to see
whether a mutually acceptable. candidate is available . If none of
the first three (3 ) candidates is mutually acceptable , three (3)
new candidates will be recommended to the Mayor by the P�INPC for the
position of Director. If the Director appointed sha11 prove to be
unsatisfactory to the MNPC and they shall , by a two-thirds vote of all
of the MNPC , at a regular meeting of the r1PdPC , vote in favor of
removal of such Director, the City Council hereby agrees that it will
to,.,,;:,�±o �,��� n�`,ov
±�y, e �y... ., +
- Dir..c�cr �hall be s�1e�tAd �--� � -.-----
±l�y :�ciiitc N:'VI:CUUPGS SE'C f�1.1t ?}' ,��o T •.v.:.r-vw.L�a�
�hc Directar shall coordinate all
programs with respect to the Model City Area , subject to policies
established by the CDA and the MNPC--Summifi-University Area.
Section 4. In addition to the Director of the Model� Cities
Program--Summit-University Area , there is hereby created a position
of Deputy Director of Model Cities Program--Summit-University Area ,
which position shall be filled by a person appointed by the r4ayor with
the consent of the City Council , from a list of three ( 3 ) nominees or
candidates recommended to the ?�ayor by the T�iNPC--Summit-University Area.
� The M1JPC shall submit such list of recommended candidates for the
position of Deputy Director in the order of preference of the MNPC for
such candidates . If the CDA, does not accept the first nominee , the
MNPC and CDA shall meet and discuss that name . They , the MNPC and CDA ,
shall then confer with respect to the other two names to see whether
a mutually acceptable candidate is available . If none of the first
� three (3) candidates is mutually acceptable , three (3 ) new candidates
will be recommended to the Mayo�^, b;� the MN:'C , for the position of
Deputy Director. If the Deputy Director appointed shall prove to be
unsatisfactory to the Mr?PC and they shal]. , by a two-thirds vote of all
of the MNPC , at a regular meeting of the MNPC , vote in favor bf removal
of such Deputy Director, the City Council hereby agrees that it will
terminate such Deputy Director. A new Deputy Director shall be
selected following the same procedures set out above .
_ � �°/=n/by
� - -
. ��I�,�l� P�e��Sx�D �dOV '� 1969
� �
i .
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• � ' - ,,:. i� a1v 1`�, ,� � � ��� ,
- � `/� ' �
� COUNCIL FILE NO �-� - / � �� � `" �
� � / �� ��i ��
, 3
Section 5 . The City Council shall , pursuant to its subsequent
resolution or resolutions , as it deems necessary, provide suitable
staff for the Model City Area Development nepartment -- Summit-
• University Area. The City Council shall also, by such resolution ar
resolutions , establish the classes of positions necessary to staff
said department and shall attach to said classes of positionsCouncil
appropriate salaries , salary ranges or wage rates . The City
shall also , by resolution or resolutions , establish an appropriate
organizational chart for the staffing of such department.
All resolu�ions pertaining to personnel shall normally originate
from recommendations made to the City Council by the t,NPC. If a
personnel change is proposed which emanates .from tlie City Council,
such proposed resolut�.on shall be subrnitted to the I°1NPC for review
and recommendation . All employees of the �odel City Area DevelopT+Anl.
Department -- Summit-University Area shall be paid on City p�y�o��-s
in accordance with established City practices and procedures .
Section 6 . This ordinance sh all be incorporated as a part of
the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul and shall be given
appro�riate chapter and section numbers by the revisor of the Code
at the next revision of the Code.
Section 7 . This is hereby declared to be an emergency or�'ir.�nce
rPn�ierPCl necessarv for the preserva�tion of the p�ublic peace, healt:�
dn ri ti:+..i� �_y .
Section �. This ordinance sh all take effect and be in force
� t__.. .� -.r--�--,r �+� „a�G�a� . annroval and publication.
lt•v7i w,u .,.� �•..� - r -- - " , •
t�ov 619s�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil
Dalglish Tn Favor
,/� Meredith •
I Peterson �� � t� A gainst
1 sprafka (�pv 61969
Mr. President�rn�� Appr d:
ttes •
<�- , .
-- _ _�,i, /1
Cit erk � Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
_ t�I��/ �e�isx�o �t3`i 7 1969
b� �
, � ,
,Tu1y 25, 1�9
Hon. Thomas R. I3YY'n�', ,— __.�
�ayor - City of Saint Paul.
Dear Sir: '
pursuant to a request of Re . os�ph �i �.te, Council ono�
t�y Commissioner Tedesca pa.ssed unani s1,y by �'l�?� Clty
July 25, 1969 at the time of the Seco (� �a�"��.ea De elopment�hasn
Ordinance creating a DepartmeMt of Mode�� ,�
been laid over inde�'inite3.y. requ .s ed by Reverend Pi late
s�il the Model Nei�h-
that the matter not reeeive satincil. ��� le al
borhoods Planning Committe as a cha to b�advf.sed by �
counsel on the contents o he Ordinan e
Very tru7 y your s,
/��-� -
City Clerk
\ ��,�
� �$ . ` � � °���
1 st '� 2nd �
Laid over to
3rd and a p �dopted ff �6 �b �
Yeas �����'�'� Nays Yees Na s
Carison -�Carlson
Dalglish \palgiish
Meredith �`#���� ��tleredith
Peferson � �'Peterson
Sprafka �$prafka �
Tedesco '��aTedesco
Mr. President Byrne �Mr. President Byrne