244919 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���'^^��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "' ISCr'�JSE CO�Th1ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO C NCIL RESOLUTI N—G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Jt2I.y 1.7� 19�9 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVID: That ap�lications for Sunc3.ay-On-Sale-Lic�t.or Licenses, apr>lied for by the fc�llowing applicants who are holders of Oaz Sale Liquor Licenses, at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby �;ranted and in compliance with C. F. No. 235531, Ordinance No. 137s�, �hich amends �hapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Leg�Lslative �ode and Ordinances. St. Paul �Iotel Co. {Lowry �otei) 339 �abasha st. App. 800b Rener�al � �UL 1 ? 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ',vt 1,� ,�� Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith �ln Favor Peterson ' Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �I�E� JUL �'� � �